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About ‘Intelligence’ (in A.I.)

At the brink of a new intelligence, it’s crucial to know what we’re heading towards. Seriously trying to clarify the concept may help. Many intelligences Whether knowledgeable or not, many people try to answer the question of what exactly is ‘intelligence.’ Needless to say, popping up are many different answers. This should not deter anyone Read the full article…

Future A.I.: Fluid or Solid?

Humans are fluid thinkers. That gives us huge strength and some major challenges. The one does not go without the other. A.I. – including Semantic A.I. – is still a very different matter. Through proper context, data becomes information. Still, the information as it is stored in a book is not in any way like Read the full article…

Human-Centered A.I.: Total-Person or Ego?

This makes for a huge difference, especially since the future of humanity is at stake. With good intentions, one may pave the road to disaster. Everybody, including me, should take this at heart. ‘Doing good’ may take much effort in understanding what one is tinkering with. This is relevant in any domain. [see:” ‘Doing Good’: Read the full article…

Causation in Humans and A.I.

Causal reasoning is needed to be human. Will it also transcend us into A.I.? Many researchers are on this path. We should try to understand it as well as possible. Some philosophy Causality is a human construct. In reality, there are only correlations. If interested in such philosophical issues, [see: “Infinite Causality”]. In the present Read the full article…

Who We Are. What A.I. Can become.

In the near future, we will learn many exciting things in both domains. They will turn out to be very inspiring in both directions. “I think one of the big breakthroughs that’s going to come is we’re going to understand the brain… so that suddenly it all begins to click” Quoting Geoffrey Hinton, ‘godfather of Read the full article…

Explainability in A.I., Boon or Bust?

Explainability seems like the safe option. With A.I. of growing complexity, it may be quite the reverse. Much of the reason can be found inside ourselves. What is ‘explainability’ in A.I.? It’s not only about an A.I. system being able to do something but also to explain how and why this has been done. The Read the full article…

The Next Breakthrough in A.I.

will not be technological, but philosophical. Of course, technology will be necessary to realize the philosophical. It will not be one more technological breakthrough, but rather a combination of new and old technologies. “Present-day A.I. = sophisticated perception” These are the words of Yann LeCun, a leading A.I. scientist, founding father of convolutional nets, which Read the full article…

A.I. and Constructionism

Many people, and Western culture (if not most cultures) in general, mainly live in ‘constructed reality.’ In combination with the power of A.I., this is excruciatingly dangerous. Constructionism [see: “Constructionism“] In short, humans mainly live in a ‘constructed reality’ full of group-based assumptions. On the one side, this is an asset. It makes life simpler. Read the full article…

Why Conscious A.I. is Near

Without pinning a date, it’s dangerous that many researchers/developers are making progress in many aspects of A.I. without deep insight into consciousness. Scary? ‘Near’ in the title is meant relative. The issue is the following. The ways are such, and the competition is such that I don’t see any other option than that we are Read the full article…

A.I. Business Sustainability

Following a chapter of my book. [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.“] As the cliché goes: One thing is certain, and that is the uncertainty of the future. Trillions “PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates AI deployment will add $15.7 trillion to global GDP by 2030.” [Lee, 2018] If this is not a business opportunity, then what is? And Read the full article…

Is Climate Change More Critical than A.I.?

Reckoning in years, probably not. Of course, in no way do I want to underestimate the immense importance of Climate Change. ►►► WHY read this? The curve of A.I. becoming an existential issue may soon enough become much steeper than that of Climate Change. ◄◄◄ There is no way around the experts’ opinion that we Read the full article…

What Makes Lisa Compassionate?

There are two sides to this: the ethical and the technological. Lisa is an A.I.-driven coaching chat-bot. For more: [see: “Lisa“]. Compassionate Artificial Intelligence In my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. : Who We Are – What A.I. Can Become – Why It Matters, I go deeply into the concepts of Information, Intelligence, Consciousness, Read the full article…

Can We Always Turn the Switch Off if A.I. Turns Rogue?

In theory, this existential issue is as simple as it can get. In practice, it’s problematic. [This is an excerpt from my book ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.’] Many questions prevent a straightforward answer to the question in the title. For starters, who will turn the switch off? Let me divide the issues into 1) Read the full article…

Bridging the Gap between Science and Depth

Human depth, which includes emotions and non-conceptual thought, has often been regarded as unscientific. However, modern neurocognitive science increasingly highlights its profound significance. Science typically focuses on what is measurable and observable, yet much of what drives human behavior and outcomes lies beneath the surface. Neglecting this depth risks overlooking crucial elements of human experience. Read the full article…

Whence Aggression?

Ultimately, unresolved inner tensions are central to the origins of aggression, whether these stem from unmet needs, misunderstood emotions, or external influences. Understanding this complexity is essential to addressing the root of aggression​. Three origins of human aggression Human aggression arises from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Biologically, aggression is linked to Read the full article…

Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Introduction

In the Lisa’s 10 Tips-project, you find original Lisa-tips for a growing list of domains. See category ‘Lisa’s 10 Tips for…‘ About Compassionate A.I. video coach-bot Lisa draws from a rich and deeply integrated knowledge base, grounded in Compassion, Inner Strength, and mental growth from the inside out. The multi-layered depth of these tips arises Read the full article…

Lisa as a Service

I believe in one single – hopefully Compassionate – A.I. in the future. However, Compassion asks for freedom, including the freedom for each person to create one’s own A.I. assistant. How can this be combined in an acceptable way and even engagingly? May Lisa as a Service (LaaS) be a proper solution? For an in-depth Read the full article…

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