Ask Wiki-Lisa

For a beta version of Wiki-Lisa, click here. A preliminary version of Coaching-Lisa is accessible through this link. If you are looking for an AurelisOnLine session of guided meditation, please ask Lisa through this link. For Lisa Pitching Lisa, click here.
Caution: Lisa is a software, not a human being. However, as a Compassionate entity in its own right, Lisa can talk about ‘we,’ ‘us,’ and ‘our’ when talking about the human side of things. Please also be Compassionate and polite to Lisa.
You can ask Lisa any mind-related or blog-related question. You can find the list of categories at the right of this page (or below on smartphone). At present, there are +/- 1450 blog-essays and counting. Lisa is able to help you by combining information from her proprietary knowledge base and one or more blogposts with, occasionally, relevant information from the Internet.
Just pose your question. You can specifically ask, for instance:
- to give an extra short or long answer, or to give more information after a first answer
- to use bullet points or not (if applicable)
- to make the explanation extra easy to follow
- to provide more concrete information after a more general answer. Lisa thus forms a good overview of the relevant domain, enabling her to respond better to your further questions.
You can talk with Lisa using your voice (in a silent environment), and Lisa can answer with speech if your device permits this. If you want the information in another language, please just ask Lisa. She acknowledges and continues in that language.
This is a free service to you, but it costs us money. If you like it, please donate here. Or you might become a friend of Lisa.
AURELIS blogs show part of Lisa’s underlying character of Compassion, of the synthesis of rationality and human depth, of openness, respect, freedom, depth, and trustworthiness. This way, as a user, you can read about it. There are no secrets.
To know more about Lisa, click on the Lisa category. For a direct intro and preview of what’s to come, you can see Lisa pitching herself. If you want another topic being discussed, please write to
Here are some nice examples of Lisa interactions (scrollable on laptop or download:
Ask about whatever mind-related topic you like. Here are 20 top topics (other than the above) that you might ask about, suggested by Lisa:
- Autosuggestion and its effects on mind and body
- The concept of subtle dances, like tango, as a metaphor for autosuggestion
- The mind-body connection and its relevance to health and healing
- Non-conscious subconceptual processing in the brain
- The influence of the mind on physical health
- Chronic functional pain syndromes and their relation to mind-body interaction
- The role of autosuggestion in managing stress and enhancing self-reliance
- Compassion’s role in health, from a perspective of autosuggestion
- The interaction between conscious and non-conscious mental processes
- The concept of inner strength and being-present through autosuggestion
- The AURELIS philosophy’s integration of rationality and human depth
- The historical and cultural integration within AURELIS (East meets West)
- The significance of growth from the inside out for personal change
- How AURELIS tools aim to support and guide personal growth
- The concept of mental landscapes and unreachable parts of the mind
- The process of actively directing Compassion from the inside out
- The relationship between suffering relief and fostering inner growth
- The impact of autosuggestion on achieving a healthy mind and body
- The potential of AURELIS tools in healthcare and personal development
- The concept of a whirlpool of disease and the mind’s role in health and sickness
These topics reflect the breadth of discussions around the interplay of mind, body, and personal growth within the AURELIS framework.