Lisa’s Impact on Global Sustainable Development (SDG)

Designed to connect deeply with human mental health, resilience, and social needs, Lisa – a Compassionate A.I. – stands out for her potential to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Lisa is a valuable ally in advancing these global goals through accessible, digital means. This blog is a closer look at how Lisa’s Read the full article…
The Paradox Principle

The more, the worse, related to the humanly not seeing oneself in-depth. Many consequences of this are the opposite of durability. I dislike contradictions. I like a good paradox. A contradiction is about two statements that cannot both be true, yet they are both brought as true. There is either confusion or a lie involved. Read the full article…

A.I. and In-Depth Sustainability
Soon enough, A.I. may become the biggest opportunity (and threat) to human-related sustainability. I hope that AURELIS/Lisa insights and tools can help counter the threat and realize the opportunity. This text is not an enumeration of what we may use present-day A.I. (or what carries that name) for to enhance sustainable solutions. It’s about Compassionate Read the full article…

How to ‘Make’ a CEO Sustainability-Minded
Of course, you cannot do that. People are not ‘made’ into anything. The real challenge is much more significant. Are you prepared to take it? If you try to ‘make’ anyone anything, you meet resistance. The endeavor itself makes it more difficult. It’s like trying to climb a wall, and your climbing itself heightens the Read the full article…

Sustainability through Compassion
In order to be more than a buzzword, sustainability needs to be more than itself. Without Compassion, there may not even be sustainable sustainability. Please read [see: “Essence of Compassion“] to get a feel of appropriate un-easiness. That is always a good start towards Compassion. Abstractly Compassion is the connection between people in total-person. Making Read the full article…

Sustainable Healthcare through Compassion
Without Compassion, it is impossible to see the complex connectivity shaping health and illness. This leads more and more to unsustainable healthcare. Please read [see: “Essence of Compassion“] to get a feel of appropriate un-easiness. That is always a good start towards Compassion. Horizontal, vertical This is one way of looking at health and healthcare. Read the full article…

Sustainable Leadership
Doing well by doing good. Being self-sustainable by supporting the sustainability of the whole organization and, eventually, the entire world. This is a clear choice It is the choice to not focus above all else on one’s position, status, money. Therefore, it is not an egoistic choice. It is also the choice to not forget Read the full article…

Core of Sustainability
Sustainability goals start and end with human growth. Sustainability = an interaction with a system that puts at least as much value into the system as it gets out of it. The system is then sustainable regarding that value. The law of entropy dictates that this always accompanies the lessening of other things that might Read the full article…

A.I. Business Sustainability
Following a chapter of my book. [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.“] As the cliché goes: One thing is certain, and that is the uncertainty of the future. Trillions “PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates AI deployment will add $15.7 trillion to global GDP by 2030.” [Lee, 2018] If this is not a business opportunity, then what is? And Read the full article…

Sustainability From Inside Out
Several worldwide crises are coming together at present. As a physician, I see these as the symptoms of an underlying illness. The best way to sustain the patient is from the inside out. This is, in yet another nutshell, the core of the AURELIS project. From inside out As you may know, in AURELIS, this Read the full article…

Motivating towards Sustainability
How to attain durable motivation? Especially in case of a future-oriented goal such as sustainability, one needs to go towards ‘deep’. People are difficult to motivate towards the future. Not because ‘caring for the future’ is irrational, but because human motivation internally is not always rational. One can be motivated for a while, then things Read the full article…

Sustainable Growth = Inner Growth
Growth primarily happens inside people. This way, nature underlies the economy. What has been interpreted as ‘Darwinian.’ Darwin himself saw as ‘fittest’ in the transgenerational survival process the ones whose genes had most chance to be passed on. These individuals are not necessarily the strongest, the most aggressive or unscrupulous. They could be the most Read the full article…