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Order out of Chaos?

Something can appear chaotic while containing an inherent order. In this case, the ‘chaos’ is possibly very important. People have a natural aversion to chaos. This may even be seen as a general characteristic of life: in defiance of a universal ‘fall towards entropy/chaos’, life stitches together a living space of order. Life, in this Read the full article…

If it works, then it’s OKAY?

This is definitely not sufficient. You need to know what works and towards what. Nothing works without a ‘towards what’ For instance, a hammer doesn’t work unless you use it towards some purpose. If you use it as a paperweight, then that’s the purpose, towards which the hammer probably works. Without a ‘towards what’, the Read the full article…

Morality Is the Relief of Suffering

Suffering is here broadly looked upon as: any hurt related to the loss of contact with one’s inner being. In this sense, relief of suffering of others and of oneself go together. (This text has a quite Buddhistic inspiration. The aim is to be applicable for all, always, everywhere.) In one sweep, the title of Read the full article…


A coach and a leader have in common what is perhaps their main asset: the ability to ‘see what no other has seen before’, a future that is at the same time personal and universal. [Note: this is not an easy text.] This is not about eye-vision of course. In the coach’s case it may Read the full article…

Always Responsible, Never Guilty

The difference between guilt and responsibility is very important, yet frequently it’s barely acknowledged. You are guilty when having committed a crime. What is denoted as a crime may vary. Sometimes homosexuality is seen as an awful crime. At another time and place, it’s normal behavior. Crime does not exist without cultural definition. A set Read the full article…

Imagine – Peace and Unity on Earth

Peace and unity within you. Then: overflowing towards others and the planet. Back to flower power? Yes, with a twist through modern science. It starts and ends within you This is of course a huge statement. At first sight, it is quite individualistic. Is this not a Western bias? Perhaps. But ‘individualistic’ brings the connotation Read the full article…

Your Compassionate A.I. Coach Lisa

This is a beta version. We waver all responsibilities for using Lisa now and always. See your human healthcare provider for all your healthcare needs. Click here to start a coaching session with Lisa. If you are looking for an AURELIS-view about any other mind-related topic, please ask Wiki-Lisa. For any information about the project, Read the full article…

Lisa Pitching Lisa

Pitching Lisa can answer all kinds of questions about the Lisa project, pretty much what a financier can ask. Lisa tends to give short answers. You can always aks for additional (short) answers on your further questioning. To talk with Pitching Lisa, click here. Below are a number of example questions, but you can really Read the full article…

Mind on Infections

New research is making the connection between psychological stress and infectious diseases clearer. This blog explores key data on how the mind affects the body’s ability to fight infections. Scientific evidence now shows that chronic stress, negative emotions, and psychosocial factors can weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections and influencing disease progression. I Read the full article…

Mind on Heart Infarction

Throughout history, many cultures have viewed the heart not merely as an organ but as the center of emotions and a symbol of inner strength. So, how does modern science view this age-old association? Modern science increasingly validates this connection. Many studies demonstrate how stress, anxiety, and emotions such as anger or grief can profoundly Read the full article…

Twelve Principles for Coaching Opioid Addiction Relief

Here are twelve principles for coaching in the case of opioid addiction, based on the integration of Compassion, autosuggestion, and the AURELIS philosophy of deep personal growth. These principles help Lisa create a supportive, non-judgmental space where individuals dealing with opioid addiction can explore their inner worlds and heal from within, ensuring that their journey Read the full article…

Does Mother’s Mind Immunomodulate the Unborn Child?

The immune system is initially and perhaps most significantly shaped in the womb, influenced by the mother’s mental state, though the extent and consequences are still under research. Emerging research suggests that maternal stress and emotions can have a significant impact on fetal development. Often overlooked, these early influences may shape a person’s physical and Read the full article…

Mind and Immunology

The belief that the mind and immune system operate independently is now outdated. They are closely interconnected. Of course, there is also the nervous system, the hormonal system, etc. All are complementary within one framework. This blog focuses on the mind and the immune system, bringing in the others as needed. The following contains medicalese. Read the full article…

The Mind in Auto-Immune Disorders

As in many areas of psycho-somatics, the mind is not generally recognized as of crucial importance in auto-immune disorders. Therefore, it may surprise you that extensive scientific evidence highlights the significant influence of the psyche (mind) on the soma (body) in various Auto-Immune Disorders (AIDs). Roaming around in PubMed (a comprehensive medical infobase). The findings Read the full article…

About Mind-Body Connections

How can the mind lead to physical problems and the disappearance of the same ― no hocus-pocus involved? Many mind-body connections are obvious and proven. Among others, the scientific discipline of psycho-neuro-immunology is focused on this. Of course, in reality, mind = body. Nevertheless, we can talk about connections pragmatically to clarify things. The following Read the full article…

Are People Ready for Inner Strength?

Not necessarily, but since Inner Strength belongs, of course, to each human being, it’s always present to help coping with itself. Needed is the proper support for vertical communication ― with oneself, basically. Please read about Inner Strength. Psychosomatic symptoms – or what underlies them – may be a sorry, dysfunctional way of trying to Read the full article…

Nature Wants Growth, Especially Mental

No growth – no health. This is most obvious in anything mind-related. For this reason, AURELIS is a growth philosophy. Mental disorder as obstruction of growth Nature wants growth, no matter what. There is no life without growth. If no growth is possible in one direction, there will be in another, even if this eventually Read the full article…

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