AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’

June 7, 2018 AURELIS, Philanthropically No Comments

USP: ‘Unique Selling Proposition’. A term from the hard business world. That is, of course, also this world. A USP induces someone to echo, in just a few words,  the basis of what a product/project is about.

It is a message, a ‘promise’.  The AURELIS take goes to something that indicates: ‘100% rationality, 100% depth’. In each case: that’s the kind of world I want to go for. The ‘100%’ is of course an endeavor. It doesn’t exist. It’s like the Buddhist vow “I promise to liberate all living beings (from the cause of suffering)”. Cannot be done, of course. Still, it’s a fine ambition.

For AURELIS the above aim is the highest good. The duality of it (rationality + depth) is orthogonal: both of them can vary independently of each other. Yet the synthesis is a lot more than the sum of each. Pure rationality only sees the surface. Pure depth gets quickly lost in irrationality.

Rationality and depth at the same time, reinforce one another. Ultimately they are even necessary to each other.

Together they form the foundation for a promising future. AURELIS stands for the dawn (‘ AURora ‘) to this future, on as many domains as there are colors of the northern lights (AUrora boREaLIS).  I think this is, with or without AURELIS, the only possible humane future that we have. Pieces of this future can be brought into the present, as for people who come to a coach, people who use AurelisOnLine in a good way, and so on.

That is the ‘promise’ of AURELIS to specific people. At the same time AURELIS spreads this ‘promise’ to all mankind .

AURELIS as a company also stands for this double promise: personal and in general. Someone who purchases an AURELIS product or service, should know this for sure.

One of the consequences is getting beyond placebo as much as possible.

Placebo has neither rationality, nor serious depth.

What’s more, it is standing in the way for each of both factors. AURELIS does not ‘tolerate’ that. Another consequence is that a purely symptomatic treatment (‘cosmetic medicine’) is insufficient for AURELIS. Rationality + depth is more important than the mere direct comfort that people more and more risk to become addicted to nowadays. Taking action to awaken people (again) to this end, is also a part of the ‘AURELIS promise’. Further action in the same direction is, among other things, scientific research on the possibilities of the human mind, as in psychosomatics, by using AURELIS tools & services.

In my opinion it is fine that in AURELIS the personal aspect and the general aspect can always go hand in hand.

That makes that one can transcend one’s own ‘ego’ without having to let it go (which ultimately is impossible). By helping oneself, one directly helps everyone. By helping everyone, one directly helps oneself.

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