AURELIS is about inner growth. Therefore, it is a ‘green project.’ Healing oneself and healing the planet is the same. As a project, AURELIS is about being aware of this. This is about how green is your mind. This is about sustainability from the inside out. This is about how AURELIS can help or may Read the full article…
Responsibility of Humanism in Modern Times

This responsibility has always been huge ― perhaps even more so in modern times with many essential changes happening, and probably even more (and more essential) to come in the near future. Humanism: the striving to put the total human being at the first place of importance, therefore not a god or religion, nor some Read the full article…

Own people first. My people = everybody. The aim of planetarianism is to unite without diminishing diversity ― thus to strive for one human culture with due respect for regional cultures. For this, we seek growing embeddedness in a philanthropic ecosystem of giving and taking. For a PowerPoint about the growing project of Planetarianism, click Read the full article…

DailyTwinkles to Planetarianism
The DailyTwinkles project forms an ambitious AURELIS subproject, reaching and connecting people in forty different languages. The aim is to support people to connect in-depth. In accord with the AURELIS philosophy, people are invited to value a combination of rationality and depth – each without detracting from the other – across cultural borders, toward planetarianism. Read the full article…

Costly Ego
Mere-ego is by far the most costly thing on Earth: annually, trillions of Euros, millions of human lives, and an unfathomable lot of human suffering through disease, war, and other mishaps. Moreover, it possibly leads to the end of the human species soon enough. See: The Story of Ego Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration. Also, Read the full article…

This World is One
It just doesn’t make any logical sense that the peoples on it are divided. Yet here we are. Meanwhile, we may be living in a decade that, more than any other, is decisive in realizing oneness. “This world is one.” Of course, I mean this under the assumption that human beings would be fundamentally rational Read the full article…

Where do You Go to, My Planet?
Nowhere yet for a while, but people worldwide are rapidly going somewhere. Global politics is on the move. Much depends on how we understand and manage ourselves in-depth and how we deal with a pending paradigm shift at the core of who we are. That sounds dramatic enough. Please, first read about the great mental Read the full article…

Every Open Leader’s Final Goal is Global
At any level, the Open goal is the global goal ― yes, the world, at least. There is no contradiction in this, but a mindset and a challenge – for the Open leader – to bring goals together in mutually strengthening ways. The final goal may be so far away that it looks like it Read the full article…

Sleepwalking from World Crisis to World Crisis
The global crises that we are experiencing one after another – or even simultaneously – do not happen by coincidence. In-depth, their common cause is a fundamentally wrong view of the deep-mental side of the human being. Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science have been trying to wake up humanity ― until now, in vain. Even Read the full article…

AureLisa Global Consortium
Toward a reality based on the human-being-as-is, with local and global implications in every human endeavor. The main intended audience of this text is a consortium of possible collaborators. For the shortest intro, see: AureLisa Short – Body & Mind Please also read: Narrative introduction to AURELIS and Lisa White Paper & Pitching with a Read the full article…

Global Problems through Lack of Depth
To many, at first sight, lack of depth seems a far-fetched cause of global issues. I dare to say the opposite is true. Human depth is something we all feel yet is challenging to conceptualize. This is not a coincidence but related to the very essence of depth itself. Inner dissociation. To me, this is Read the full article…

Global Madness is Today
If you feel like this world is growing in madness, you may be right. Sometimes, it seems like the madness is getting World War proportions ― again. The first World War in two stages shows that it is possible to start in an unexpecting environment. Without doomsday thinking, we should also not put it aside Read the full article…

Global Changes Start Inside
This is: deep inside the human mind, upon which one has little direct conscious control. ‘Global’ points to what happens between people at the grant and even global scale. Deeply ubiquitous All people share in-depth propensities that can be realized one way or another, thus on diverse domains orienting the streaming underneath in a direction Read the full article…

Healing Yourself is Healing the Planet
There seems to be no other way to ‘heal the planet,’ so we better take this seriously. As a mindset Many bits make a big? Or, each person wants to be the chosen one who saves the planet? I intend with the title a mindset, a conviction, a promise ― frustrationless desire as a regular Read the full article…

Worldwide Compassion
I have a recurrent dream: worldwide Compassion. Note that in this text, I bring my personal view upon what this encompasses. Please read this first: [see: “Compassion Connecting East & West“] Ubiquitous Compassion – in the sense of [see: “Compassion, basically“] – is a worldwide, recognizable phenomenon, although people may realize it in many different Read the full article…

How to ‘Make’ a CEO Sustainability-Minded
Of course, you cannot do that. People are not ‘made’ into anything. The real challenge is much more significant. Are you prepared to take it? If you try to ‘make’ anyone anything, you meet resistance. The endeavor itself makes it more difficult. It’s like trying to climb a wall, and your climbing itself heightens the Read the full article…

Sustainability through Compassion
In order to be more than a buzzword, sustainability needs to be more than itself. Without Compassion, there may not even be sustainable sustainability. Please read [see: “Essence of Compassion“] to get a feel of appropriate un-easiness. That is always a good start towards Compassion. Abstractly Compassion is the connection between people in total-person. Making Read the full article…

Is Climate Change More Critical than A.I.?
Reckoning in years, probably not. Of course, in no way do I want to underestimate the immense importance of Climate Change. ►►► WHY read this? The curve of A.I. becoming an existential issue may soon enough become much steeper than that of Climate Change. ◄◄◄ There is no way around the experts’ opinion that we Read the full article…

Sustainable Growth = Inner Growth
Growth primarily happens inside people. This way, nature underlies the economy. What has been interpreted as ‘Darwinian.’ Darwin himself saw as ‘fittest’ in the transgenerational survival process the ones whose genes had most chance to be passed on. These individuals are not necessarily the strongest, the most aggressive or unscrupulous. They could be the most Read the full article…

People, Planet, Profit
One should not be against ‘profit’ except as an exclusive goal. In the latter case, it’s an addiction. In all other cases, it can be an instrument towards doing good. What is Profit? Profit = good striving. The etymology of ‘profit’ is very positive: related to proficiency, from the Latin verb proficere: to accomplish, make Read the full article…

Dissociation at World Level
In other words and at the same time as stated earlier: ‘soul’ getting lost. But then across the world. The first time that such a thing as AURELIS came to mind (in my mind, as a rather naive post-adolescent), was in the year 1984 in Brazil. In a pediatric hospital in a favela (slum) of Read the full article…

How Green Is Your Mind?
Inner mind is pure nature. Therefore, a true environmentalist sees nature outside and inside as worthy goals. They form a natural and logical synthesis. People who want to take care of the environment should also take care of themselves in-depth. The environment deeply is their cause ― no matter whether they are rich or poor. This Read the full article…