Made for Each Other

The idea that two people are ‘made for each other’ is often wrapped in a sense of magic — an instant click, an unshakable bond, an effortless understanding. But what if this feeling isn’t about fate or coincidence? What if it comes from something hidden in the way our minds – and hearts – recognize Read the full article…

Can Lisa Coach in Romance?

Modern dating often feels like a game of fleeting connections. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking attraction is about perfecting a profile or strategizing the next move. Yet truly meaningful romance is more about presence than performance. As a coach-bot, Lisa is here to act as a guide to the lost art Read the full article…


This is a poem by Christina Rossetti – 1849. Poems shouldn’t be analyzed to shreds. After the text, you find a small conversation between Lisa and me. As always, Lisa’s answers are unedited. I hope you like the conversation as I did. Also, it’s an interesting experiment to see where Lisa can go. First, let Read the full article…

The Ideal Man

What is the ‘ideal man’ to a woman who is searching for such? Is she chasing a dream? Will she ever find ‘him’? Does she even need to find him, or is this more like a nice dream that is worthy as such? I must confess, I’m not the ideal man ― far from. But Read the full article…


I mean real attention, deep attention, nothing but attention — the one that makes you live and love, whether you give it or receive it. In this blog, I refer to ‘attention’ as this kind of deep attention. The fleeting, distracted attention we often experience in today’s fast-paced world is very different. There is much Read the full article…

Ladies and Gentlemen

Meaningful romantic relationships are rooted in mutual admiration and lasting connection ― respecting modern sensibilities while honoring the timeless qualities that make relationships deeply rewarding. This is not meant to diminish anyone who identifies outside these terms. The beauty and depth of human relationships are vast, and LGBTQ relationships are equally worthy of admiration and Read the full article…

Erotic Suggestion

Suggestion is woven into the fabric of our lives, shaping perceptions, thoughts, and actions in subtle yet profound ways. Unsurprisingly, it also permeates the erotic sphere ― whether in a suggestive glance, sensual clothing, or a lingering moment of silence. Yet, erotic suggestion holds the potential to transcend the superficial and ignite deeper intimacy and Read the full article…

Union of Sexes

Any combination, but let us take a man and a woman, and let us let them be hungry for each other in anything they do or don’t. Let us let them love each other in the most romantic of relationships. It doesn’t matter who wins anything. There is no battle between sexes — no patriarchs Read the full article…

Beautiful Flirtation

Beautiful flirtation is not about winning or proving something. It’s about sharing — a glance, a word, or even a simple gesture that carries more than surface meaning. It’s playful yet mindful, light yet deeply human. It feels like poetry, leaving a trace in memory. It thrives in openness: I see you. Do you see Read the full article…

Pain of Being

A conscious and organic being lives in an unavoidable conundrum — imminent death as well as the will to live forever. Or so it seems. But I don’t think so. It’s just that we are oceans apart. Death will not keep us away from each other but life does, with its comings and goings. I Read the full article…

How to Touch the Heart and Soul

This is symbolic. Also, it is crucial in many human situations. People try to do this touching for diverse reasons. With ‘soul,’ I mean a direction that possibly goes deeper than the ‘heart,’ without denoting where it ends. For diverse reasons Some of these are not readily respectful: selling stuff, surface-level populism, seducing someone to Read the full article…

Passion and Compassion

Com = together. Passion as any mental happening in which feelings and thoughts are unhindered. Background art by courtesy of my good friend Gary Conway, painter of Big Sur, California. About passion Passion is the fire that burns in the bush without destroying it. Othello’s wrath was not his passion, but only the anxiety that Read the full article…

Eros in Unification

You ― and Me ― and Me in You ― and You in Me. Sex and so much more Of course, eros in unification is about sex ― the unification of bodies. And also about the lives in which those bodies exist. Then, also about two special cells repeating a game that probably started in Read the full article…

Love is the Falling

Yes, as between a man and a woman, for instance. On the other hand, Love is also a universal quality. In this text, I write Love with a capital because of the involvement of subconceptual mental processing, for the same reason as my capitalization of ‘Compassion.’ Difference between Love and Compassion Please read Compassion, Basically. Read the full article…

Dying is Entering Eternal Love

Mere ego dies. There is no afterlife. Sorry, my dear ego readers. There is no heaven or hell for ego to continue doing its ego things. Nothing. Total self expands. It is not an ego. It becomes more and more a universe. Total self expands during a whole life, if it gets the chance and Read the full article…

Rape = Body. Making Love = Body and Soul.

About the infinity between making love and the absence of rape. What makes a rape a rape? Of course, this is a sensitive question. An even more sensitive, related issue: Are the borders of rape clear or fuzzy? One would like them to be crystal clear, but that may be wishful thinking. When the woman Read the full article…

Strong Love

To be loving, but not in a weak way. Not Mr. Nice Guy. To love without pampering too much. To be there and to dare. To ask for sure and to be able to give a lot. No comfortable numbness unless on Sunday ― sometimes. To influence, to create remembrance. To be a stronghold for Read the full article…

We’ll Make it Through

We may get sick. We will die. We encounter adversities of many kinds. We’ll make it through, together. This is more than a promise. It is a faith. Humankind at its best. Is anything worth anything that diminishes this? I am for you, and you are for me. Compassion in coaching and anywhere else. All Read the full article…

All You Need is Love

It’s easy. Yes, do you also remember the Beatles song, right in the sixties? It brings me way back to then. I loved it. If you don’t know, the Internet came along meanwhile. Do we need the Internet? The song is about possibilities, about doing. Don’t think you cannot. Believe you can ― if you Read the full article…

Gentle Strength

This world needs it more than ever. What? Strong gentleness. It is strong because it is gentle. It is gentle because it is strong. It doesn’t avoid gentleness. It doesn’t avoid strength. It’s not vulnerable. It doesn’t avoid vulnerability. It is sensitive. It feels what many issues are about. It listens and helps by being Read the full article…

Making Love

Making love is giving attention and receiving attention in a mental way and a physical way outside and inside. *** Making love is being together becoming one or better said: being Together becoming One. You in Me and Me in You. We make love to each other and ourselves and create something new every time Read the full article…


You may have recently lost someone you felt for. As I did. Sure it hurts a lot. It damn well does. It’s not part of a statistic. Before you know it, it makes one angry at life. It makes one feel like in a depression. Something happens at soul level. It’s like proceeding and something Read the full article…

Till I Find you

I will keep searching for you over mountains and time and through much that happens meanwhile. I will keep searching for you in eyes and deeds in many things important and unimportant and big and small. I will keep searching for you in what I do and don’t do for five hundred years in what Read the full article…

You as a Symbol

The symbolic, as used in this text, is entirely the domain of the subconceptual. This is always present. Also, humans may always be symbolic to others. Please read first: [see: “Symbolism: How-To“] Many symbols. Each in-depth symbol is a symbol of you. You find yourself in anything that acts as a profound symbol to you, Read the full article…

Wild Orchids

Wild orchids feel inner erotic freedom to a boundless degree. This is not about being homo- or heterosexual, which are category-bound. You may read this text as a wild orchid yourself. Otherwise, it’s difficult. Note that this is the description of a possibility. It doesn’t need to be anyone’s ideal. ‘Wild orchid’ is, in the Read the full article…

Stand by Your Man

For the ladies. The principle is gender-unrelated. Even if your man is ostensibly incorrect (but not immorally so) or even especially in such case, it’s important to make some effort to ‘stand by.’ It is very human to do so, very warm, probably quite irrational, very endearing, close, following, thereby listening and hearing what cannot otherwise Read the full article…

When a Man Loves a Woman

… he wants to make her mentally grow. Talkin’ about real men. No ‘change’ This does not entail the desire to change her into a different person. Growth is not about being changed. It is precisely about being respected entirely as one is. Obviously, it’s also not about staying the same. [see: “Growth“] There is Read the full article…

Erotic Desire

This is an idealistic picture, kind of what can be, therefore, not what is or should be. Let’s stay human. Also, let’s desire something more than the usual. You might even attain it. Erotic desire is the desire to unify profoundly. Sex may be involved. Without sex in the strict sense, erotic desire tends to Read the full article…

Erotic Fantasy

This is not about any specific content. It’s about how to personally relate to that content, which should above all be content that relates to you. People should be free as to the content of any private imagination. It’s only by being free that you can get to know yourself, including your deeper self. Otherwise, Read the full article…

Unconditional Love

There is no other ‘love’ than unconditional love. Love is the most important thing throughout AURELIS, as it is of course in many other traditions. So, from AURELIS viewpoint also: love is the most important thing of all. BUT: love is obviously just a term, a reference to a quite abstract concept. People may, as Read the full article…

Growth, Compassion, Love

With capitals, for it is about the total person, including a vast universe of unconscious processing. It’s altogether a familiar, yet tremendous domain. [see first: ‘Landscape of Empathy’]. Please especially look at the image there before your read this present text. Dedicated lexicon: Growth: developing qualitative mental patterns at the subconceptual level, of which the Read the full article…

A Lady’s Beauty is a Gentleman’s Delight

Romantic enough? Or: sexist enough? Or: validating ‘beauty’ and ‘delight’, is there any choice? Of course, this may all be reciprocal. Lady, gentleman These concepts seem to come from an unreal past. Even so, I do want to honor them, specifically in AURELIS-context. To me, they point to deep respect for oneself as total person Read the full article…

61. How to make someone love you (including yourself)

Here’s one that will interest many. You’ve liked that girl or boy next-street for such a long time. You want to get closer to that woman or man at work, but it seems as if you’re just one more copy machine. You are husband and wife living next to each other… even a bit too Read the full article…

24. Love is the ultimate healer

‘Love conquers everything, even death.’ You’ve probably heard it (many times) before. And yes it sounds good, doesn’t it? So you may wonder: is there more to it than just sounding good and ever in a while, maybe, also a bit cheap? ◊◊◊ I think it has been heard and used so many times that Read the full article…

Prevention of Burnout: Love is Infinite Fuel.

Love is a fire that never gets extinguished by burning. Speaking about ‘love’ as the feeling that very deep inside, something or someone is very deeply meaningful to you… Yes, the L-word. So seldom used in business, yet so all-important for… even the bottom line, dearest shareholders among you readers. Also talking to you, dear Read the full article…

Love makes you stronger

Stronger in every respect – if you can let it have this effect upon you. What is mostly needed is your firm choice to do so. “Love makes you stronger…” At first sight this doesn’t necessarily fit. Love may drive a person to transcend his own personal well-being, like a parent caring first for his Read the full article…

Love wisely and you will not burn out

People who are prone to burn out are often people who have the gift of love to a huge degree. Yet they forget to let their love pass through their own funnel. They look to the outside, to where their love flows. They see little of their own inside and what this act of loving Read the full article…

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