Direct vs. Indirect Suggestion

When people talk about direct vs. indirect suggestions, they often focus on wording. But the real difference lies much deeper. It’s about intention — whether the suggestion is an external push or an inner invitation. In AURELIS, the goal is always to work from the inside out, allowing personal growth to unfold naturally. This is Read the full article…
AurelisOnLine: The Art of Unfolding Yourself

Some people hesitate when it comes to inner change. They fear that something outside of them will take control, changing them into someone they don’t recognize. With AurelisOnLine, the opposite is true. Instead of forcing transformation, AurelisOnLine sessions (1200+ sessions of guided meditation) help you become more yourself — not by imposing new patterns but Read the full article…

Autosuggestion-Related Concepts
Autosuggestion is a transformative method of fostering growth and alignment through the deeper layers of the mind. However, it exists in a landscape of related concepts, each with its own mechanisms, benefits, and pitfalls. Exploring these similarities and differences highlights the unique qualities of autosuggestion and deepens our understanding of its value. Autosuggestion: a foundation Read the full article…

Psychedelic Microdosing and Autosuggestion
Autosuggestion (and Lisa) can enhance both the safety and depth of microdosing psychedelics experiences by shaping the set and setting. It is a powerful tool to help the person achieve meaningful personal growth while ensuring the experience remains safe and purposeful. Attention: Without the proper mental preparation and environment, the experience can be unpredictable. Autosuggestion Read the full article…

What is Aurelian Autosuggestion?
Aurelian autosuggestion is a method rooted in the AURELIS philosophy, which emphasizes the power of the mind to influence the body and promote inner growth. Unlike traditional suggestion techniques, which often involve direct commands or affirmations, Aurelian autosuggestion is more subtle and works by gently inviting the deeper, subconceptual layers of the mind to participate Read the full article…

How Autosuggestion Fosters Compassion
Autosuggestion serves as a powerful tool in the AURELIS philosophy for cultivating and sustaining Compassion. How can this be achieved? Autosuggestion can be concretely supported, for instance, through AurelisOnLine guided meditations. Cultivating authentic connections through self-awareness By fostering self-awareness through autosuggestion, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of their own emotions and motivations. This enables Read the full article…

(AURELIS) Autosuggestion Starts where Positive Thinking Ends
The term ‘autosuggestion’ is sometimes associated with positive thinking and the use of affirmations. However, AURELIS-autosuggestion is very different in terms of going much further into depth. AURELIS-autosuggestion – further in this text called ‘autosuggestion’ – is like the whole lake (the human mind) where positive thinking/affirmations only skim the surface. Thus, on the surface, Read the full article…

Autosuggestion in Mental Pattern Recognition and Completion
Cognitive neuroscience increasingly proves the mind/brain to be a prediction machine. This points to the immense possibilities of autosuggestion. Please read about the predictive brain. An excellent scientific book about this is The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality, by Andy Clark (2023). Pattern Recognition and Completion (PRC) is the way the Read the full article…

Autosuggestion: So Little, So Much?
In a culture bent on crudely decisive action, subtle autosuggestion is frequently disregarded. Yet, in the end, it may be more effective than anything else, in positive and negative ways. Subtle dance Did you ever look at a couple dancing the tango while asking yourself how they can make such complex movements together? There is Read the full article…

The ‘Auto’ in Autosuggestion
Four letters ― a world of difference within them. Suggestion So friendly and so close and overlapping that there is a spontaneous reaction before you consciously know it. This is the aim of AURELIS autosuggestion. There is no coercion involved at all. [see: “Autosuggestion versus Hypnosis”] Please, will you do this for me ― which Read the full article…

Autosuggestion versus Hypnosis
People ask me about this. I see a fundamental difference related to a spontaneous flow – or not – of free will. Hypnotic suggestion Hypnosis is real and scientific in the sense that many scientific hypnotic organizations exist in many countries. I studied at one of them in my country, Belgium. One can get a Read the full article…

Mental Patterns Change through Autosuggestion
This may even be the only way in which they can ethically and adequately change. There is a clear responsibility involved to do this as well as possible. Autosuggestion is the language that directly touches mental patterns. [see: “Patterns in Neurophysiology“] It is related to poetry in its metaphorical means, a meditative mental setting, and Read the full article…

Autosuggestion Changes Your Brain
Something that may hold someone back from really being able to put faith in the influence of autosuggestion on the body, is the idea: psyche is abstract – how can this have an impact on the physical, concrete body? This is a question that’s on many people’s minds since long and probably many people will Read the full article…