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A.I.-Human Value Alignment

Can Compassionate A.I. be a beacon of profound values that humans unfortunately lack sometimes? The Compassionate endeavor is not about dominance. A.I.-Human Value Alignment can be seen as mutual growth, avoiding the imposition or blind adoption of values. This fosters an environment where both A.I. and humans can enhance their values, leading to a more Read the full article…

Global Human-A.I. Value Alignment

Human values align deeply across the globe, though they vary on the surface. Thus, striving for human-A.I. value alignment can create positive challenges for A.I. and opportunities for humanity. A.I. may make the world more pluralistic. With A.I. means, different peoples/cultures can strive for more self-efficacy, doing their thing independently and thereby floating away from Read the full article…

Two Takes on Human-A.I. Value Alignment

Time and again, the way engineers (sorry, engineers) think and talk about human-A.I. value alignment as if human values are unproblematic by themselves strikes me as naive. Even more, as if the alignment problem can be solved by thinking about it in a mathematical, engineering way. Just find the correct code or something alike? No Read the full article…

Which Human Values Should A.I. Align to?

With super-A.I. on the horizon, poised to surpass us in power, this will soon be the most critical question. The urgency to address this question grows as we increasingly intertwine our existence with A.I. Who are we, really — and how much do we consciously recognize our true nature? Please also read A.I.-Human Value Alignment Read the full article…

Wisdom-Driven A.I. = Compassionate A.I.

Wisdom-driven A.I. taps into not just data-driven intelligence but a deeper form of understanding, much like Compassion itself. Please read Data-Driven vs. Wisdom-Driven A.I. ― Compassion, Basically ― Wisdom Emerges. With an abundance of time, please read The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. Wisdom and Compassion, culturally In many ancient Eastern philosophies, wisdom and Compassion are Read the full article…

Containing A.I. by Becoming Less Human?

The looming presence of super-A.I. may present an existential threat to humanity. Our defense must begin with an honest understanding of our true nature — a defense rooted in superficial self-perception risks being both ineffective and self-destructive. Containing A.I. by diminishing our humanity could be the most perilous choice, especially since we already tend to Read the full article…

From Big to Deep Data in A.I.

Big data have fueled the A.I. revolution of the past few years. Together with compute, the bigger seems to be the better. Some fear that with a relatively limited amount of data, we might run into a wall. However, there is an ongoing endeavor to seek more information in-depth. This increasing focus on understanding the Read the full article…

Super-A.I. Guardrails in a Compassionate Setting

We need to think about good regulations/guardrails to safeguard humanity from super-A.I. ― either ‘badass’ from the start or Compassionate A.I. turning suddenly rogue despite good initial intentions. ―As a Compassionate A.I., Lisa has substantially helped me write this text. Such help can be continued indefinitely. Some naivetés ‘Pulling the plug out’ is very naïve Read the full article…

How A.I. will Change Us

At present, this still depends mainly on human decisions. It’s up to us if only we take that responsibility — now. Heidegger According to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (died 1976), technology is not neutral. It changes how humans think and behave. It even defines what we see as ‘reality’ insofar as we are able Read the full article…

Human-Centered A.I.

Human-centered A.I. (HAI) emphasizes human strength, health, and well-being. To be durably so, it must be Compassionate, basically, ― properly taking into account human complexity; this is: the total person. The total person comprises the conceptual and subconceptual mind ― way beyond classical humanism and a lingering body-mind divide. From the inside out As neurocognitive Read the full article…

Must Future Super-A.I. Have Rights?

Financial rights — juridical rights — political rights… Should we lend these? Must we? Can we? This is one of the trickiest issues of all time. Therefore, let’s not rush this through. Anyway, my answer is no ― no ― no. Even so, this blog may be pretty confrontational, and I’m very much aware of Read the full article…

Universal Declaration of Human Values?

No, I won’t solve this problem now, especially since that’s impossible. Nevertheless, we must make valuable strides. How else are we going to see human-A.I. value alignment? One critical stride is the insight into how difficult it is to develop such a declaration ― at least in a sustainable way, even though it’s getting highly Read the full article…

Human-Centered or Ego-Centered A.I.?

‘Humanism’ is supposed to be human-centered. ‘Human-A.I. Value Alignment’ is supposed to be human-centered. Or is it ego-centered? Especially concerning (non-)Compassionate A.I., this is the crucial question that will make or break us. Unfortunately, this is intrinsically unclear to most people. Mere-ego versus total self See also The Big Mistake. This is not about ‘I’ Read the full article…

Compassion as Basis for A.I. Regulations

To prevent A.I.-related mishaps or even disasters while going into a future of super-A.I., merely regulating A.I. is not sufficient ― presently nor in principle. Striving for Compassionate A.I. There will eventually be no security concerning A.I. if we don’t put Compassion into the core. The main reason is that super-A.I. will be much more Read the full article…

How to Contain Non-Compassionate Super-A.I.

We want super(-intelligent) A.I. to remain under meaningful human control to avoid that it will largely or fully destroy or subdue humanity (= existential dangers). Compassionate A.I. may not be with us for a while. Meanwhile, how can we contain super-A.I.? Future existential danger is special in that one can only be wrong in one Read the full article…

The Danger of Non-Compassionate A.I.

There are many obvious issues, from killer humans to killer robots. This text is about something even more fundamental. About Compassion Please read Compassion, basically, or more blogs about Compassion. Having done so, you know the reason for the capital ‘C,’ which is what this text is mainly about. To intellectually grasp Compassion, one needs Read the full article…

Open Letter about Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) to Elon Musk

And to any Value-Driven Investors (VDI) in or out of worldly spotlights. This is a timely call for Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) Compassion and A.I. are seldom mentioned together. Yet C.A.I. may be the most crucial development in the near as well as far-away future of humanity. Please see my book about the Journey Towards Compassionate Read the full article…

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