Wars ARE Failures

August 15, 2021 Compassionate Politics, Philanthropically, Sociocultural Issues No Comments

Failures of diplomacy, all right, but more than that, of cultures.

Fresh from med school, I almost enlisted as a medical paratrooper. I’m still entirely behind that mindset of mine from back then. Surprise, surprise?

Everything is connected.

This is true in-depth.

Within one culture, seemingly disparate domains are profoundly connected. We may strive towards a future in which this connection is much more respectfully realized. [see: “One Future, One World”] Yet at present, there’s still a lot of work to do in this regard.

A domain that is certainly not exempt is healthcare. [see: “Healthcare Has No Borders”]

This may not be apparent at the surface. In-dept, the implications are huge. It makes healthcare – the way one heals from illness – an intrinsically ethical issue. [see: “The ethics of getting better”]

Ethical in the sense also of heightening or lowering that what eventually leads to war. Hang on a bit.

Between cultures

Of course, every culture – and also every subculture, and eventually every culturized individual – carries its/his responsibility.

Having said this, it is undeniably so that different cultures influence each other, especially in this age of immensely complex and far-reaching communication.

An example, more than 20 years of war in Afghanistan

with, at this very moment, a sharp escalation and take-over by forces that have been, are, and will be. Millions of people are thrown into misery. The worst off are women and girls.

I dare say that the eventual cause is inner dissociation, not only locally but all over the world. [see: “The Real Enemy is Inner Dissociation”]

We should all feel responsible for every war.

First and foremost, this: [see: “Always Responsible, Never Guilty”]. In short, guilt is a superficial characteristic. Contrary to this, we are talking depth now.

Forget guilt.

Somewhat more concretely,

people do look at other cultures from an extra-cultural viewpoint. If you have the experience of having lived for a while in another culture, you may have felt, from that culture, that your ‘base culture’ looks quite different. Such experience may be liberating. You see things that you otherwise don’t notice for being too close.

Some habits of people at other corners of the globe may strike you as weird. Well, they are also looking at your customs. Do they feel only strangeness, or are they profoundly attracted? They may make comparisons and associations that you don’t think of. They may have different views on morality… and eventually on reasons to go to war. Or they may respect another culture’s profoundness and tolerance, and be more inclined to not go to war.

The West could be such a fine example. Is it? Can it become so?

This closes the circle in an open world.

Opening the circle is not done through culturizing everything out of importance. On the contrary!

It calls for inter-cultural communication about what is crucially human. Such dialogue is only worthwhile if it brings us globally together in-depth. Understanding another culture is mainly important for better understanding one’s own and personally growing from this as an individual.

Towards Compassion

The failures in the title are ones of not diminishing inner dissociation when it calls for such.

It’s a long way, so we better start immediately, again and again. [see: “Compassion: Relief of Dissociation“]

The intended path leads towards the end of all war. [see: “The End of War”]

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