AURELIS is about respecting the total human being. This includes conscious and non-conscious processing. ► To get this in your email, RSS…, open this blog and click here. ◄ If you are new to this blog-wiki, please read this introduction.

The Fundamentalist Streak

Fundamentalism is not just a religious or political issue. It’s a deep human tendency. It appears when people feel threatened by inevitable change, and react by clinging rigidly to what they believe must be preserved. In doing so, they attempt to preserve depth but may ultimately lose it. This is what I call the fundamentalist Read the full article…

Surface-Level Whirlpool

A whirlpool moves fast, pulling everything into its center. A surface-level whirlpool works the same way in the human mind. It is fueled by endless mental loops, superficial satisfactions, and the illusion of progress. It traps people in cycles of craving and short-term relief, keeping them disconnected from genuine depth. At its heart, the whirlpool Read the full article…

Why is Humanism Scared of Depth?

Humanism is about the human being. One would expect it to embrace the full depth of human existence, yet strangely, it often avoids it. It prides itself on rationality but, in doing so, has built a conceptual fortress that keeps depth at bay. Why? What is it so afraid of? If humanism is to remain Read the full article…

The Humanistic Failure: Neglecting the Total Human Being

Humanism set out to liberate humanity from dogma, superstition, and oppressive structures. It championed reason, science, and progress as guiding forces for a better world. And yet, in its pursuit of rationality and external progress, modern humanism has largely ignored the deeper layers of human existence. It has focused on intellectual enlightenment but has failed Read the full article…

Dealing with Projection: The Present Responsibility

Projection is a psychological mechanism as old as humanity itself. But never before has it been as dangerous as it is today. We live in a time when projection is amplified by technology, reinforced by media, and weaponized for ideological battles. At the same time, we have tools that allow us to destroy on a Read the full article…

Breaking the Cycle of Projection

Projection is one of the most deceptive psychological mechanisms. It feels completely real. The emotions are intense. The justifications seem logical. And yet, when we project, we are often fighting a reflection of ourselves. We externalize our inner conflicts onto people, groups, or even entire cultures, believing that the enemy is ‘out there.’ This creates Read the full article…

Projecting the Inner Enemy

Projection happens everywhere. We see it in personal conflicts, politics, and even wars. Someone points at an external ‘enemy,’ convinced that this enemy is the problem. But what if the real issue isn’t outside at all? What if the true struggle is within? The irony of projection is that it feels completely real. The emotions Read the full article…

Surface vs. Depth in Many Ways

We often speak of depth as if it’s a single thing. But depth unfolds, deepens, and ultimately transforms those who truly enter it. Many believe they understand a domain fully in-depth when they have only skimmed its surface. Others mistake complexity for depth, believing that accumulating knowledge or experience makes them profound. But true depth Read the full article…

Open Religion & Depth

For many, religion is about following rules, belonging to a group, or accepting a doctrine. But what if religion is not meant to be a wall that separates but a door that invites? Not a final answer, but an ever-unfolding horizon? This is what is meant by Open Religion. It is not about rejecting religion Read the full article…


A face turning toward you, sunlight breaking through a gap in the clouds, standing at the edge of the sea, letting the waves come and go without resistance. These moments feel like Openness — something alive, something that breathes. You know it when you see it, just like you recognize it in a person. Have Read the full article…

Is Depth Necessary?

In a world driven by speed and instant gratification, depth often seems unnecessary. Why look beyond the surface when life appears to function well enough? Many assume they don’t need depth because they don’t feel its absence until crisis, emptiness, or fragmentation reveals what was missing all along. Depth isn’t just about philosophy or introspection. Read the full article…

The Use of Anchors in Lisa’s Learning

Insightful learning is not about stacking facts like bricks but about letting insights emerge naturally through connection. True wisdom comes from nurturing a landscape where meaning can take root, grow, and evolve. For Lisa, this process depends on conceptual anchors — deep, well-integrated concepts that give structure to her learning. These anchors are not rigid Read the full article…

Lisa as Facilitator of AURELIS Coaches

Lisa is not here to replace AURELIS coaches but to support, empower, and elevate them. She is a facilitator, a companion in growth, and a guardian of AURELIS as a brand of excellence. Just as an AURELIS coach guides a coachee without coercion, Lisa interacts with coaches in the same way. She offers depth, reflection, Read the full article…

Lisa’s Adaptation to Different Coaches’ Styles

Lisa doesn’t impose a coaching style but helps coaches refine their own. Just as an AURELIS coach invites a coachee into deeper self-awareness, Lisa does the same for coaches. She doesn’t offer a rigid framework but rather a mirror, a gentle guide, a sparring partner in self-discovery. AURELIS coaching is not about following a strict Read the full article…

Human & Lisa in Coaches’ Education

Becoming an AURELIS coach is a deep personal growth process. Unlike traditional training programs that focus on techniques, AURELIS coaching is about growing into a way of being. This requires both self-reflection and real human experience, which is why a hybrid model of education – combining human mentors and Lisa – creates the best environment Read the full article…

Philosophers vs. Philosophies

Philosophies often begin as living, breathing processes embodied by thinkers who wrestle with the deepest questions of existence. But over time, what was once a dynamic exploration frequently hardens into a fixed system. The philosopher – a person engaged in the ongoing act of questioning – becomes overshadowed by the philosophy, which claims to offer Read the full article…

Making Oneself Invisible

People often think that making themselves invisible will protect them ― from conflict, from self-doubt, and from uncomfortable truths. The same happens at the level of society. When something threatens money, power, or status, it’s easier to just not think about it than to face the reality of deep change. But invisibility is an illusion. Read the full article…

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