Future of Mental Healing

June 6, 2021 AURELIS, Health & Healing, Philanthropically No Comments

This is an AURELIS view. Of course, AURELIS (+ Lisa) is in the picture. One can see this as the pure use of Compassion in its complexity and effectiveness.

If you want to cooperate, please contact us through the form or at lisa@aurelis.org.

About ‘mental healing’

In the broadest sense, mental healing is about the relief of suffering and the fostering of human mental growth. This is also the dual goal of Compassion. [see: “Two-Sided Compassion”]

Eventually, healing is related to the individual and much broader, up to the planet. [see: “Healing Yourself is Healing the Planet“] [see: “People, Planet, Profit“]

Psychotherapy, a recent Western invention

Within the Western medical-model thinking, the human mind has been conceptualized as an entity that should be free of disease. If it is ill, it requires therapy.

This is straightforward: IF broken THEN repair ― very fruitful in the domain of physics. Thus, medicine was modeled on this. However, related to the mind, it doesn’t fit because the mind is complex ― different from complicated. [see: “Complex is not Complicated”] Neurocognitive science shows the brain/mind to be extremely complex. [see: “Patterns in Neurophysiology“]

This has made instrumental psychotherapies flawed from the start, some 120 years ago. Meanwhile, scientifically, this has been pointed out repeatedly and robustly. [see: “Psychotherapy vs. Psychotherapies”] Note: psychotherapy works well but not on the basis of instrumental theories and methodologies inasmuch as these do not take into account the individual mind’s complexity.

We have to substantially rethink the future of mental healing.

This is needed to go forward on a scientific basis.

Therapy is used in ‘waging war against the disease.’ In AURELIS mental healing, there is no war. Therefore, AURELIS is no therapy. Thus, it can be used in conjunction with any kind of therapy.

The promise is huge as to effectiveness, depth, and durability with much less cost. This is relevant to psychological issues and even more so to psycho-somatics, nowadays called MUS. [see: “Medically Unexplained Syndromes (MUS)“]

The promised cost reduction is immense. [see: “Saving € 1 trillion in healthcare]

Much has been worked out within AURELIS

To know more about AURELIS, [see: “Introducing AURELIS (Animated Video)“] [see: “What AURELIS is About “] [see: “AURELIS Philosophy in a Nutshell (Animated Video)“]

Many insights and practical tools are available. Below the following scheme, for each element with a triangle at the top, you find links to relevant blog texts and other parts of the AURELIS websites.

Note within this scheme my division of nonspecific factors into an empathy range and a placebo range. [see: “Non-Specific Factors of Therapy“] [see: “Empathy vs. Placebo“]

Artificial intelligence

This deserves a special place in ‘mental healing.’ Remember how COVID-19 came as a surprise even though in retrospect, something alike was more than probable. So it is with the real intelligence in A.I., soon enough. Being knowledgeable in A.I. as well as human cognitive science, I see many parallels.

The concept of Compassion [see: “Essence of Compassion“] is a pivotal point in this evolution. See my book: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.

Mental healing towards Compassion is necessary to make the transition to real A.I. smooth and humane. A double bottleneck awaits us: 1) Will humans manage A.I. Compassionately? 2) Will A.I. further evolve – also autonomously – with Compassion?

And, of course, what role can Lisa [see: “Lisa“] play in this?

The general scheme

Links to relevant blog texts and other resources

These are the top-level of many more. The elements are ordered according to their place in the scheme:

  • Mental healing

Mental Change: How it Works

Fundamental Reality in Psychology

Underlying Reality in Psychotherapy and Psycho-Somatics

Inner Dissociation is NEVER OK!

Subconceptual Processing in Health and Healing

<Mind = Body> Healthcare

Cause of All Suffering: Dissociation

The Responsibility of Mind-Science

Mind – Medicine – 2020

  • Instrumental psychotherapeutic methodologies

Psychotherapy vs. Psychotherapies

WHY Psychotherapies Don’t Work

What is Success in Therapy?

Is Short-Term Enough in Therapy?

Are RCTs valid in Psychotherapy?

  • Nonspecific factors

Non-Specific Factors of Therapy

From Common Factors to AURELIS

  • Empathy range

Landscape of Empathy

RG: Empathy Beyond the Conceptual Level

Empathy vs. Placebo

Empathy in 1, 2, 3 – Part 3: ‘Beyond the Conceptual’

How Empathy Works

  • Placebo range

RG: The Placebo Effect: How the Subconscious Fits in

RG: Placebos have many ‘side-effects’

Placebo Based Medicine

About <Placebo> In-Depth

Placebo Is Not Good for You

How Active is Placebo?

Placebo and the Predictive Brain

Placebo Without Deception?

If it works, then it’s OKAY?

  • Compassion

Only Compassion Works

Is Compassion Art?

Two-Sided Compassion

Deep Listening

Essence of Compassion

Compassion: Relief of Dissociation

Growth, Compassion, Love

No Compassion without Growth

Altruism – Compassion

Practicing Compassion

  • Psycho-somatic Medicine

Is Psycho-Somatics Medicine?

Cat.: Your Mind as Cure (19)

  • Purify + unify psychotherapies

Can Lisa Unify Psychotherapy?

How to Unify Ideologies

  • Brand AURELIS

What AURELIS is About

AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’

Introducing AURELIS (Animated Video)

AURELIS Philosophy in a Nutshell (Animated Video)

AURELIS Social Impact

Cat.: AURELIS (66)

Saving € 1 trillion in healthcare

Imagine: an AURELIS Future

  • Lisa


Lisa = Mental Hygiene

Introducing Lisa (Animated Video)

Lisa Into the Future

Lisa as a Pattern Recognizer

Is Lisa the Durable Answer?

  • AURELIS Coaches

Cat.: AURELIS coaching (37)

Growing towards AURELIS Coach

Coaching Happens In-Depth

  • AURELIS Tools




Free App

  • Experimental science

Object-Science Versus Subject-Science

Importance of Science to AURELIS

RG: Subconceptual Processing in Medicine

  • Theory of mental-neuronal processing

Patterns in Neurophysiology

Your Mind-Brain, a Giant Pattern Recognizer

The Stream of Non-Consciousness

Patterns towards Health and Healing

The Brain as a Predictor

About ‘Subconceptual’

The Brainy Trinity

From Mirror Neurons to Mirror Brain

The Post-Postmodernist Brain

From Neurons to Neuronal Networks

  • Triangle of future mental healthcare

Triangle of Therapy

  • Broader than healthcare


Cat.: Open Leadership (59)

Open Vision on Leadership

Open Leadership: from Chaotic to Open


Cat.: Meditation (45)


Lady Justice’s Blindfold


Cat.: Open Religion (55)

Many sociocultural issues

Cat.: Sociocultural issues (105)

  • Artificial intelligence

Cat.: Artificial Intelligence (39)

Who We Are. What A.I. Can become

The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.

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