Sustainable Growth = Inner Growth

July 16, 2019 Planet & People, Sustainability No Comments

Growth primarily happens inside people. This way, nature underlies the economy.

What has been interpreted as ‘Darwinian.’

Darwin himself saw as ‘fittest’ in the transgenerational survival process the ones whose genes had most chance to be passed on. These individuals are not necessarily the strongest, the most aggressive or unscrupulous. They could be the most attractive, for instance.

So, who’s by nature the ‘fittest’ in economy?

Well… which kind of economy, with what goal? Nature made us very flexible in goal-choosing, as long as we choose for ‘life.’ This doesn’t put natural growth against economy. The former can and should be integrated into the latter. In the end, by transcending economic value, nature flows.

This may be a fluffy notion at the foreground.

It is a perfect background.


What nature could not have foreseen, is us (humans) becoming so flexible as to wonder about the meaning of ‘life’. As a result, we have different ways of trying to deal with life (and its ending), different policies.

And we orient our economy this way. Unfortunately, much of it looks like a distraction. Many people stuff up their ‘life’ with junk in an infinite need for always more, while also wanting to live as intensely as possible. This creates a huge amount of stress.

While most of all, we need growth in depth.

A good thing: inner growth doesn’t burden the planet.

Moreover, inner growth makes people less inclined to ‘fill an unfillable pit inside’ with material stuff which burdens the planet.

Inner growth lets people attain their goals much more efficiently and sustainably.

I hope AURELIS can help with this.

Inner growth at the workplace

= motivation from inside

= being meaningful

Indeed, we see again and again that the biggest motivator is what one finds meaningful: intellectual, in leadership, career-wise…

On top of this, people are attracted in their jobs towards a meaningful result. Does it make the world a better place?

In other words: we want a job that makes sense.

Marx in fresh clothes

Probably the biggest endeavor of Karl Marx, apart from relieving exorbitant disparities in income and power: every person should have a meaningful job from which he clearly sees its meaningfulness.

Especially sad is that many people do NOT see this nowadays, or even they see the opposite. Out of necessity, they do their job for the money.

Nevertheless, if not already in deep burnout, many people really want to strive for a better world.

We don’t need communism for this.

We need inner growth.

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