20. Autumn of COVID: Disaster2 Already?

July 30, 2020 Minding Corona No Comments


COVID (re-)emerges in all kinds of countries where strict measures have not been maintained. This includes countries where the virus has never well receded (such as the US), countries where it has not peaked before (such as parts of Australia), and countries that saw a huge decrease after disaster (such as Spain and Belgium). Everywhere, the virus is waiting for a chance, while not waiting for humans to be ready. The COVID-virus doesn’t reward previous efforts.

We don’t see Influenza flaring up now. Influenza is seasonal. Does this mean that COVID is not seasonal? The most pertinent question concerning the near future in Europe and the US: Will COVID flare up in the autumn on top of what we see now? The answer, as far as I can see, is: of course. While autumn is not yet the big Influenza/Corona period of the year – which is wintertime – COVID shows to be more infective and lethal than Influenza. That doesn’t mean it’s less seasonal.

Seasonality + Lethality => Disaster²?

We will be taken by surprise, apparently, again. This time, we should know better. I see many people and companies, organizations, and politicians act as if we know ‘the enemy’ by now, and are better prepared than earlier this year for what’s coming.

But in a way, we are not. As mentioned, the fact that the virus can surge in the summer doesn’t mean it will hit less in autumn. I see this deduction being made, but it’s just plainly logically wrong. It probably means that the virus will hit even harder in the autumn and beyond.

Of course, we are better prepared for something like what happened from March 2020 onwards. The problem is: what is coming is different in two respects: People are even less mentally ready (being tired, sad, horrified, bored, burned out, demotivated), and the virus may hit harder because, among other things, lockdown is economically seen even less evident. On top of these, the COVID-whirlpool [see: “Covid Whirlpool“] will take us towards new territory without us knowing what is happening. This new territory within the whirlpool is made up by ourselves, as well as by the virus. It will be surprising once more mainly because of its subconceptual nature. Thus:

  • We think we can take this challenge as a linear process, building up defenses.
  • The reality will be exponential again.

Humanity seldom experienced a lack of arrogance. The accompanying disillusion will become another part of the whirlpool. Now, we think we are intelligent enough to ‘control the beast just by putting more conceptual defense on top of defense.’ If needed, we build the wall higher. That may be OK in many circumstances, but not if something comes flying over the wall. A simple wall – as construction of bricks – doesn’t suffice. We need to use our subconceptual wings. See previous chapters/blog texts. Without them, we get into disaster².

Do I seem to be promoting my idea that the subconceptual level is crucial in the COVID happening? As much as I would like to be wrong in prediction, from the health-related side, there is little chance. My opinion is based on many elements and robust synthesis. Virologists are medical specialists in half of the matter. I am a specialist in the other half. No bird flies on one wing.

Good, bad, ugly

I have a Ph.D. in mind-body medical science, not in economics. My view from the latter side is limited. I try to put together in a scheme what strikes me as relevant. That is, from a helicopter view, not much.


The good




Anticoagulants and other support

Face masks are available.

They also protect against other viruses.

Contact tracing

Social distancing

Many businesses are better prepared.

We (should) react more quickly.


The bad

No vaccine

Medications relieve only slightly.

Snotty children – and adults

Post-traumatic + new stress

We may need better face masks.

Problems with contact tracing

Less money available

The economy demands human contacts.

People may get complacent.

Many people are fed up.


The ugly

COVID-whirlpool +++

Again, we don’t see this coming.

It may be (much) harsher.

What I don’t mention in the scheme, because it’s very uncertain, is the possibility of viral mutations. Also, economically, there may be more critical elements. This is going to cost another few trillion, if not the entire economy and world peace. Of course, the very rich will rebound. On top of this, it will take a lot of professional lives and livelihoods. For instance, fitness centers, bars, and restaurants will most probably not remain open for more than a few weeks this year. Mass gatherings will not be possible, let alone advisable, in the autumn nor winter time. Other sectors will surely be hit hard too. Economists may know what this means to the treasury, banks, and people’s money. More pending foreclosures are still due to the consequences of the first wave. This adds to the whirlpool.

Taking yourself seriously

As a human being, you have a lot inside that has not been explored, let alone put to proper usage. We could use this well in the present situation. However, a basic cultural stream prevents most people from doing so. This makes them dependent. What they are dependent on (people, organizations, cultural ideas even) profits from this situation. This doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily done with conscious insight. It’s a mechanism, used in many places, together forming a stream with strong current and in which individual people flow along. This stream’s sturdy current makes some people misinterpret a flowing along with it as strength, a standing strong against it as weakness. Moreover, there is sometimes aggression involved, such as from those who flow in this stream towards those who don’t. This makes some people see an enemy where is none, and a friend where is really the foe. Guess what happens. The future will be created by a transcendence – or lack – of this. It’s a time in which the free and the brave can stand up.

Yes, taking yourself seriously is a worthy cause. It doesn’t necessarily bring money or status. It brings worthiness. I hope this remains valuable to many. I know it will be more valuable in the future. I have been exploring it – what I call Inner Strength – for quite a few years now. On one of my vagrancies, I have made an in-depth analysis of human being in this regard and described it in The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.

What have I done?

Too little. The Aurelis app is now available [see: “Free App to Relieve COVID”]. A.I. enhancements are possible, including Lisa [see: “Lisa”]. Other developments, translations, visibility, connections, B2B cooperation, etc. are appropriate. The app can be made more encompassing.

I have written and am writing this book and others, available at Amazon. It all lacks good marketing, due to a continually being stuck in a catch-22 of finances and possibilities. As a feeble excuse, I can point out that a basic cultural stream as I just described doesn’t allow for the usual marketing efforts to be successful in the countercurrent direction. The stream honors what flows in the course of the stream itself. Especially tricky is the fact that it’s hardly visible and yet pervades everything. This is typical for broadly distributed patterns. It’s why people don’t always change easily, and cultures also don’t change easily. On the positive side, when a change is finally realized, it’s quite stable.


If we don’t collectively take action, I look with horror at a preventable disaster². Without a concerted effort, it will sadly be stuff for a detailed postscript to MINDING CORONA. Then this text becomes a legacy of what could have been, dated midsummer 2020. In a few years, using A.I. means and real-world evidence, a proof of what is happening (either or not realized) in the undercurrent will be possible. I would like to take part in that and intend to give it my best shot. At present, we ‘only’ have more than enough stringent cues, no directly COVID-related experimental science – which would not be possible right now and with the usual means. Anyone who cares to think about this with a straight mind carries responsibility.



As a physician in mindless matter, I also have just a few recommendations that I don’t encounter elsewhere, for what it’s worth:

  • I recommend, with caution, the use of small doses of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) when in quarantine or hospitalized. I’d rather see it as a preventive measure of physical support instead of an additional medical weapon. Of course, this needs to be scientifically investigated. I found one article in ‘Medical Hypotheses.’ That’s it. Without contra-indication, the use of 50 mg daily cannot harm.
  • When passing someone outside, closing your mouth is recommended, diminishing the spread of viruses. Every little bit helps.
  • Not talking loudly in company is better. When on a bus, for instance, it will probably make a difference.
  • Follow the rules, mindlessly perhaps. OK, that said, try to motivate yourself – and others – first. Following rules on top of motivation is different. There is mind involved.
  • Carry the Aurelis app on your smartphone. The sheer thought that it’s there may act like a placebo. In my view, placebo is quite mindless. Besides, in due time, you might think of applying it and come to appreciate it.


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