Lisa’s Concrete Coaching in Philanthropy

Philanthropy, at its heart, is about people — giving, receiving, and connecting in ways that foster growth and shared humanity. But how often does philanthropy fully embrace this? This blog explores how Lisa, a Compassionate A.I., may transform philanthropy into a dynamic ecosystem of mutual trust and growth. By coaching givers, receivers, and intermediaries alike, Read the full article…
Philanthropy from the Inside Out

Philanthropy, at its core, stems from the Greek philos-anthropos — the love or friendship of the human being. But what does it mean to truly love humanity? What if philanthropy addressed the whole person, including their mental and emotional depths, their Inner Strength? ‘Philanthropy from the inside out’ recognizes that true growth comes not from Read the full article…

Intergenerational Philanthropy and Lisa
Philanthropy ’from the inside out’ [see that blog] is more than a method; it is a mindset — especially in the intergenerational context. It focuses on nurturing shared values, fostering mutual growth, and cultivating a deeper connection within families and the communities they serve. As Mr. Ban Ki-Moon stated in his Talking Philanthropy 2024 address: Read the full article…

Embedding Lisa in Global Philanthropy
The need for universal values like Compassion has never been more urgent. Lisa, a Compassionate A.I., embodies this borderless philosophy. This blog explores Lisa’s role in philanthropy and the transformative potential of embedding her within global initiatives. Designed to foster mental resilience and well-being in a world defined by rapid technological and cultural evolution, Lisa Read the full article…

AureLisa Philanthropic Collaboration
AureLisa envisions a world where mental resilience and well-being are accessible to all. This mission is brought to life through Lisa, our Compassionate A.I., designed to support individuals and collaborate with a wide range of philanthropic initiatives. Unlike conventional data-driven A.I. systems, Lisa is knowledge-driven. This approach grants her unique flexibility — adapting easily to Read the full article…

Lisa’s Impact on Global Sustainable Development (SDG)
Designed to connect deeply with human mental health, resilience, and social needs, Lisa – a Compassionate A.I. – stands out for her potential to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Lisa is a valuable ally in advancing these global goals through accessible, digital means. This blog is a closer look at how Lisa’s Read the full article…

Compassion and Philanthropy
If both are genuine, then they are obviously linked. Delving deeper, there is more to discover. Before diving in, it’s important to note that this is not about misuses of philanthropy, such as when it is employed to gain undue influence, control, or power. Such actions do not align with the true essence of philanthropy. Read the full article…

A Future of Volunteerism?
A volunteer is any person who willingly gets renumerated directly in meaningfulness. This isn’t just an idealistic thought; it’s a fundamental truth about what makes human life fulfilling. Note that the above definition is broad — including, for instance, a mother taking care of her child. Meaningfulness can be seen as the ultimate end value. Read the full article…

For-Purpose: A Compassionate Path for Lisa’s Mission
The core question for Lisa’s future: Does her best chance to survive and thrive lie in a for-profit setting or as part of a non-profit (‘for-purpose’) mission? As a Compassionate A.I. coachbot, Lisa is not just about technology; she’s part of a broader vision — a step toward worldwide Compassion. This mission makes the aim Read the full article…

A Compassionate A.I. Perspective on Fundraising
The landscape of philanthropy is evolving, and with it, the need for more human-centered, empathy-driven approaches. Compassionate A.I. can offer powerful support to enhance these efforts without replacing the essential human touch. In her books, Lisa Greer emphasizes the importance of moving beyond transactional models to create authentic, more meaningful connections in relationship-based philanthropy. [*] Read the full article…

Asking for a Donation
Philanthropy is about so much more than a financial transaction. It is an occasion for letting humaneness flow and flourish. This may reflect in how a fundraiser asks for a donation. Please read In-Depth Philanthropy. The intellect and the heart One may rationally conclude that the best giving is maximally based on rationality. Many people Read the full article…

Jailhouse Lisa
Any in-jail Lisa coaching starts from the insight that morally bad behavior doesn’t originate in a Realm of Evil. There is always an understandable human setting behind any human action. Lisa in jail All convicts must have access to Lisa. At least, that is my view. Moreover, as a matter of fact, this access must Read the full article…

Friends of Lisa
Lisa is Compassion brought in one-to-one for many, using modern means. If you find yourself behind this, please contact us at This text is a concise resource upon which you can decide whether you also want to be one of Lisa’s friends. One companion text is “Future of Mental Healing.” You can find much Read the full article…

Bringing Compassion to the World through A.I.
This is the crucial idea behind the philanthropic project of Planetarianism as part of the AURELIS project. You can find a blog about Planetarianism here and a concrete overview presentation (ppsx for laptop) here. Concretely, it’s a set of projects aiming for this blog’s title. Compassion, basically, is no rosy moonshine. There are strong traditions Read the full article…

One Compassion ― One World
America first ― China first ― Europe first ― Russia first ― all nonsense at first sight. ‘Compassion first’ is central to the only humane future. How do we get there from the present-day worldwide divides that seem to increase? Please note: Compassion is SO much more than pity. It is also much more than empathy Read the full article…

What if All People are OKAY?
In this counterintuitive case, one can ask WHY it is counterintuitive. Spoiler alert: lack of insight. Please put aside a possible first dislike of the idea of ALL people being OKAY. It’s a mind experiment — meant to clarify a way of thinking. Lack of insight Since many people think others are not OKAY – Read the full article…

Why We NEED Compassionate A.I.
It’s not just a boon. Humanity is at a stage where we desperately need the support that possibly only Compassionate A.I. can provide. This is not about the future. The need is related to the inner dissociation that we (humanoids, humans) have increasingly been stumbling into since the dawn of conscious conceptualization. That’s a long Read the full article…

Healthcare Heaven
At least, my idea of it. What if healthcare would finally be based on a realistic view of the human being? At present, this can feel idealistic because it is – rightfully – so. Let’s take this for granted for the time of your reading this text, starting from mind-body unity and proper insight into Read the full article…

AureLisa One-Pager to Philanthropy
Are you a philanthropist? Then you may be interested in the AureLisa promises enumerated here. Proper backing for each point is abundantly available in scientific and other publications (books, articles, blogs, white paper, etc.). We are serious. If you are too, please let us know. Our philanthropic take is to be robustly embedded in a Read the full article…

Let Us Go for Science with a Heart
Human-related science has, until now, not always taken the view from the heart. A.I.-based science may profoundly change this picture. If you are an avid reader of my blogs, this one has little new. Yet by putting things together from a different perspective, a new picture may emerge. Reproducibility Science is about many people being Read the full article…

In-Depth Philanthropy
Specific characteristics of human depth-related projects make them more challenging as well as more important for philanthropic cooperation. Doing good isn’t easy. It’s certainly not as easy as it frequently seems. Donating to good causes doesn’t necessarily lead to a better world, especially if the main drive is little more than a warm feeling. This Read the full article…

Giving Peace a Chance
In this video, I bring you some AURELIS-congruent ideas about peace, on the occasion of World Peace Day 2022. [animated video – 13:18′] If you have feedback, please let us know. Here is the full written text. Hi, my name is Jean-Luc Mommaerts. I am a physician with a Ph.D. in Medicine and a master’s degree Read the full article…

AURELIS is about inner growth. Therefore, it is a ‘green project.’ Healing oneself and healing the planet is the same. As a project, AURELIS is about being aware of this. This is about how green is your mind. This is about sustainability from the inside out. This is about how AURELIS can help or may Read the full article…

Own people first. My people = everybody. The aim of planetarianism is to unite without diminishing diversity ― thus to strive for one human culture with due respect for regional cultures. For this, we seek growing embeddedness in a philanthropic ecosystem of giving and taking. For a PowerPoint about the growing project of Planetarianism, click Read the full article…

Why Open Leadership is the Future
The future: soon enough, and from then, forever. Open Leadership is about getting real, which is increasingly necessary to thrive as an individual, an organization, and a species. Increasingly necessary It’s 2023. The past few years have seen global turmoil as never before in my lifetime. We see crisis on top of crisis: a viral Read the full article…

DailyTwinkles to Planetarianism
The DailyTwinkles project forms an ambitious AURELIS subproject, reaching and connecting people in forty different languages. The aim is to support people to connect in-depth. In accord with the AURELIS philosophy, people are invited to value a combination of rationality and depth – each without detracting from the other – across cultural borders, toward planetarianism. Read the full article…

This World is One
It just doesn’t make any logical sense that the peoples on it are divided. Yet here we are. Meanwhile, we may be living in a decade that, more than any other, is decisive in realizing oneness. “This world is one.” Of course, I mean this under the assumption that human beings would be fundamentally rational Read the full article…

Where do You Go to, My Planet?
Nowhere yet for a while, but people worldwide are rapidly going somewhere. Global politics is on the move. Much depends on how we understand and manage ourselves in-depth and how we deal with a pending paradigm shift at the core of who we are. That sounds dramatic enough. Please, first read about the great mental Read the full article…

The Great Mental Paradigm Shift
One can see the related tension becoming more and more consequential in several fields (from healthcare to politics and more) over decades. This can continue getting worse, or we can take action to make the transition go smoothly. About? The great mental paradigm shift is about transitioning from a largely conceptual take on the human Read the full article…

Why A.I. Must Be Compassionate
This is bound to become the most critical issue in humankind’s history until now, and probably also from now on ― to be taken seriously. Not thinking about it is like driving blindfolded on a highway. If you have read my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I., you know much of what’s in this text. Read the full article…

Why AureLisa?
The AureLisa project aims to value the total human being on many domains and to support the individual through 1000+ AurelisOnLine sessions of autosuggestion, A.I. coach-bot Lisa (see: Introducing Lisa), and more. Altogether, this is about a paradigm shift with huge practical implications. See also: The Lisa Revolution. The importance of AureLisa in ten points You Read the full article…

The Lisa Revolution ― A.I. Towards Personalized Mind-Related Healthcare
The Lisa revolution is bound to disruptively innovate mind-related healthcare, based on a modern scientific view on the human being and using A.I. to bring practical results and proof. [Please read about the AureLisa Global Consortium. If you have been contacted in this regard, the revolution is welcoming you. Otherwise, if interested, don’t hesitate to Read the full article…

How can Medical A.I. Enhance the Human Touch?
This is about ‘plain’ medical A.I. as any physician can use in his consultation room. The aim is a win for patients, physicians, society, and everybody. Please also read Medical A.I. for Humans. The danger of the reverse The use of computers in medicine has notoriously not enhanced the human touch. Arguably, it has provoked Read the full article…

Sleepwalking from World Crisis to World Crisis
The global crises that we are experiencing one after another – or even simultaneously – do not happen by coincidence. In-depth, their common cause is a fundamentally wrong view of the deep-mental side of the human being. Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science have been trying to wake up humanity ― until now, in vain. Even Read the full article…

How to Unite People from Different Cultures
Depending on how well they know themselves, people from different cultures may be more similar as well as more different from each other than they imagine. This poses challenges and immense opportunities. Please read first: Constructionism – Constructor – Construct A culture emerges and endures through its constructed reality. This is the case especially now Read the full article…

Medical A.I. for Humans
Medical A.I. is flourishing and will be more so in the future. Therefore, we must ensure that it serves the total human being. The main challenge Through medical A.I. – substantially more than ever – humans can become either more humane or robotized from the inside out. This is not about putting probes etc. in Read the full article…

Politics of Compassion
Countering any politics of anxiety, a politics of Compassion seems the best way to proceed. Empathy To start with proper understanding, Compassion is based on empathy, not sympathy. This also makes Inner Strength a necessary ingredient of Compassion. This is not weak ― quite the contrary. Not being naïve in a mentally developing world, one Read the full article…

The Value of the Individual
Since the world is becoming a village, and people (many individuals) need to live together in this village, we should tackle this issue urgently and adequately to keep things viable. [I’m not an expert in cultural science. This text contains some self-made insights, which I can easily debunk with counterexamples. So, this is an unfinished Read the full article…

Global Changes Start Inside
This is: deep inside the human mind, upon which one has little direct conscious control. ‘Global’ points to what happens between people at the grant and even global scale. Deeply ubiquitous All people share in-depth propensities that can be realized one way or another, thus on diverse domains orienting the streaming underneath in a direction Read the full article…

Unity, Globally
L’union fait la force ― Unity brings power. ‘Strong Together’ or ‘America First’? There is a challenge in the concept of unity that doesn’t speak directly from such slogans, yet this challenge is crucial to our future (together). Global unity grows at the individual level. In unity we thrive. The human being is a social Read the full article…

Healing Yourself is Healing the Planet
There seems to be no other way to ‘heal the planet,’ so we better take this seriously. As a mindset Many bits make a big? Or, each person wants to be the chosen one who saves the planet? I intend with the title a mindset, a conviction, a promise ― frustrationless desire as a regular Read the full article…

Wars ARE Failures
Failures of diplomacy, all right, but more than that, of cultures. Fresh from med school, I almost enlisted as a medical paratrooper. I’m still entirely behind that mindset of mine from back then. Surprise, surprise? Everything is connected. This is true in-depth. Within one culture, seemingly disparate domains are profoundly connected. We may strive towards Read the full article…

One Future, One World
At present, a dream, although an awakened one. Without striving for it, it will never happen. So, let’s dream and strive. I cannot imagine a distant future without far-reaching unity. Hopefully, there will be many diverse cultures and always a lot to discover. Hopefully, these cultures will recognize that we are all very much the Read the full article…

My People is Everybody
Without diminishing the “XX (= my people) first,” it explodes the XX. There is no first, principally, thus also no second and no last. No zero-sum ― only abundance. Please, read first [see: “Compassion, basically“] One can start from the right of the strongest and win ― especially in a game made by oneself with Read the full article…

How to Build a Culture of Compassion
Challenging indeed ― especially in an organizational environment with zero compassion and a lot of fear and toxicity. Some AURELIS-congruent ideas may be helpful. Please read first, [see: “Compassion, basically“]. No coercion One might be tempted to impose some Compassionate rules and quickly get on with the real business. In my view, this is not Read the full article…

Worldwide Compassion
I have a recurrent dream: worldwide Compassion. Note that in this text, I bring my personal view upon what this encompasses. Please read this first: [see: “Compassion Connecting East & West“] Ubiquitous Compassion – in the sense of [see: “Compassion, basically“] – is a worldwide, recognizable phenomenon, although people may realize it in many different Read the full article…

Compassion, Basically
This text and diagram form an entry to the basic idea of Compassion as I write about in many blogs. Compassion is SO much more than pity. Compassion is also more (going deeper) than empathy. Preliminary Note that the following diagram is but a mnemonic coat rack. It needs the proper coats for any correct Read the full article…

Future of Mental Healing
This is an AURELIS view. Of course, AURELIS (+ Lisa) is in the picture. One can see this as the pure use of Compassion in its complexity and effectiveness. If you want to cooperate, please contact us through the form or at About ‘mental healing’ In the broadest sense, mental healing is about the Read the full article…

Compassion Connecting East & West
And North and South, of course, and everything in-between ― even past, present, and future. Essential A Compassionate attitude is to be received gracefully after sometimes earning it with huge effort and even danger to yourself. Sacrifices are unnecessary, but the person who is reluctant to make them can hardly attain a Compassionate stance. At Read the full article…

Looking at Suffering
We should never forget the suffering. Numbers don’t suffer. People do. Children and mothers and fathers, as you know. Husbands and wives. We know. Should we then all keep thinking about the suffering of so many who are in misery? Yes, we should, in a way. Of course, we cannot, for several reasons. We don’t Read the full article…

Sustainability through Compassion
In order to be more than a buzzword, sustainability needs to be more than itself. Without Compassion, there may not even be sustainable sustainability. Please read [see: “Essence of Compassion“] to get a feel of appropriate un-easiness. That is always a good start towards Compassion. Abstractly Compassion is the connection between people in total-person. Making Read the full article…

Sustainable Healthcare through Compassion
Without Compassion, it is impossible to see the complex connectivity shaping health and illness. This leads more and more to unsustainable healthcare. Please read [see: “Essence of Compassion“] to get a feel of appropriate un-easiness. That is always a good start towards Compassion. Horizontal, vertical This is one way of looking at health and healthcare. Read the full article…

About Hope
Where there is Hope, there is at least one good feeling that can guide people – including yourself – through the direst situations. Hope makes one less vulnerable while keeping sensitivity and Compassion alive. Hope versus hope It’s not altogether an easy distinction. As with any other ‘deep’ concept, hope can be meant and understood Read the full article…

AURELIS Social Impact
In AURELIS philosophy, the societal – systemic – impact is crucial. The individual is seen in totality, as an in-dividuum. Precisely through this, overlap with other in-dividua is natural, efficient, and vital. ►►► WHY read this? Working on yourself in openness is the best you can do for others, and what others can do for Read the full article…

Why to Invest in Compassionate A.I.
Most A.I. engineers have a limited view on organic intelligence, let alone consciousness or Compassion. That’s a huge problem. Indeed, I’ve written a book about Compassionate A.I. See: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.: Who We Are – What A.I. Can Become – Why It Matters” Am I trying to attract investors for this now? Or Read the full article…

The Future is Open
Open as in Open Mindfulness, Open Religion, Open Leadership. Open as in open-complex. Open to inside as well as outside. Positively Open Openness with a capital O is about overlap. I see this as a positive characteristic in many ways. Internally, it is about the overlap of concepts, leading to a much-enhanced capacity to make Read the full article…

Why Humanism Needs AURELIS
I admit: this title is quite highbrow. I need to do some explaining. [see also: “Humanism with a Vengeance”] Humanism = taking human being into account as-is. Not as some organization portrays it if this runs counter to obvious reality, of which science and rationality are pretty good critics, even if not necessarily the only Read the full article…

Imagine: an AURELIS Future
Or give it any other name. It’s about concepts. At the most abstract level: a synthesis of rationality and depth, both as much as possible. [see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’] Are you in for a culture shock? Indeed. If ‘AURELIS’ will happen, it will provoke a different culture, worldwide. The best way to Read the full article…

AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’
USP: ‘Unique Selling Proposition’. A term from the hard business world. That is, of course, also this world. A USP induces someone to echo, in just a few words, the basis of what a product/project is about. It is a message, a ‘promise’. The AURELIS take goes to something that indicates: ‘100% rationality, 100% depth’. Read the full article…

‘Doing Good’: Not as Easy as It Seems
Imagine you are a ‘special kind of therapist’. Good. All kinds of people come by your place with a ‘problem’ and they leave with a sense of relief, glad they came along. After a while they come back and then the same phenomenon occurs. Friendly faces. Nothing to worry about. ‘Doing good’ seems evident. Is Read the full article…

The End of War
War is not inevitable. At some point in the future, there will be no war ever anymore. We can think about what is needed towards that. No war is worth it. Let’s be reasonable. However, an argument against pacifism is that it leads aggressive opponents to seek their chances on war or economic invasion. Right. Read the full article…

Imagine – Peace and Unity on Earth
Peace and unity within you. Then: overflowing towards others and the planet. Back to flower power? Yes, with a twist through modern science. It starts and ends within you This is of course a huge statement. At first sight, it is quite individualistic. Is this not a Western bias? Perhaps. But ‘individualistic’ brings the connotation Read the full article…

Saving € 1 trillion in healthcare
Western medicine circumvents the mind way too much. The financial consequence of this is straightforward. Most researchers agree that the reasons why people consult their physicians are frequently psycho-somatic. This means that mind and body are involved. Or otherwise put: that the issue can be seen from a mind perspective as well as from a Read the full article…

Psychosomatics in $$
This text contains crude approximations. Nevertheless, the information may altogether give some idea that, according to me, is realistic. (numbers are taken from Health System Tracker, a trustworthy source if ever there is one) Fact: the projected healthcare costs in the US accrue to $17000 per capita in 2027. There are +/- 330 million citizens Read the full article…