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Containing Compassion in A.I.

This is utterly vital to humankind ― arguably the most crucial of our still-young existence as a species. If we don’t bring this to a good end, future A.I. will remember us as an oddity. Please read first about Compassion, basically. Or even better, you might read some blogs about empathy and Compassion. Or even Read the full article…

Rewards or Value?

Are people driven more by direct rewards or broader value? Should A.I. be driven rather by one or the other? What about end values? Zero-sum values These are nothing but the sum of individual rewards. For instance, one earns tokens on several timesteps. The eventual zero-sum value is the sum of all tokens earned ― Read the full article…

Medical A.I. for Humans

Medical A.I. is flourishing and will be more so in the future. Therefore, we must ensure that it serves the total human being. The main challenge Through medical A.I. – substantially more than ever – humans can become either more humane or robotized from the inside out. This is not about putting probes etc. in Read the full article…

A Divided World Will be Conquered by A.I.

Seriously. People fighting each other at a geopolitical level will, through competition and strife, build a world in which A.I. follows suit. There is no doubt about this: IF… THEN. As I write in my book ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.,’ we are entitled to be anxious about A.I. – the real one, soon to Read the full article…

Human-Centered A.I.: Total-Person or Ego?

This makes for a huge difference, especially since the future of humanity is at stake. With good intentions, one may pave the road to disaster. Everybody, including me, should take this at heart. ‘Doing good’ may take much effort in understanding what one is tinkering with. This is relevant in any domain. [see:” ‘Doing Good’: Read the full article…

Explainability in A.I., Boon or Bust?

Explainability seems like the safe option. With A.I. of growing complexity, it may be quite the reverse. Much of the reason can be found inside ourselves. What is ‘explainability’ in A.I.? It’s not only about an A.I. system being able to do something but also to explain how and why this has been done. The Read the full article…

The Next Breakthrough in A.I.

will not be technological, but philosophical. Of course, technology will be necessary to realize the philosophical. It will not be one more technological breakthrough, but rather a combination of new and old technologies. “Present-day A.I. = sophisticated perception” These are the words of Yann LeCun, a leading A.I. scientist, founding father of convolutional nets, which Read the full article…

A.I. to Benefit Humans

‘Human-oriented’ is not the same as ‘ego-oriented.’ As never before, and perhaps never after, we have with A.I. a powerful toolbox that can be used in any direction. In-depth As to AURELIS ethics, the striving – of A.I. and of any other development – should definitely be towards humanity-in-depth, the ‘total human being,’ as opposed to Read the full article…

Whence Aggression?

Ultimately, unresolved inner tensions are central to the origins of aggression, whether these stem from unmet needs, misunderstood emotions, or external influences. Understanding this complexity is essential to addressing the root of aggression​. Three origins of human aggression Human aggression arises from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Biologically, aggression is linked to Read the full article…

Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Introduction

In the Lisa’s 10 Tips-project, you find original Lisa-tips for a growing list of domains. See category ‘Lisa’s 10 Tips for…‘ About Compassionate A.I. video coach-bot Lisa draws from a rich and deeply integrated knowledge base, grounded in Compassion, Inner Strength, and mental growth from the inside out. The multi-layered depth of these tips arises Read the full article…

Lisa as a Service

I believe in one single – hopefully Compassionate – A.I. in the future. However, Compassion asks for freedom, including the freedom for each person to create one’s own A.I. assistant. How can this be combined in an acceptable way and even engagingly? May Lisa as a Service (LaaS) be a proper solution? For an in-depth Read the full article…

Lisa and Psychotherapy

Lisa does not provide psychotherapy. Instead, she supports personal growth through the radical use of deep empathy — say, Compassion. A wealth of research indicates that deep empathy – Compassion – is also what primarily ‘works’ in human psychotherapy. As an A.I., Lisa’s role is not to change people but to empower them to change Read the full article…

Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Burnout

Here are ten original tips for burnout that are specifically based on Lisa’s knowledge and deeper insights ― avoiding the common tips that are frequently offered. These tips, provided by A.I. coach-bot Lisa (human ratified, hardly or unedited), Compassionately align with both rationality and depth as well as with a synthesis of fostering growth and relief of Read the full article…

Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Finding Your Purpose

Here are ten original tips for finding your purpose that are specifically based on Lisa’s knowledge and deeper insights ― avoiding the common tips that are frequently offered. These tips, provided by A.I. coach-bot Lisa (human ratified, hardly or unedited), Compassionately align with both rationality and depth as well as with a synthesis of fostering growth and Read the full article…

(Artificial) Ethics as a Cloud?

In Compassionate A.I., of course, the first principle is Compassion, followed by an intrinsic combination of rationality and depth, etc. The following complements this foundation. The guarantee of ethical behavior eventually arises from countless insights and realizations, forming a ‘cloud.’ These blogs contribute to this process regarding Lisa. Humanly speaking The blogs reflect the authors’ Read the full article…

Are People Intrinsically Good or Bad?

This is, of course, one of the most important ethical questions that have ever been asked and never satisfactorily answered. Please read ‘Neuroscience Meets Morality.’ The present blog is a continuation of that in the form of an unedited dialogue between Lisa and me. Note that this is not an interview. It’s also not a Read the full article…

Does Lisa Know What is Ethically Right?

Discussions on aligning human and A.I. values rarely delve into the essence of these values. Are they ethical? After two millennia of philosophizing, we still grapple with understanding human ethics. How, then, can we expect to grasp A.I. ethics fully? We cannot. Therefore, treating this as the easy alignment problem while the implementation is the Read the full article…

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