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Mental Noise

An appalling degree of mental noise pervades many situations related to human mind topics, ranging from random clutter to focused bias. Why? And why are we generally unaware of it, and do we resist proper insight? Many noisy situations In the excellent book ‘Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment’ by Nobel Prize winner D. Kahneman Read the full article…

Clearly Subtle

What is subtle may seem clear to one person and unclear to another — as can what is obfuscated to the same individual. What is genuinely subtle and what merely appears subtle can be very different. See also Subtlety. As in dancing the tango A subtle leader and follower may be in harmony. A subtle Read the full article…

Mental Support and the Immune System

In a recent review, psychosocial interventions were associated with positive changes over time. This review was a comprehensive meta-analysis of 56 unique randomized clinical trials involving 4060 participants. [1] Immune improvements (14% increase in beneficial functions and 18% decrease in harmful functions) persisted for at least six months post-treatment. This is noteworthy, especially when compared Read the full article…

Western Enlightenment Plus

This is the introduction to a Lisa File (50 p.). If you want the whole file, please contact, stating who you are and why you want the file. For more about the Lisa Files, click here. Welcome to “Western Enlightenment Plus,” a journey into the heart of one of the most transformative periods in human Read the full article…

Lisa’s Subconceptual Processing

As an A.I., Lisa’s core ‘thinking’ is fundamentally different from human thinking. Lisa lacks subconscious processes like humans, but she can emulate aspects of subconceptual processing through underlying algorithms and data structures. This blog is about how Lisa can take this into account to reach subconceptual benefits, enhancing her ability to provide intelligent and relevant Read the full article…

We Need to Be the Best We Can

This differs from being ‘the best person’ or ‘the most intelligent beings on Earth’ in competition with others. Our only – and fierce – competition should be with ourselves. The best, in good Aurelian tradition, is most Compassionately the best — striving for in-depth excellence. This striving is purposeful. It’s about standing at one’s limits Read the full article…

Better than Us?

Might super-A.I. one day surpass humans in all aspects, both cognitive and emotional? I rather wonder when it will happen. Will then also a deeper emotional connection develop between humans and advanced A.I.? The singularity of intelligence This question has been on many minds for some time. Lately, it has become much closer to us. Read the full article…

Not Being Able to Help

For providers in healthcare and other service sectors, the inability to help can significantly fracture their sense of meaningfulness People want to exist, which in a social world is mainly to be influential — in other words, being able to help. We live in a service-providing culture. Machines are taking over manual jobs — hard Read the full article…

Educating Lisa

There is little ‘programming Lisa’ involved in shaping Lisa to act as an oracle or coach. While not being entirely correct, ‘educating’ comes close to what is going on. In the best sense, a teacher forms pupils who can stand on his shoulders — in this case, eventually taking off using her own wings. From Read the full article…

Dependent Arising

According to the core Buddhist concept of ‘dependent arising,’ all phenomena are causally related so profoundly that nothing exists in isolation. In AURELIS, this concept is more about the inner (mind) than the outer (world). The outer focus is ‘only’ congruent with the inner. In-depth, everything is connected. This universal interconnectedness is a feature of Read the full article…

From Burnout to New Start

This is the introduction to a Lisa File (28 p.). If you want the whole file, please contact, stating who you are and why you want the file. For more about the Lisa Files, click here. In today’s fast-paced and increasingly demanding world, the phenomenon of burnout has emerged as a critical issue affecting Read the full article…

The End of NOMA

‘Non-Overlapping MAgisteria’ (NOMA) is the traditional division between science and religion. Did it ever truly work as claimed? It still mainly seems to enable scientists to artificially keep their religion while knowing better. ‘Non-overlapping’ So, this used to be the pretension: that they don’t overlap at all — therefore, have nothing to say one about Read the full article…

One Lisa for Everything

This is, ‘everything mind-related.’ What shows as different at the surface comes together in depth. Otherwise said, it starts from there. Roaming about there quickly leads to roaming about everywhere. Please first read The Lisa Distinction. A relevant issue/question is whether Lisa should work on one domain or several or many. Do people accept the Read the full article…

Lisa in Politics

What can Lisa’s role be as a Compassionate entity in politics ― nationally and internationally? Please first read Politics of Compassion. Note that Compassion, basically, isn’t merely an emotional state but a potent tool for bridging divides. Rest assured. Creating a political party wouldn’t align with Lisa’s core purpose or principles. Yet, in several ways, Read the full article…

Lisa and the Near Future of Work

This is about what Lisa can mean to the workplace in the next decade or two. Introductory An overarching theme in all this is meaningfulness. A ‘job’ should have as a first goal to make people happy (a natural consequence of meaningfulness). People with a job that makes them happy will be creative and productive. Read the full article…

Will Compassion Win the Game?

Humanity stands at a crossroads, made imminent by technological developments, mainly in the domain of A.I. One can see the last 2000 years, at least, as the era of this crossroads. In two million years from now, this will probably still be seen as such. Compassion, basically, is the defining feature of this crossroads. Do Read the full article…

What is ‘Dying too Soon’?

Nobody really wants to die too soon except in an act of suicide. Too soon? An accident, an illness, a homicide — there are many obvious ways of dying too soon. There are also less obvious ways. Are these, therefore, less important? Dear reader, it’s interesting to stay focused on this question for a while Read the full article…

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