Imagine: an AURELIS Future

November 5, 2018 AURELIS, Philanthropically No Comments

Or give it any other name. It’s about concepts. At the most abstract level: a synthesis of rationality and depth, both as much as possible.

[see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’]

Are you in for a culture shock?

Indeed. If ‘AURELIS’ will happen, it will provoke a different culture, worldwide. The best way to fathom this is the vision that a radically different take on human being – especially human mind – changes everything that this mind is oriented towards. This is: anything related to any human endeavor.

The best thing is that, if done well, this may bring people together in understanding each other, having the same goal: being fully human.

A cynic may shout ‘Utopia!’. Of course it is, even literally: a ‘good-place’ (eu-topia) to live in.


Being a physician, this is close to me. At present, a tremendous lot of suffering stems from inner dissociation [see: ’Cause of All Suffering: Dissociation’]. An AURELIS future promises a gradual diminishment of all this: MUCH less depression, burnout, chronic anxiety syndromes, addictions, etc.

Also: MUCH less chronic pain suffering and all kinds of psycho-somatic suffering. Dare I say? This is relevant to everything within the healthcare domain. One cannot be ill without having a psyche. In mind-body unity paradigm, the psyche = the body. Thus it is logical that a psychological take on things may be relevant to any kind of suffering. Including anything related to the immune system – as a matter of fact, in view of its closeness to the central nervous system – : rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS etc.

At present, there are huge gaps in our knowledge as well as many indications that the psyche does indeed play a big role.

Isn’t all this worth the effort? Moreover, an AURELIS future is not confined to healthcare.

Opening religion

Although there may be many roads, there is only one top of the mountain. Each specific religion now acts as if it is itself this top and others will eventually come to see the light.

Opening this situation, it will become apparent that no religion can be ‘the one’. It’s self-defeating: such claim immediately shows its own shortcoming in many ways. The future therefore lies in transcending religion in a gentle slope [see: ‘The Gentle Slope between Closed and Open Religion’]. Mind: this is not just throwing it all away.

In Open Religion [see: category ‘Open Religion’], people of all religions will find each other at the deeper level. Thus: no more religion-fueled wars, no religious discrimination, no tearing apart of societies on religious basis…

Criminal justice

Of course, society will still defend itself against crime! However, no longer through aggressively attacking ‘criminals’, which at long term only heightens crime. The latter will be seen as utterly… ‘criminal’.

Victims and criminals will be seen as in need of coaching, with one goal: diminishment of suffering. The resistance that many might still feel against this nowadays – out of a misplaced feeling of ‘justice’ – will be replaced by this goal + deeper insight + VERY much effort being put in this direction.

Not for wimps!


Children will be motivated to want to learn. This is so very much engrained into human being that it will probably be one of the greatest sources of continuous pleasure: to learn. Technical stuff. Cultural stuff. Any stuff, as long as there is a feeling of personal growth involved. People will by nature strive for it.

They will never get bored.


Let’s end with this. Politics will have as goal the continuation of such society and culture. Since this is a moving target in ever changing conditions, politics will always be relevant.

However, not in a striving to ‘win the elections’, but to better know and accommodate to people’s needs and fulfillments in whatever way.


Probably, as any utopia.

This means that huge efforts will always be important.

According to me, it is absolutely worth it.

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