Free App to Relieve Stress and Symptoms

May 30, 2019 AURELIS No Comments

A key to your inner strength in any situation of acute stress. A practical instrument to carry with you.

A 1′ movie explaining the app in five keys

Please look at this before proceeding.

Where to find this app

You can download it on your android smartphone using this link.

The app is also available at Google and Apple stores as ‘AURELIS.’


On this app, you find guided meditations:

  • Acute stress with symptoms (10)
  • Pure relaxations (13)
  • Strength in acute situations (10)
  • Angina pectoris (8)
  • Epilepsy (8)
  • Sleeping better (8)
  • Chronic pain (15)
  • Six-minute meditations (9)
  • Session of the week (each week another one)

Also, there are 10 mini-talks by me to put you on your path.

Acute stress upon chronic stress

The acute stress reaction is nature’s response when an individual needs additional resources (energy, biochemistry) to surmount a temporarily stressful situation. In a natural environment, indeed almost any stressful situation is temporary, either resulting in normality or death.

Comes consciousness, and with this many artificial settings as well as interpretations, ruminations, and apprehensions in which the stress doesn’t readily dissolve one way or another. Thus: chronic stress, changing many parameters inside body and mind. In short, it makes one vulnerable to acute stress.

In other words, the hammer of acute stress deals out harder blows in such situations of vulnerability.

The result may be a whirlpool

in which a person may become stuck and that may be detrimental.

What may keep one out of the whirlpool – or not – may look like something simple at the outside. It may also not be readily visible, or it may not be visible how it works. This aspect is like taking a potion of fluid in which there may be something poisonous or salutary. The drinking is the same action in both cases. The result is significantly different.

Doing something that gets you in or out of the whirlpool may be like the act of drinking.

How it works: It doesn’t.

At least not in the way of some medication, which it isn’t. It would be mind-boggling to see it or use it that way. This said, you can see it – and any AURELIS session – as a key to the door that leads to your own Inner Strength. I write these two words with capitals not because there is something supernatural involved. On the contrary, it is very natural: nature within you.

In many situations, including Covid, this may diminish the negative strength of the whirlpool. This may be enough to either not get caught in it, or heighten the chance to get out of it with less damage.

You may have read ‘Mind over Covid: a Different Story’

and found out the broader why. In view of this, one may ask what can be done at the individual level in this as in any other situation of acute stress. This app is part of my answer.

Theoretically, it may be life-saving.

No experimental research has been performed in this vein, due to a lack of resources.

For free

The present content of this app is for free forever for everyone.

Any feedback is welcome!

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