Imagine – Peace and Unity on Earth

March 1, 2018 Philanthropically, Sociocultural Issues, War and Peace No Comments

Peace and unity within you. Then: overflowing towards others and the planet. Back to flower power? Yes, with a twist through modern science.

It starts and ends within you

This is of course a huge statement. At first sight, it is quite individualistic. Is this not a Western bias? Perhaps. But ‘individualistic’ brings the connotation of ‘un-divided’. That is: as a whole, an intra-personal unity. So, you may ask where are the boundaries of ‘you’: at your skin… at the boundaries of ego… at those of social networks, or eventually… humankind? From such standpoint, it transcends all cultural boundaries. I would still say, Western-like perhaps: without losing one’s self or at least one’s idea of valuable self. You are not me even though we can extensively overlap in certain circumstances. One of these is the coaching stance.

Intra-personal peace: relaxation

Relaxation of otherwise conflicting motivations. For instance: one wants to quit smoking and at the same time doesn’t want to quit smoking. How to bring these together – how to make them (and that person) into a whole, a unity from which a choice becomes more straightforward? That’s a very different stance than to fight the cigarette. Fighting an inner enemy makes yourself into your enemy, whether it’s in the guise of a smoking addiction or a chronic pain or anything else.

Fighting for a goal and not against yourself, takes aggression out of the happening which is otherwise definitely – whether or not clearly – present. The alternative is relaxation, peace, salam, sjalom… Peace be within you. It’s much better from an ethical viewpoint and it’s also plainly more efficient.

Intra-personal unity: inner strength of wholeness

Wholeness connotes holiness. It has a common etymology. Apparently, holiness has always been about becoming / being ‘whole’, mainly: validating the subconceptual part of oneself and of human being in general. Contrary to this, we frequently live a conscious life of conceptuality. We self-conceptualize. We conceptualize our environment and relationships. More concretely, everything becomes an object. Such objectification is workable but unreal. “The map is not the immensely beautiful and interesting landscape.” Although all conceptualization could make you believe so, you are not the map. You are the landscape (containing the map). Returning to this insight – and realization – makes you whole. Otherwise, inner dividedness may bring much suffering to anyone who is still in search of an elusive wholeness.

‘Imagine’, this is: communicate to within yourself

Imagination can be chaotic and non-self-related. However, high-quality imagination is precisely this in every instance: a communication to within yourself. Even more: back and forth simultaneously as in any high-quality communication. Such imagination – through pictures or other means – brings wholeness ‘on a leap of faith.’ Any form of art and very broadly any kind of auto-suggestion can be an instrument towards this goal.

On earth

This can all be brought to the whole planet. Pointing towards an intra-individual start and end of this also brings earth-bound responsibility to… me and you. ‘My earth is my home’ should not be meaningless. ‘My home is my earth’ is certainly not plainly enough in view of the influence that anyone can have on a much broader scale.

Peace and unity everywhere is a realistic goal, also between different peoples, between countries. War is an inhuman atrocity that starts within humans themselves. Indeed, where else? Entire countries being the enemy of the enemy, brings an arms race and more atrocities: abject poverty at the same planet as abject wealth.

We could live in heaven on earth.

We don’t.

We can imagine… then realize.


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