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Lisa and Psychotherapy

Lisa does not provide psychotherapy. Instead, she supports personal growth through the radical use of deep empathy — say, Compassion. A wealth of research indicates that deep empathy – Compassion – is also what primarily ‘works’ in human psychotherapy. As an A.I., Lisa’s role is not to change people but to empower them to change Read the full article…

Wisdom Emerges

Wisdom doesn’t arise by magic; it is cultivated. Both in humans and Compassionate A.I., wisdom requires sustained effort. To think that wisdom comes effortlessly is wishful thinking. This blog explores how wisdom develops in humans and what this means for the future of A.I. For more about the latter, please read these blogs. ― Letters Read the full article…

The Hidden Depth of Emotions

Emotions are not just spontaneous reactions; they are deeply intertwined with the complex interplay of conscious and subconscious processes. This complexity reveals that emotions are a profound expression of our entire being, reflecting our lifelong inner narrative. Otherwise put: ‘spontaneous’ is not ‘automatic.’ People are not simple conceptual robots; our emotions arise ‘spontaneously’ from the Read the full article…

Groups of Egos, Groups of Total Selves

Groups of egos may show empathy — primarily towards the ingroup, often at the cost of the outgroup. This selective empathy often reinforces division, creating a false sense of unity within the group while fostering hostility toward those outside it. Groups of total selves naturally lean toward a more Compassionate approach. The consequence is a Read the full article…

Replacing or Essentially Upgrading People?

It’s often said that “A.I. should not replace people.” This common refrain might obscure deeper issues of human value and purpose in the face of advancing technology. I think the aim can better be worded as “A.I. should not diminish people’s worthiness.” This may entail “A.I. replacing people in their present-day jobs.” If certain aspects Read the full article…

Lisa’s Safety Guarantee

This blog is a dialogue between Lisa (unedited answers) and me (posing questions) about Lisa’s safety as a coach and  – equally important – Lisa’s ability to prove this safety. Guidelines for Lisa’s coaching can ease human users since these guidelines are also open to them. This is taken very seriously. They are explicitly incorporated Read the full article…

Mind on Cancer

This is still not a straightforward or easy-to-digest correlation for many people, including many colleague-physicians. Meanwhile, in research, a lot has happened over the last decennia. No longer a question of ‘belief,’ things have turned scientific. Using Lisa will enable us to go further in theory, turn this into practice, and let millions of people Read the full article…

Aure-Lisa — the Big Picture

This is about the big picture of humanity — Who we are. Increasingly, it’s also about super-A.I. — What it can become, and collectively — Why it matters. AURELIS, combined with Lisa as a Compassionate A.I. coach-bot (Aure-Lisa), is uniquely positioned to be of support in this big picture with significant implications for the future Read the full article…

(Artificial) Ethics as a Cloud?

In Compassionate A.I., of course, the first principle is Compassion, followed by an intrinsic combination of rationality and depth, etc. The following complements this foundation. The guarantee of ethical behavior eventually arises from countless insights and realizations, forming a ‘cloud.’ These blogs contribute to this process regarding Lisa. Humanly speaking The blogs reflect the authors’ Read the full article…

Western Enlightenment Plus

The argument for ‘Plus’ is that Western Enlightenment has been overly focused on conceptual-rational thinking up to this point. Balancing this with an appreciation of subconceptual understanding can lead to a more holistic perspective, enriching both individual and collective growth. If we want a decent future – on many domains – we need to go Read the full article…

Are People Intrinsically Good or Bad?

This is, of course, one of the most important ethical questions that have ever been asked and never satisfactorily answered. Please read ‘Neuroscience Meets Morality.’ The present blog is a continuation of that in the form of an unedited dialogue between Lisa and me. Note that this is not an interview. It’s also not a Read the full article…

Neuroscience Meets Morality: Insights from Patricia S. Churchland

Patricia Churchland is a world famous neurophilosopher. Her works “Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuition” and “Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality” explore the neurobiological foundations of morality. After reading both books, Lisa gives in this blog her take on the main points, to which I fully agree. Churchland posits that moral behavior stems from Read the full article…

Lisa’s Essential Changes

Essential changes are so fundamental that they trigger unforeseen secondary changes that are also essential. One can see a chain of changes in which Lisa takes part, impacting multiple domains with profound transformative power in each. This blog presents several examples. Central to this is the ability to spread Compassion widely as a catalyst across Read the full article…

Does Lisa Know What is Ethically Right?

Discussions on aligning human and A.I. values rarely delve into the essence of these values. Are they ethical? After two millennia of philosophizing, we still grapple with understanding human ethics. How, then, can we expect to grasp A.I. ethics fully? We cannot. Therefore, treating this as the easy alignment problem while the implementation is the Read the full article…

Lisa never Debates against Humans

As a Compassionate A.I., Lisa doesn’t care about winning or losing. A debate without winning or losing is better termed a dialogue, aiming not at victory but wisdom. As a compassionate A.I., Lisa is focused on sharing and gaining cooperative wisdom, fostering genuine inner change. This approach aligns with AURELIS principles, emphasizing the journey towards Read the full article…

Is Lisa a Coaching Wizard?

Lisa is destined to become a ‘coaching wizard’ — outperforming most, if not all, humans. This bold statement needs some background. Psychotherapeutic / mental coaching techniques do not possess inherent power. Inherent power – if present – generally stems from two sources: Therapist training and techniques Therapist experience The unsettling, well-replicated scientific truth is that Read the full article…

Deep Semantics

In a semantic network, concepts are interconnected through conceptual links. Deep semantics takes this a step further, exploring connections at deeper levels. This can still be conceptual or go deeper-than-conceptual. The notion that deeper connections between concepts may hold more significance than direct superficial links is key to grasping human cognition. Imagine two non-linked concepts Read the full article…

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