
Darkness often feels like a suffocating presence, heavy and vast. It’s not simply an absence of light; it has a weight, a texture, an active quality that demands attention. Yet what exactly is Darkness? Where does it come from, and what does it ask of us? This is a search — a journey to explore Read the full article…
Darkness is Made, not Born

It is made by ignorance and through the latter’s seeing darkness in what it just made ― thus, more darkness. After a while, this ‘darkness’ may become vast and real. Ignorance then defends itself by what it sees as ‘the light’ ― thus creating even more darkness. For instance, look at people waging war: they Read the full article…

The Unimportance of Infinity
This doesn’t mean that the issue is unimportant ― quite the contrary. But infinity itself, as a concept, is about unimportance. Then, what has love got to do with it? [This is an ‘Ultimates’ text. Please, don’t take it at face value.] Infinity is an absurdity. It cannot exist. Yet, any finite space or time Read the full article…

The God Wave
May we live in an infinite universe where a continual appearing and disappearing takes place? This text is part of a hobby, much at the sideline. It is all hypothetical. I try to remain within the theoretically possible. Please don’t take it seriously. It should not be taken seriously. Or should it? Please read about Read the full article…

Infinite Causality
A cause is always caused and always causes. Moreover, it is always just one point in an infinite set of points making up reality. [This is an ‘Ultimates’ text. Please, don’t take it at face value.] ‘The’ cause is always a human concoction. Theoretically, a cause is a necessary prerequisite for the caused. A caused Read the full article…

Mathematicians are working on the concept of ‘infinity’ and search it somewhere ‘at the end’ of an infinite series. In that case you may search for a very long time .. Though: the end of a series is still within that series and since that series, by definition, has no end, infinity doesn’t exist within Read the full article…

Talking about ‘things’ may make something look like a ‘thing’. Does that make a ‘fundamental particle’ a ‘thing’? [This is an ‘Ultimates’ text. Please, don’t take it at face value.] Mind-games forever I’m just a curious guy, I guess, who sometimes as a hobby likes to think about different ‘things’ in different ways… as a Read the full article…

Dark Energy = Expansion
Or ‘emptiness.’ Or ‘non-matter.’ Dark energy is a hypothetical kind of ‘energy’ that makes the universe expand. It is arguably ALL there is, ever was and will be. [This is an ‘Ultimates’ text. Please, don’t take it at face value.] Non-energy, then what? We cannot directly see or measure ‘dark energy.’ It is a hypothetical Read the full article…

Gravity is a Hoax!
One can describe the universe ‘inside out’… as a thought experiment. Please read this text as a mind-game. It is meant to be playful. This said, maybe… Gravitation-as-attraction (in short: ‘gravity’) is derived by inductive reasoning from empirical observations. The observations are clear. The reasoning might be wrong. If so, then: Gravity is a hoax! Read the full article…

What is Ultimate Truth?
We don’t know whether ‘ultimate truth’ exists. Although we think to know something about our universe – when it started, where it ends – we don’t know whether this universe is only a blink in a much wider space and time… or maybe in something completely different. And then what about ‘God as creator of Read the full article…