Why the AURELIS app “cannot work against COVID”

October 1, 2021 Minding Corona No Comments

Rest assured, there is much more to show that it can.

[see: “Free App to Relieve Stress and Symptoms“]

Apart from the blunt “This is not possible,” or anything in that vein, I think of these arguments:

  • COVID is a viral disease. Something purely mental cannot work.
  • If this would work, we would already know.
  • I don’t see how exactly this could be possible.
  • The ephemeral mind cannot influence the physical body in any case.
  • The mind can only make one feel better.
  • This looks like a regression to magic.
  • This would be something like telekinesis in which I don’t believe.
  • This lies outside of biomedical science.
  • I don’t encounter ‘the mind’ this way in my practice.
  • The app is not experimentally proven to work against COVID.
  • The entire world of medical science cannot be so wrong.
  • It’s impossible to just decide to become physically better.
  • People cannot die through the influence of the mind.
  • This is too simple to be effective.
  • It is based on a weird hypothesis without circumstantial evidence.


There is more than enough answer to each of these arguments at other places in Minding Corona and the AURELIS-wiki. If you are a factual person, you may, for instance, want to read [see: “Facts, Facts, Facts in Medicine“].

If you can think of another argument for the list above, please let me know.

Otherwise, please take this free app seriously! Note that COVID is not mentioned on the app. ‘Acute stress with symptoms’ is relevant to many domains.

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