Prajna in Daily Life

The word ‘prajna’ comes from Sanskrit: pra (before) and jna (knowing). This points to something that exists before conscious knowledge — the deeper knowing that shapes our thoughts before they fully form. It is not something mystical or otherworldly. It is simply wisdom in action, also present in the way we think, speak, and interact Read the full article…

A Warm Encounter with Lisa at the Age of Wisdom

Aging can be a time of deepening rather than diminishing. In some cultures, elderly individuals are seen as sources of wisdom, carrying insights that come only with time. In others, aging is viewed primarily as a process of loss, of things slipping away. But perhaps the truth is more nuanced? Lisa is here to support. Read the full article…

Moments at the End of Life

I imagine myself during the last years of my life. What would I like them to be? Which experiences would I want to enjoy? What would I like to be the rightful place for meaningful things? How would I want to look back and forward? And yes, how can Lisa help with this? Everybody is Read the full article…

Talking with ‘Dementia’

Communicating with someone navigating cognitive changes, often labeled as ‘dementia,’ can feel like stepping into an unfamiliar landscape. But what if we reframed this condition as ‘altermentia’ — not a diminishment, but a different way of being? Talking with someone experiencing altermentia isn’t about compensating for losses. It’s about discovering new ways to connect, rooted Read the full article…

Alzheimer on (Lack of) Purpose?

With an estimated 150 million Alzheimer’s cases projected worldwide by 2050, the relentless search for answers has centered on genetic and biochemical factors, including amyloid plaques and tau tangles. [1] Yet, another powerful player might be right in front of us: a deep, sustained sense of purpose. Could the way we view and nurture life’s Read the full article…

Lisa at the Later Stages of Life

Many people spend these stages in homes for the elderly. We can focus on this scenario. Obvious indications include pain, depression, loneliness, existential angst, and various psycho-somatic symptoms — all negative. Let’s explore some directions from the positive side now, picturing a future that most would like to be part of their later stages of Read the full article…

Dying is Entering Eternal Love

Mere ego dies. There is no afterlife. Sorry, my dear ego readers. There is no heaven or hell for ego to continue doing its ego things. Nothing. Total self expands. It is not an ego. It becomes more and more a universe. Total self expands during a whole life, if it gets the chance and Read the full article…

Fear of Dying

Many people are irrationally afraid of dying, even while they know they will not suffer when being dead. Many know they are irrational in this, yet they don’t know why, and keep being afraid. Every living being wants to live. Straightforwardly. Well, depending on what you call ‘wanting.’ Does a bacterium want to live? It Read the full article…

4. The Final Transition

The symbolic level of palliative care is always of utmost importance.   People have the tendency to avoid thinking about death, making it into something strange or even scary… Then we try to ignore it even more, hence it becomes even scarier. However, life without integrating mortality is incomplete. As death draws closer, we look Read the full article…

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