Minding COVID: a Different Story – The Untold Story of Mind and Corona

The human mind is missing in the causal story of Covid. Putting it in place makes a Different Story. This is a story about a virus, but even more is it a story about humankind. NOTE: If you are searching for the ‘AURELIS Acute Stress app,’ you can click on this link towards ‘an app Read the full article…
Healing COVID Brain Fog from the Inside Out

COVID brain fog can cloud your thinking and disrupt daily life, lingering long after the virus itself. It’s part of what many call long-COVID, where symptoms persist for weeks or months. This condition, rooted in the body’s prolonged immune response, affects not just your body but your mind as well. Healing from COVID brain fog Read the full article…

Can Long-COVID be Prevented by the Mind?
I think so. Unfortunately, there is no science about this. There are no data, which is weird, and no relevant interest from scientists. June 29, 2022 Daily Total Cases worldwide 883.238 551.808.466 Deaths worldwide 1.652 6.356.460 (Note that people are still dying ― probably many more than these official numbers. Also, many get seriously Read the full article…

Where is/was the Mind in COVID-19 Causality?
This is the title of an article – by me – in the high-level medical journal ‘Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health,’ edition May 2022. With pain and all due respect, I dedicate it to the 18 million COVID mortality worldwide ― according to this recent publication in Nature magazine. Because of more naturalistic measurements, Read the full article…

42. Not yet Out of the Woods!
The SARS-CoV-2 virus keeps changing, finding new ways for viral success. We’re relatively lucky with Omicron. What with the next variant(s)? January 28, 2022 Daily Total Cases worldwide 3.479.527 370.273.350 Deaths worldwide 10.595 5.667.742 Curves and numbers (from Worldometers) The present week-average mortality lies at 8.732 per day globally. This is higher than the Read the full article…

41. No Psyche in COVID? – Or no COVID without Psyche?
Sad song November 5, 2021 Daily Total Cases worldwide 484.847 248.798.420 Deaths worldwide 7.830 5.036.760 Problem To me, each relatively easily preventable death is shameful. Since March of 2020, I have been trying to convince medical colleagues and scientists worldwide that the psyche plays a substantial role in COVID progression ― in vain. What Read the full article…

Why the AURELIS app “cannot work against COVID”
Rest assured, there is much more to show that it can. [see: “Free App to Relieve Stress and Symptoms“] Apart from the blunt “This is not possible,” or anything in that vein, I think of these arguments: COVID is a viral disease. Something purely mental cannot work. If this would work, we would already know. Read the full article…

Simply COVID
Daily Total Cases worldwide 600.724 223.382.870 Deaths worldwide 9.772 4.608.917 Many more deaths through COVID-related famine, worldwide. The ‘Minding Corona’ reasoning, simply put, in 7 bullet points: Mind = body. There is no influence of something ephemeral upon something material. Change of mind = change of body. Please, wake up to this or stop Read the full article…

40. Proving and Using the Mind in COVID
Many COVID deaths may have been preventable with relatively little effort ― many more to come. Meanwhile, we DO have the means for proper research and management. August 27, 2021 Daily Total Cases worldwide 712.601 216.168.904 Deaths worldwide 10.015 4.498.140 The sentiment in large parts of the West The sentiment is lately one of Read the full article…

39. What if COVID Vaccinations are 80% Placebo?
This question still needs to be asked given the probability, lack of disproof, and immensity of the consequences. July 25, 2021 Daily Total Cases worldwide 492.082 194,374,131 Deaths worldwide 8.299 4.168.100 I want as many people as possible to get vaccinated. I’m the opposite of an anti-vaxxer. [see: “How to Make Someone Take His Read the full article…

38. Winter of 2021: COVID Winter AGAIN!?
Some evolutions worry me into thinking that next winter will be a hard one again, in which the COVID whirlpool will again be relevant in Europe, certainly worldwide. [see: “COVID-Whirlpool – In Which Virus AND Mind Play Substantial Roles”] COVID-19 is a psycho-somatic disease. I’m sorry to have to repeat this: The virus-related experts everybody Read the full article…

37. 1.5 Years of Mindless COVID
Boring news: We still don’t know much directly about the influence of the mind on COVID, nor about the placebo effect of COVID vaccinations. The world of science is unfathomably silent. June 5, 2021 Daily Total Cases worldwide 475,717 172,894,435 Deaths worldwide 10,737 3,716,853 This time of the year, as last year, in Belgium, Read the full article…

Minding Corona (Animated Video)
Without further delay, in this animated video, I bring you some ideas from my book Minding Corona. [Minding Corona animated video – 13:19′] If you want to cooperate, please contact us. If you have feedback, please let us know. Here is the full written text. 2020 was the year of the virus. At least, it Read the full article…

Where is Causal Research on Mind in COVID?
It is nowhere. Yet the human mind may be half of the story through social nocebo, etc. If possible, please join this scientific group at ResearchGate, or ask interested scientists to join. One year into the pandemic, the human mind is still absent in the causal story as well as strictly COVID therapy at any Read the full article…

36. Vaccine or Vaccination?
This text is not for the faint-hearted. Even so, before you read on, make sure you understand that MUCH OF THIS IS STILL HYPOTHETICAL, HOWEVER, PROBABLE ENOUGH TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. February 6, 2021 Daily Total Cases worldwide 495.819 105.906.560 Deaths worldwide 14.592 2.307.879 Please, in any case, read this short introduction It’s Read the full article…

35. Vaccination Hesitancy: the Good, the less Good, and the Ugly
December 23, 2020 Daily Total Cases worldwide 683.254 79.036.628 Deaths worldwide 13.468 1.736.720 Preliminaries This text is also part of a project at ResearchGate. Before reading this, you may be interested in how-to diminish vaccination hesitancy: [see: “How to Make Someone Take His Vaccination”] The world is about to be vaccinated. Yet, many people Read the full article…

34. Millions of Unneeded COVID Deaths in 2021?
What do you think? December 12, 2020 Daily Total Cases worldwide 704.570 71.454.215 Deaths worldwide 12.413 1.600.483 (from Worldometer) Nobody dies with no reason. There is always a reason. But this present reason is irrational. It is inhumane. It is insupportable. These are fathers, mothers, children. They say that one death is worse than Read the full article…

33. Can Mind Acutely Prevent COVID?
Can the mind acutely play a role in the timeframe between getting a sufficient quantity of the virus inside your body and COVID: either showing symptoms or becoming asymptomatically infectious? Answers depend on how you pose questions. Without changing reality by simply posing some questions, one can change a line of research. For seven COVID-related Read the full article…

32. COVID: Still Flying on One Wing
Mad man We’re at the end of October, in full autumn by now. As written (by me) months ago, we’re in full autumn-COVID, which comes before winter-COVID in Europe and the US. I was going to be (somewhat) angry, and that’s what I am, looking at the curves of worldwide cases and deaths from Worldometer. Read the full article…

31. COVID Management at Society Level – Why, What, How?
I bring together elements discussed in previous blogs/chapters to show that reckoning with the deeper mind and the COVID-whirlpool may lead to specific society-wide (polity) measures that – on top of common-sense hygienic measures – may lessen the pending calamity. Complexity Some insight in complexity is advisable. [see: “Complex is not Complicated“] In the COVID-whirlpool Read the full article…

A Tale of Two Letters About Remdesivir – Enter Mind – Exit Remdesivir?
Remdesivir or ‘We,’ Which Cure Will it Be? Intrigued by the antiviral drug, remdesivir, I delved into scientific studies about it. The result is a duo of ‘Letters to the Editor’ to the new England Journal of Medicine (top journal of medical science), in May and June 2020. Not even hoping they would accept, indeed, Read the full article…

30. COVID: Why Hiding the Mind?
Since March, I try to focus medical colleagues and other people on the mind in COVID progression, as yet to little avail. This is utterly weird. Weirdness Imagine being as convinced as I am that optimally lending attention to mind→COVID is probably the best we can do, given that a strict population-wide quarantine is not Read the full article…

29. Our Mind Is Our Way Out (or Into) COVID – Yes We Can
See my book MINDING CORONA, of which this is a chapter. In e-version on Amazon, this book costs almost nothing. Here is a link to a pdf for free (non up-to-date version). The app (‘Aurelis’) is permanently for free on Google and Apple stores. COVID is a mind-body problem. Most experts in the picture are Read the full article…

28. Motivating Crowds in Corona Times
September 26, 2020 Daily Total Cases worldwide 318,804 32,753,099 Deaths worldwide 5,818 992,978 A crowd is like an organism composed of organisms. If treated as a mechanism, it will not behave optimally, especially over time, especially concerning much-needed motivation. ►►►This is already crucial and will become even more important over the next six months.◄◄◄ Read the full article…

27. The Problem with Corona is the Problem with Medicine
in anything mind-related. This is not about the body-as-pure-body. The problem is present in the whole of medicine. Not in some subspecialty, but in all of them. Is this even possible? Good question. It’s, in principle, only possible with something that lies at the basis of the whole building – like an inverted pyramid. See? Read the full article…

26. MINDING CORONA, Saving Livelihoods and Lives
What we see concerning COVID at present doesn’t take into account what is scientifically known about the human brain and mind, and its influence upon the body. ►►► WHY read this? Most people, including body-experts, hide from the fact that the mind is part of the problem and the solution. ◄◄◄ [see: “Minding COVID: a Read the full article…

25. COVID Compassion – Healing Individuals and Society
In a socially challenging period, human traits may come out intensified. Hopefully, in this corona pandemic, Compassion will prevail. ►►► WHY read this? Compassion is a strong answer to many COVID-related issues. Can it be your answer too? ◄◄◄ Compassion is not ’empathy.’ Apart from terminological issues [see: “Landscape of Empathy”], empathy can be narrow Read the full article…

24. COVID + School + Children
I’m fed up with corona. I want to be busy with Artificial Intelligence, with Lisa and my own well-being. Moreover, I do this for the sake of those who bite me. Then I look at the numbers and keep coroning. There’s much behind the numbers. ►►► WHY read this? Keeping schools open will be impossible. Read the full article…

MINDING CORONA – Is Your Mind More Powerful than the Virus?
The book MINDING CORONA has been written by me from March 2020 onwards. The chapters are annotated with the date of writing. It is a story of my unfolding insights into the importance of the mind in the evolution of COVID-19 while the latter is taking the world by storm. Gradually, these insights have become Read the full article…

23. The Final COVID Question: Ethics or Economics?
Putting ethics and economics against each other indicates that in this question, I see economics as non-ethical, and ethics as non-economical. As if that would be possible Non-ethical would be the hallmark of a sociopath; non-economical that of either an utterly naïve person or a Buddhist at the brink of parinirvana. In normal society, there Read the full article…

The Future of the COVID Story
July 31, 2020 [see also: “Only ‘Control’ + COVID-Whirlpool = DISASTER“] I started writing MINDING CORONA in March, with 12 points. They’re still valid. After five months, of course, we know a bit more about the future. So, I can recapitulate and see what is bound to happen. The near future is grim. Not Read the full article…

22. Only ‘Control’ + COVID-Whirlpool = DISASTER
July 31, 2020 [see also: “The Future of the COVID Story”] I am a medical doctor, specialized in mind-body medicine, master in cognitive science and A.I. The reason I start with this is that my expertise is absolutely pertinent, on par with, and complementary to the expertise of virologists. So, I wrote a book, Read the full article…

21. How to Make Someone Take His Vaccination – The Friendly Way
A little story of long ago At 23 years of age, I went to Brazil for a few months, to do medical work in a favela (shantytown) of Salvador Da Bahia. Ow, impressionable youth! As part of my documentation, I read a book about medics in the tropics. One story in this book was meant Read the full article…

20. Autumn of COVID: Disaster2 Already?
(Re-)emergence COVID (re-)emerges in all kinds of countries where strict measures have not been maintained. This includes countries where the virus has never well receded (such as the US), countries where it has not peaked before (such as parts of Australia), and countries that saw a huge decrease after disaster (such as Spain and Belgium). Read the full article…

19. The Virus is Not the Enemy – War is Not the Answer
This goes further upon chapter 7, written three months and half a million official COVID deaths ago. Did you hear anyone talking about the psyche in causality yet? I mean, anyone except me? The virus side The virus is just a piece of RNA that wears a coating when outside of the living cells that Read the full article…

Face Mask Meditation
Wearing a face mask during formal group-meditation may be less comfortable. It may also be more interesting. Readers may know me as a meditator I am a very inconsistent one. Sometimes, I go to a group for ‘formal meditation’ on a cushion. Sometimes, I go to a seven-day meditation. I would like to go more Read the full article…

18. Corona: Super-Stress, Super-Spreading?
On top of an influence on COVID-progression, does stress also influence the rate of infection by infected persons? In that case, can the AURELIS-app diminish this rate? July 26, 2020 Super-spreading Some viral-infected people spread the virus more than others. This has been found in many infectious diseases, including in salmonellosis, tuberculosis, SARS-1 (2003) and Read the full article…

Free App to Relieve COVID
We have developed an app, free to everyone, that can alleviate a huge amount of human suffering related to COVID. You can find it in Google and Apple app stores as ‘Aurelis’ app. Feel free to download. Please share this post with your friends. You also find a link to the app and some more Read the full article…

Masked Poetry
For the doctors and nurses Who give more than ever you can Please put on your mask. For the beauty of eyes That are looking at a beautiful world From right above a mask, For your parents and grandparents Who want to keep getting your love Keep on that face mask. Read the full article…

17. Leadership in Corona Times
July 22, 2020 Daily Total Cases worldwide 239.113 15.084.963 Deaths worldwide 5.678 618.493 Becoming Open This chapter is targeted to right within the second COVID-wave. It’s a letter to the near future. With leadership, I don’t mean bossy figures who tell others what to do. You might take a look at my book Read the full article…

Open Letter to Leadership in Second Wave of Corona
A second wave in the US and Europe is almost inevitable. Of course, let’s not forget the rest of the world, especially the countries with much fewer resources. Much can be done to alleviate it if not only the virus is looked at, but also the human being. We urgently need to dare to question Read the full article…

Why and How to Wear a Face Mask
There is a difference between motivation and coercion, even when using scientific arguments. If one wants people – including oneself – to wear and continue wearing face masks, one needs to motivate them. This is: to provide them with the means by which they can motivate themselves. There is no other way. Besides, it’s an Read the full article…

Are you Interested in Making the Future Together?
Let’s not get defeated by the virus. International top specialists say a second COVID wave is inevitable in the autumn. It seems they are wrong in that it will come sooner. In any case, autumn will be worse and winter even worse than that. We just came out of a mental-physical whirlpool. Virologists are specialists in virology, Read the full article…

16. Postcoronalia – COVID complications
July 4, 2020 Daily Total Cases worldwide 209.028 11.182.576 Deaths worldwide 5.170 528.372 Today is the 4th of July On a rally at Mount Rushmore, with perplexity on four stony presidential faces in the background, the US president couldn’t care less for the people who seem to adore him and take pride in Read the full article…

15. Mind the Denial
More and more, I wonder why it is so very, very hard for many to see the mind in what is happening with corona worldwide. June 30, 2020 Why? In view of the possible collapse of the world economy and devastation of the health of millions, we should cherish every straw of possible relief. Conceptually, Read the full article…

14. Motivation Without Anxiety in Corona Times
Motivation may be the single most crucial factor in the whole COVID story. Yet it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. June 27, 2020 Cases worldwide Daily: 176.568 – Total: 10.075.115 Deaths worldwide Daily: 4.891 – Total: 500.624 [There are a few links in this text towards other blog posts by me. You Read the full article…

13. Winter of COVID
Second Wave Corona? One big or several smaller ones? While we don’t know what is to happen, we can search for arguments. June 25, 2020 Quoting Andrea Ammon Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 21 May 2020: “It’s not a question of if there will be a renewed surge but “when Read the full article…

12. Where o Where Is the Virus in Europe?
Summer is dawning. The sun knows it all over Europe, as do the people who seem to live in a full post-corona era. So do many individuals in the US. What can we expect? June 23, 2020 Cases worldwide [from Worldometers] Daily: 138.975 – Total: 9.189.875 Deaths worldwide Daily: 3.880 – Total: 473.484 Did the Read the full article…

11. Summer of Covid
June 13, 2020 It’s almost summer in Europe. COVID-19 seems to be a recent nightmare. Glad it’s over. But it isn’t, of course. There are several ways in which it isn’t over: A second wave will probably hit Europe and the US in the autumn. It may be even much worse, given the Read the full article…

10. Corona Risk
June 6, 2020 Today we have these coronavirus curves, worldwide: This is not positive. On the 2nd of May (see ‘ Worst Case COVID’), I was appalled by the linear curve of caseload until then. Today, it’s still linear! The number of deaths per day is slowing down a bit, but not substantially over the Read the full article…

9. Worst Case COVID
May 2, 2020 Right Is this worst case the future? I would go as far as saying that it is not an impossibility. Please don’t read this text if you are weak at heart. Numbers Vaccination is still far away. Experts talk about at least a year before the population can be vaccinated in Read the full article…

8 COVID-Whirlpool – In Which Virus AND Mind Play Substantial Roles
April 27, 2020 I expand upon an idea about what happens to a person getting more and more COVID symptoms towards a whirlpool that may become fatal. A whirlpool scenario probably happens in many cases of illness. It corresponds with complexity and multi-causal thinking. In crash-course: put many elements together, add more and more Read the full article…

7. COVID Crash
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. A virus is the smallest living thing on earth. And in a way, it’s not even living. It doesn’t replicate. It lets itself be multiplied. A virus is like a string of information caught in some genetic Read the full article…

Lonely Poem – In Times of Corona
Just let me have a bleeding heart For those who die alone In times of corona. I would like to be with each of them To die with each of them So they are not alone. ** For what is and should not be Is not one’s pain Is not one’s dying But one’s abandonment Read the full article…

6. Rethinking Covid
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. April 12, 2020 Kindly follow this trail: Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria? Mind and Corona The Message in the Virus Covid and Attention What To Do in Times of Covid A ‘stress’ primer The concept of Read the full article…

Lisa in Corona Times
This is about what Lisa [see: “Lisa”] can accomplish in ‘corona times,’ now and in the future. Let’s hope to get her ‘live’ as soon as possible. Two ways Lisa can provide immediate help and relief of suffering through her full coaching including her guidance to AURELIS mental exercises. Lisa is also about pattern recognition Read the full article…

Mind over Covid – 12 Points
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. The basic ‘Mind over Covid’ hypothesis: In Covid-19 – the disease progression, not the infection – the mind may be more important than the virus in cause as well as proper management. This text is, in Read the full article…

5. What To Do in Times of Covid
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 30, 2020 This article can be read on its own. For more background, kindly follow this trail: Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria? Mind and Corona The Message in the Virus Covid and Attention [Recommendation: if Read the full article…

4. Covid and Attention
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 28, 2020 This article can be read on its own. For more background, kindly follow this trail: Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria? Mind and Corona The Message in the Virus Covid and Attention MULTICAUSALITY Read the full article…

3. The Message in the Virus
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 22, 2020 Kindly follow this trail: Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria? Mind and Corona The Message in the Virus OK. I’ve asked myself: Why not wait to bring this message until the worst part of Read the full article…

2. Mind and Corona
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 20, 2020 [Please read first: “Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria?“] Disclaimer: This article is not a scientific review. Most unfortunately, the disclaimer holds truth. This article is not a scientific review because there is no science Read the full article…

1. Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria?
Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 18, 2020 This article is dedicated to Dr. Li, not because he stood up to Chinese authority but because he stood up. There is hope for humanity as long as there are individuals who are brave Read the full article…