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A.I. from Future to Now

While it’s challenging to imagine how future A.I. will look like, we can develop an abstract idea that helps us understand present-day urgencies. Of course, one day, the future will be a million years from now. However, for the purpose of this text, we can see it as something like a century from now. There Read the full article…

Is A.I. Becoming more Philosophy than Technology?

This question has been relevant already for years. It’s only becoming worse (or better). Of course, technology remains important but it’s more like the bricks than the building. Many technologically oriented people may not like this idea. The ones who do are probably forming the future. Some history Historically, the development of A.I. has had Read the full article…

Compassion as Basis for A.I. Regulations

To prevent A.I.-related mishaps or even disasters while going into a future of super-A.I., merely regulating A.I. is not sufficient ― presently nor in principle. Striving for Compassionate A.I. There will eventually be no security concerning A.I. if we don’t put Compassion into the core. The main reason is that super-A.I. will be much more Read the full article…

Better A.I. for Better Humans

While we need to be afraid of non-Compassionate A.I., the Compassionate kind is necessary for a humane future ― starting as soon as possible. Please read about why we NEED Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) in general. In this text, I pass concretely along some fields. In each, the primary focus naturally lies on the human complexity Read the full article…

Patterns + Rewards in A.I.

Human-inspired Pattern Recognition and Completion (PRC) may significantly heighten the efficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) — also in A.I. See for PRC: The Brain as a Predictor See for RL: Why Reinforcement Learning is Special Mutually reinforcing PRC shows valid directions and tentatively also realizes them. RL consolidates/reinforces the best directions and attenuates the lesser Read the full article…

Levels of Abstraction in Humans and A.I.

Humans are masters of abstraction. We do it spontaneously, thus creating an efficient mental environment for ourselves, others, and culturally. The challenge is now to bring this to A.I. Abstraction = generalization Humans (and other animals) perform spontaneous generalization. From a number of example objects, we generalize to some concept. A concept is already an Read the full article…

Two Takes on Human-A.I. Value Alignment

Time and again, the way engineers (sorry, engineers) think and talk about human-A.I. value alignment as if human values are unproblematic by themselves strikes me as naive. Even more, as if the alignment problem can be solved by thinking about it in a mathematical, engineering way. Just find the correct code or something alike? No Read the full article…

Super-A.I. and the Meaning Crisis

I don’t know how things will evolve, especially with those unpredictable humans. But it is clear that we are in a meaning crisis at present, globally. With the advent of super-A.I., soon enough, what shall we do? Please read about the meaning crisis. We use(d) to get meaning from fairy tales. No lack of them. Read the full article…


One should be scared of any danger, including dangerous A.I. Contrary to this, anxiety is never a good adviser. This text is about being anxious. A phobic reaction against present technology is most dangerous. Needed is a lot of common sense. As to the above image, note the reference to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s novel. In Read the full article…

Containing Compassion in A.I.

This is utterly vital to humankind ― arguably the most crucial of our still-young existence as a species. If we don’t bring this to a good end, future A.I. will remember us as an oddity. Please read first about Compassion, basically. Or even better, you might read some blogs about empathy and Compassion. Or even Read the full article…

The Double Ethical Bottleneck of A.I.

This is a small excerpt from my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. The whole book describes the why’s, what’s and how’s concerning this. Getting through the A.I. bi-bottleneck On the road towards genuine super-A.I. – encompassing all domains of intelligence and in each being much more effective than humans – I see not one Read the full article…

The Lisa Revolution ― A.I. Towards Personalized Mind-Related Healthcare

The Lisa revolution is bound to disruptively innovate mind-related healthcare, based on a modern scientific view on the human being and using A.I. to bring practical results and proof. [Please read about the AureLisa Global Consortium. If you have been contacted in this regard, the revolution is welcoming you. Otherwise, if interested, don’t hesitate to Read the full article…

Medical A.I. for Humans

Medical A.I. is flourishing and will be more so in the future. Therefore, we must ensure that it serves the total human being. The main challenge Through medical A.I. – substantially more than ever – humans can become either more humane or robotized from the inside out. This is not about putting probes etc. in Read the full article…

Explorative Self-Learning A.I.

This is more than a nice feature. It is essential for humans to become intelligent creatures. It may also be essential to future super-A.I. The human case Explorative learning is what every human child does. We call it ‘playing.’ It can last a lifetime. Indeed, those who feel young at old age are those who Read the full article…

Is A.I. Dangerous to Human Cognition?

I have roamed around this on several occasions within ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.’ (of which this is an excerpt) The prime reason why I think it’s dangerous is, in one term: hyper-essentialism. But let me first give two viewpoints upon your thinking: Essentialism: presupposes that the categories in your mind – such as an Read the full article…

A Divided World Will be Conquered by A.I.

Seriously. People fighting each other at a geopolitical level will, through competition and strife, build a world in which A.I. follows suit. There is no doubt about this: IF… THEN. As I write in my book ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.,’ we are entitled to be anxious about A.I. – the real one, soon to Read the full article…

A.I. and In-Depth Sustainability

Soon enough, A.I. may become the biggest opportunity (and threat) to human-related sustainability. I hope that AURELIS/Lisa insights and tools can help counter the threat and realize the opportunity. This text is not an enumeration of what we may use present-day A.I. (or what carries that name) for to enhance sustainable solutions. It’s about Compassionate Read the full article…

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