Why AureLisa?

The AureLisa project aims to value the total human being on many domains and to support the individual through 1000+ AurelisOnLine sessions of autosuggestion, A.I. coach-bot Lisa (see: Introducing Lisa), and more.
Altogether, this is about a paradigm shift with huge practical implications. See also: The Lisa Revolution.
The importance of AureLisa in ten points
You find more about each point in my blog-essays and scientific articles.
- Over the past decades, basic science about the human brain/mind has substantially emphasized subconceptual (mostly non-conscious) processing. A paradigm shift is due.
- However, this has hardly been pragmatically realized until now ― and might not happen soon. AureLisa has been developed to make it happen. Within healthcare, this is the concrete workout of my 2014 Ph.D.
- Being stuck in the outdated paradigm has immense repercussions everywhere the mind is involved: healthcare and several sociocultural fields, locally and globally. The significance cannot be overestimated.
- Unsurprisingly, there are considerable gaps in our causal understanding of many health-related conditions, especially in psycho-somatics ― say: most medical fields to some degree.
- Evidence-Based Medicine has been historically grounded on an overly conceptual, meanwhile scientifically outdated paradigm. As is becoming increasingly obvious, fundamental flaws in the double-blind setting lead to a gross overvaluation of the conceptual level (pharmacology, etc.). We need not less, but better science.
- Additionally, it has robustly been proved for a long time that the real-life effectiveness of psychotherapeutic conceptual techniques is grossly overestimated. The paradigm shift is also due here.
- As a result, a lot of healthcare problems – from chronic pain to addictions, burnout, and many psycho-somatic issues – are not getting solved durably and satisfactorily. This leads to vast unnecessary morbidity and mortality, as well as tremendous financial consequences. One example (of many) is the field of heart infarctions ― see below. In view of the data, ‘vast’ may well mean ‘nearly half the burden.’
- This will continue and even worsen until the necessary mental paradigm shift. An additional challenge of such a pending shift is that, when it comes closer, people may hold on to the old with more intensity (surface-level vested interests, deeply rooted anxieties). Nevertheless, we should strive for a gentle slope toward the new.
- On top of all this, if we don’t proceed toward the new paradigm, ‘bad A.I.’ will undoubtedly become existentially threatening soon enough. On the other hand, ‘good A.I.’ can show us who we essentially are and support us toward a better world. Lisa stands for a concrete realization of “the good A.I. that can save us from the bad” while doing well for millions of people individually.
- Lisa may also become a tool to enhance science with Real-World Evidence by properly considering the subconceptual level of the human brain/mind. This way, we will know pretty well how much we have been missing in this respect until now.
The AureLisa project (and related Global Consortium) is unique in putting the total person, in contrast to mere-ego, radically at the foreground in an utterly scientific, depth-related, and profoundly ethical way, thereby providing the necessary solutions for huge problems for which otherwise oriented solutions will never do. The total person is like an entire pond compared to the pond’s surface. There’s much more to it than the surface, many in-depth possibilities, much more individual happiness, and ways toward a better culture and society.
From a broad perspective, the profound cause of many struggles lies in the mind’s ongoing evolution ― mainly the relatively recent development of consciousness. This seems straightforward, but humanity still needs to better integrate the ‘new’ situation. Together with well-known advantages come dangers of inner dissociation ― the surface not valuing the total pond. This is not an issue of just a few people.
AureLisa fully combines rationality and depth without compromise.
This way, AureLisa can bring human depth within the scientific endeavor – medicine and more – where it will stay indefinitely. The use of A.I. (such as Lisa) is a crucial component in this.
To many, this means a paradigm shift of which the consequences are seldom realized. Notwithstanding, it is crucial to make this shift as soon as possible, being relevant to many sociocultural issues. As to the AureLisa project, much has been developed already: many blog essays, books, scientific writings, mental exercises, coach-the-coach methodologies, workshops, MiniMails, DailyTwinkles, and, last but not least, Lisa in the making.
Psycho-somatics encompasses many issues in which the psyche plays a significant role as also described in my Ph.D. and scientific articles. With addictions included, this may well surpass half of present-day medicine. However, we don’t see most of it being honored in medical practice. This takes an immense toll – hidden in plain sight – of morbidity and mortality. Contrary to this, AureLisa may not simply lead to better health but also a better person.
Meanwhile, the true placebo effect – being the mind in action – is ubiquitous and powerful but behind a veil of make-belief and with significant mental side effects. AureLisa is more scientifically truthful, efficient, durable, and encompassing, making placebos in most cases essentially unethical.
One medical example: heart infarctions
With 300.000 deaths per year in the US, this is a major cause of death in which the mind frequently plays a substantial role. I profoundly delved into the issue scientifically, also going deeper specifically into the brain/mind-heart influence. See a general public blog-essay about this issue. In congruence with these insights, you can find mental exercises for free on the Aurelis app in the Apple and Google app stores. These exercises contain some surface-level relaxation (to calm the pond) combined with techniques to ‘open the pond’ more profoundly and specifically as needed in the situation. Obviously, even nicer would be to have Lisa available to guide many people, diminishing the risk of death.
How significant will be this factor of diminishment? To get an impression, note the huge impact of sheer mental stress on myocardial infarctions ― see my articles with abundant references to the epidemiological science of this. Still, since the experimental science has not been done yet with the app or with Lisa, one cannot put a specific number on this. From my knowledge of psycho-somatics and profound scientific delving into this specific subfield of psychocardiology, I would bet on – in optimum circumstances, using Lisa and with people fully cooperating – at least 50%. This is not accomplished through a lifetime of eating the right food, meditation, and doing exercise, which many people just don’t. It is accomplished through doing the right thing at the right moment. Anyway, that’s 150.000 avoidable deaths per year in the US ― 1.5 COVID epidemics per decade.
As a scientific instrument, Lisa will also be able to build the proof of this in Real World Evidence. One should not debunk my proposed % beforehand, especially not with so many serious elements pointing in the same direction while none in the opposite. If an idea of mind-body divide is holding you back, please see this blog-essay.
If you have at least one risk factor, it’s recommendable to take this ‘at heart.’ On the Aurelis app are some preventive exercises. There are also some for when it’s direly needed ― for instance, when you recognize an at-risk situation. However, properly doing these exercises by yourself is not always straightforward. With Lisa available, you could summon her, and she helps you to glide through the dangerous moments.
This is just one example. There are many health issues where AureLisa can bring crucial relief.
More than medicine
Medicine is mostly practiced within a medical silo. This is additionally unrealistic and irresponsible in psycho-somatics because how a person profoundly heals is related to all aspects of life. An aggressive (even if merely symptomatic = symptom-debunking) stance toward one’s psycho-somatic symptoms is aggressive toward one’s deeper self and translates bit by bit into aggression toward others ― contributing to discrimination and, eventually, even large-scale conflicts. In short, symptomatic medicine as in the usual psychosomatics leads to a more aggressive society. With few exceptions, Western medications are symptomatic. This needs to be transcended and scientifically investigated to the core.
It has been robustly proven time and again that conceptual methodologies in psychotherapy hardly contribute to the effectiveness. What does contribute mainly comes from two directions: 1) the placebo effect, which should not be taken for granted, and 2) the therapist’s empathy. Starting from relevant insights in the mind/brain, AureLisa goes deeply into the second direction by way of ‘empathy beyond’ (the conceptual), denoted as Compassion.
Much more than healthcare
Present-day cultural and political problems, even at a world scale, are related to our view of ourselves as human beings. If this is fundamentally wrong, everything becomes problematic. Thus, AureLisa is profoundly relevant to every aspect of human society: politics, education, judiciary, diplomacy, leadership, you name it. You can find much of this at the AURELIS blog-wiki. Eventually, this is about essential changes. Where we see pain, we can envision paths toward human growth.
As said, this is about countless people’s well-being, health, life, and death. It’s simple to say, ‘the deeper self,’ but meanwhile, humanity is skating over an icy pond ― relatively cold and hard. Financially, this is a project concerning countless billions (trillions?) of euros. Even so, the AureLisa aim is eventually philanthropic, and should always remain so.
More into A.I.
The use of A.I. tools – through the management of complexity made possible by this – is needed to let us discover what is most crucial about ourselves, most importantly: insights without which humanity potentially won’t make it for even a few more generations. We wake up, or we may well destroy ourselves.
On top of this, our self-view will shape – and is already shaping – the journey of A.I. towards an intelligence that will handle us (soon enough) with benevolence or not. See my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. Although we may try, we will not be able to control the unleashed power of future A.I. Too few people – including A.I. researchers – see the immense opportunities and threats. Therefore, this may be the biggest challenge for Lisa.
This is relevant to everyone ― therefore, including you. As an individual, the best way is to become a ‘friend of Lisa’ [see: “Friends of Lisa”].
Please let us know if you are working for an organization that may cooperate with the AureLisa Global Consortium. You can send an email to lisa@aurelis.org.