Psychosomatics in $$

August 1, 2017 AURELIS, Health & Healing, Philanthropically No Comments

This text contains crude approximations. Nevertheless, the information may altogether give some idea that, according to me, is realistic.

(numbers are taken from Health System Tracker, a trustworthy source if ever there is one)

Fact: the projected healthcare costs in the US accrue to $17000 per capita in 2027.

There are +/- 330 million citizens in the US at this moment. With a population growth of 0.7% over the last 10 years, the projected number of citizens in 2027 is 350 million. Thus, the projected total healthcare costs in the US in 2027 amount to:

$ 5.95 trillion.

NOTE: This is only about consumption. Bad health costs society at least as much in absenteeism, presenteeism….

Let’s just double it. Wow, you may say, that’s an incredibly huge part of the total GDP. Don’t forget that it’s not a part of the present GDP, but of the one that could have been. There’s a substantial difference.

How large is the share of ‘mental etiology’ in this?

According to me, at least 50%. Since many readers – including you perhaps – wouldn’t believe this, let’s take it conservatively to 20%.

We take our calculator and see which figure appears:

$ 2.38 trillion



The US GDP is 24% of the world GDP. Let’s take the US mental health as just slightly less than the average worldwide. We come to an influence of psychosomatics on GDP accruing to 20% of the one worldwide.

Calculator says: cost of psychosomatics worldwide will be

$ 11.9 trillion


On top of this, the world is economically evolving in such a way that very probably, the US GDP share will be more like 12% of the world GDP in 2027. If this is the case, please double the $$ towards:

$ 23.8 trillion

Is there room for AURELIS + Lisa?

These are crude estimations. I don’t care. I see behind the numbers a lot of suffering. I also see a lot of wasted money that could be put to good use in alleviating this and other sufferings instead of – pardon me – mainly throwing it away.

Because if we would invest all this money with an ROI (return on investment) bringing us to break-even… just imagine the possibilities.


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