Public Speaking – Intro

Public speaking is a one-to-many human contact which allows more than anything else a communication ‘from deep to deep’ [see: ’Two Meanings of ‘Meaning’], thus with a possibly huge impact upon the world. Because of this, it’s important for a speaker to be as rational as possible while at the same time – rationally – Read the full article…
From Brain to Speaking – Some Tips

Insight in the brain does have practical consequences to a speaker. This text provides a few tips. It’s up to you to integrate them in who you are ‘from inside out’: see the first tip. But first: how to use these tips. You find the actual tips underlined. Please try to not just conceptually get Read the full article…

Public-Speaking Neuronal Patterns
The human brain contains +/- 100 billion neurons. There are pulses between them per second, forming patterns of all sorts… a universe inside. The power of this is the main power of thinking… and speaking. [See: ‘About ‘Subconceptual’] Nonconscious to conscious At any moment, all mental patterns originate nonconsciously. Few of these get to Read the full article…

The Story-Telling Brainy Network
Slightly hypothetical: the brainy network that is activated when daydreaming, is also activated through story-telling, so important in public speaking. The ‘Default Mode Network’ (DMN) is the brainy network that people get into when they are neither asleep nor focused on a specific job. This mental mode is also baptized ‘mental time travel’. It’s important Read the full article…

Cognition and Emotion: a Public-Speaker’s Combination
Human rationality has not evolved without the human emotional side. And vice versa. Of course: how could it have been otherwise? Emotional and rational Emotional brain structures have not evolved unchanged from animal ancestry towards humanity. In fact, they have evolved most of all. Even more, the ‘more ancient’ emotional structures have evolved in concordance Read the full article…

The Public-Speaking Brain towards a Better World
Brainy insights help in becoming a better public speaker as well as in getting a better message to the audience. Common brain structures You and your audience have the same kind of brain. The mere focus on this may make a speaker more comfortable being open to himself and to his audience. The former helps Read the full article…

The Public-Speaker’s Beyond Us-Them
Within the brain, ‘positive to us’ is related to ‘negative to them’. As any person, a speaker can go beyond. Us-Them is the basis of morality. [see: ‘In-Group Creates Out-Group?’] More concretely, the same hormones (oxytocin…) and related brain structures that aid in making an ‘us’ (think of a mother and her suckling baby) also Read the full article…

From ‘I’ to Caring to Social to Speaking
It’s all about ‘I’ in the public-speaking brain. And then it’s also all about caring. Existential at the start: It’s all about ‘I’ then expanding the ‘I’ to incorporate ‘them’. This is not abandoning ‘I’. It’s a process of growing of you-as-speaker: while ‘ego’ remains humble; total ‘you’ becomes fascinating. Find yourself fascinating: You stand Read the full article…

Whether on stage or in love or in company or before a church or anywhere: the body speaks. Even more: it is heard. [DISCLAIMER: There are experts with far more expertise than me. My broad interest is where my audacity comes from.] The body is indeed heard. Thus, it’s important for you to also listen Read the full article…

Charisma of Public Speaking
A speaker’s charisma is his being openly himself. This is also the main characteristic of leadership. In following you while speaking, the audience gets closer together. That’s a leader’s stuff. A charismatic speaker touches his audience and invites and leads them towards his vision. A speaker’s charisma thus may change someone’s life or even the Read the full article…

A Public Speaker’s Heart-Felt Impact
As a public speaker, you want to have an impact, ‘to change the world’? Great! You can do so from inside. So, what does this mean: ‘from inside’? It’s not what you are consciously aware of. Notably, what people are consciously aware of is only a fraction of what they are ‘unconsciously aware of’. So, Read the full article…

Public Speaking: Pupils Don’t Lie
The human (eye) pupil reacts quicker than any conscious decision. Therefore, in principle, pupils cannot cheat. This points to their importance in authenticity. That is, of course, unless you train beforehand in faking authenticity… Or if you cheat by taking chemicals such as atropine droplets – ‘bella-donna’ – which have historically been used by women Read the full article…

Transcending the Tyranny of Techniques to Speak from the Heart!
With one single goal: speaking to the hearts of the people in the audience. Because people come to see you as a person. And there is only one you, right…? Wrong: there is only one ‘you at this moment.’ Each time people come to see you, you are different. So there are in fact many Read the full article…