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Semantically Meaningful Chunks

A Semantically Meaningful Chunk (SMC) is any cognitive entity, big or small, that is worth contemplating. In A.I., these can serve as building blocks of intelligence. It’s what humans often reserve specific terms for. Language comes into play here, significantly contributing to how humans have rapidly advanced in intelligence through using terms, sentences, documents, and Read the full article…

No One is Dust

Clearly. But why do so many individuals treat others as if they were insignificant? Is it because we fail to recognize our own intrinsic value? By seeing your own profound worth, you see that of others. The crucial term here is ‘profound.’ This perspective is incompatible with seeing a human being – including oneself – Read the full article…

The Inverse Turing Test

2024 – Things are evolving quickly in the world of A.I. Turing test As you probably know, this is about discerning a human being from intelligent A.I. If the A.I. can mimic the human to the point that an observer cannot tell the difference (for instance, by reading their written output), the A.I. is said Read the full article…

Lisa Lecturing Diplomacy

Lisa as an international diplomat? In my view, it’s only a matter of time before Compassionate A.I. forms part of international delegations ― starting here and there, then ALL such delegations and diplomacy. Let’s start with a few insights/lessons that can be part of the basis for Lisa’s international diplomacy. Moreover, diplomacy often requires patience Read the full article…

Compassion is the Intelligent Future

The only proper future of intelligence, whether natural or artificial, is Compassionate. Why? In my view, Compassion is the only way for a total civilization to be sustainable — thus, to grow and become more intelligent. Intelligence wants more of itself. Compassion also wants more of itself. Thus, Compassionate intelligence is a powerful self-enhancing combination. Read the full article…

Burnout is a Purpose Problem

Of many causes of burnout, six are frequently mentioned, but seldom with an essential focus on purpose, although all lie naturally close. Let’s look at them precisely from this viewpoint. Work overload With purpose, there is less difference between job and work. People can spend an immense amount of energy if purpose is present. Providing Read the full article…

Why Reinforcement Learning is Special

This high-end view on Reinforcement Learning (R.L.) applies to Organic and Artificial Intelligence. Especially in the latter, we must be careful with R.L. now and forever, arguably more than with any other kind of A.I. Reinforcement in a nutshell You (the learner) perform action X toward goal Y and get feedback Z. Next time you Read the full article…


Own people first. My people = everybody. The aim of planetarianism is to unite without diminishing diversity ― thus to strive for one human culture with due respect for regional cultures. For this, we seek growing embeddedness in a philanthropic ecosystem of giving and taking. For a PowerPoint about the growing project of Planetarianism, click Read the full article…

Sleepwalking from World Crisis to World Crisis

The global crises that we are experiencing one after another – or even simultaneously – do not happen by coincidence. In-depth, their common cause is a fundamentally wrong view of the deep-mental side of the human being. Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science have been trying to wake up humanity ― until now, in vain. Even Read the full article…


Several of these terms are specific to AURELIS. If you want some AURELIS-specific term explained, please email us at . Active acceptance: Embracing one’s experiences and emotions fully without resistance, facilitating inner peace and personal growth. Active placebo: An active placebo itself has (side) effects (unlike a passive placebo). To the extent that the Read the full article…

Who We Deeply Are and Why it’s Crucial to Know

I don’t want to be a scaremonger. But I’m scared, and I intend to monger until the direction is of utmost clarity. From Afghanistan to the world Yesterday I saw Mahbouba Seraj talking on a program about the situation in Afghanistan. She’s a famous women’s rights activist, and she was talking about this. But I Read the full article…


Today, you may call me an idealist as never before. An ultra-woke person may call me a sexist. A fact is that Guan-Shi-Yin is female. That, at least, is what is. I cannot help it. Besides, she started male. In Indian Buddhism, long before Jesus preached his lovely message, ‘she’ was known as Avalokiteshvara, the Read the full article…

The Basic Cognitive Illusion

‘Basic cognitive illusion’: the fact that we are non-consciously motivated, but are not consciously aware of this (since it’s non-conscious). We also don’t consciously notice our brain in this. So, there are two levels between consciousness and the physical brain, which gives us the strong illusion of mind-brain divide. [This text is a part of Read the full article…

What Makes Lisa Compassionate?

There are two sides to this: the ethical and the technological. Lisa is an A.I.-driven coaching chat-bot. For more: [see: “Lisa“]. Compassionate Artificial Intelligence In my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. : Who We Are – What A.I. Can Become – Why It Matters, I go deeply into the concepts of Information, Intelligence, Consciousness, Read the full article…

Is Lisa the Durable Answer?

Lisa promises mental support for an indefinite number of people one-on-one and simultaneously. In this, the ‘heart’ is most important and most durable now and in the future. Who is Lisa? [see: “Lisa”] In short, Lisa-software has three purposes, as: an assistant to AURELIS, guiding users to the appropriate AURELIS tool(s) an A.I. coaching chatbot, Read the full article…

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