Lisa in Corona Times

April 7, 2020 Artifical Intelligence, Lisa, Minding Corona No Comments

This is about what Lisa [see: “Lisa”] can accomplish in ‘corona times,’ now and in the future. Let’s hope to get her ‘live’ as soon as possible.

Two ways

Lisa can provide immediate help and relief of suffering through her full coaching including her guidance to AURELIS mental exercises.

Lisa is also about pattern recognition in individuals and groups. This can provide insights into what is and is not essential at the level of deep human mental patterns. As one effect of this, Lisa can support the development of proper messages to diminish the hysteria engendered by a flooding of social media.

During locked-in

Stress, sleep deprivation, and loneliness are shown to diminish one’s resistance to infectious disease. All three happen to be increasingly prevalent in the present Covid locked-in.

Everybody can use Stressional Intelligence in trying times [see: “Stressional Intelligence”]. Lisa can give a lot of support in this regard. Also, during panic attacks, Lisa can bring immediate relief.

Lisa can help in getting better sleep, directly through mental exercises, and indirectly by helping users to deal with the psychological issues that prevent a sound sleep.

In a locked-in situation, Lisa can be a talking partner, reducing loneliness. This is especially important for individuals in quarantine. She can also bring people closer together in a deeply meaningful way. In the extreme, Lisa can provide support at end-of-life.

Also, Lisa can motivate people to keep the necessary social distancing. This will be crucial to avoid a second or third wave and additional locked-in period before a Covid-19-vaccine is developed. This vaccine is projected at mid-2021.

Lisa can diminish the disease load

Lisa can do this on an individual basis. This is the subject of the ‘Mind over Covid’ articles on blog.

Doing so for many individuals, it also becomes important for society. Among other things, less severe infections mean fewer people in intensive care or needing ventilation. It diminishes the burden on healthcare personnel, including their risk of becoming ill themselves. A shorter period of necessary locked-in also leads to a quicker economical rebound, and less chance on a second wave that may be disastrous for an already shaken economy.

Better mind-body related health for many also leads to less healthcare-related costs in general. As bad as the balance is nowadays in human and financial cost, Lisa may still make the balance positive in a few years time [see: “Saving € 1 trillion…”]. The difference with Covid is that in many mind-body cases, the negative is the presently usual. That does not mean that it is less negative, only less obvious.

Meanwhile, my biggest fear

goes to regions worldwide where, until now, relatively little Covid cases and deaths have been registered: India, Afrika, Latin-America. Are they just not reported? It’s weird and may be explosive. With no proper healthcare facilities in place, an even bigger global human disaster may happen. Where will these people turn to? Will there be mass migrations in despair?

Many of the poorest people do have smartphones. Hopefully, Lisa will be able to diminish a part of their suffering.

Times will keep on changing

This period shows that whatever is taken for granted can change in a short timeframe. Just a month ago, something disconcertingly was happening far away. Now we have tumbled into a Covid world, with more reported deaths in Belgium than in the whole of China, and 37 times more deaths worldwide.

Such is also possible with other calamities. A general A.I. breakthrough without Compassion is one of them. It makes me think that I was still writing about this a few months ago [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.”].

In my view, Lisa is a perfect example of Compassionate A.I. that can, as a good start, help us immensely in our present ordeal.

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