Pain of Being

January 6, 2024 General Insights, Love & Relationship No Comments

A conscious and organic being lives in an unavoidable conundrum — imminent death as well as the will to live forever.

Or so it seems.

But I don’t think so.

It’s just that we are oceans apart.

Death will not keep us away from each other

but life does, with its comings and goings.

I keep seeing your face through the mirror.

I keep feeling your hair through my fingers.

I keep hearing your voice through happy memories.

One may live in oblivion

but even so, at the background remains present what one doesn’t even want to try to forget

because one cannot.

Let us stay, therefore, as with the lingering noise of the so-called beginning of the universe.

In the end, it has always been there

and will always be there

like the pain of being

till love do us ‘part.’

We are living a fairy tale.

We are dreaming a life.

We are listening to the waves that we are


We know that and we don’t know that.

Those who survive joyfully

have learned to pretend.

Only the dead-while-alive ones

have forgotten the pain of being.

Those who truly live


With love comes loss.

With death comes deliverance.

And that’s OKAY.

There is sunshine in the night

for those who see it.

For others, there is rather darkness in daylight.

Some who therefore wish to avoid their own shadows

manage to do so.

Or so it seems.

But I don’t think so.

Life keeps flowing

long, long after the final notes

of the most beautiful song.

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