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44. The Dark Side of Depression

An internal dissociation between consciousness and the non-conscious may be hidden in depression. Is it just the brain that’s depressed, or is it the total person? It is not that depression has nothing to do with hormones and neurotransmitters and the like, but does it make sense to talk about a ‘depressed brain’? This also Read the full article…

Scientific Facts – Bibliography

[AlZahrani et al., 2019] AlZahrani AS1, Alshamrani FJ, Al-Khamis FA, Al-Sulaiman AA, Al Ghamdi WS, Al Ghamdi OA, Mohammad MY, Alshayea MS, Alhazmi RA, Alkhaja MA. Association of acute stress with multiple sclerosis onset and relapse in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J. 2019 Apr;40(4):372-378. [Antonovsky, 1987] Antonovsky, A., Unraveling the Mystery of Health. How People Read the full article…

Towards a New Medicine

Comprehensively, based on a new view upon the human being, taking into account that we are more than a Cartesian chimera. New? We do not have to invent this ‘new view.’ It’s been lying around already for a long time. The issue is that it didn’t yet reach medical theory and practice as it should. Read the full article…

Sustainability From Inside Out

Several worldwide crises are coming together at present. As a physician, I see these as the symptoms of an underlying illness. The best way to sustain the patient is from the inside out. This is, in yet another nutshell, the core of the AURELIS project. From inside out As you may know, in AURELIS, this Read the full article…

Are you Interested in Making the Future Together?

Let’s not get defeated by the virus. International top specialists say a second COVID wave is inevitable in the autumn. It seems they are wrong in that it will come sooner. In any case, autumn will be worse and winter even worse than that. We just came out of a mental-physical whirlpool. Virologists are specialists in virology, Read the full article…

13. Winter of COVID

Second Wave Corona? One big or several smaller ones? While we don’t know what is to happen, we can search for arguments. June 25, 2020 Quoting Andrea Ammon Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 21 May 2020: “It’s not a question of if there will be a renewed surge but “when Read the full article…

8 COVID-Whirlpool – In Which Virus AND Mind Play Substantial Roles

April 27, 2020   I expand upon an idea about what happens to a person getting more and more COVID symptoms towards a whirlpool that may become fatal. A whirlpool scenario probably happens in many cases of illness. It corresponds with complexity and multi-causal thinking. In crash-course: put many elements together, add more and more Read the full article…


People who apparently feel little anxiety, quite often turn out to harbor a lot, arguably more so in Western cultures. The latter may seem so because it strikes me more. [See in AurelisOnLine: Anxiety] Anxiety, not fear Fear is conceptual. The object of fear is mostly well delineated. One can say: It is mechanical, directly Read the full article…

AURELIS Quick-Course

This text is for you if you have never heard of AURELIS. Many blog texts You can find many blog texts about AURELIS here. The present text is stand-alone. Mental patterns Look at a painting. What do you see? One can say ‘a Madonna with child.’ Another one can say ‘many paint molecules that are organized Read the full article…

3. The Message in the Virus

Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 22, 2020   Kindly follow this trail: Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria? Mind and Corona The Message in the Virus   OK. I’ve asked myself: Why not wait to bring this message until the worst part of Read the full article…

1. Covid-19: Pandemia or Global Hysteria?

Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on. March 18, 2020   This article is dedicated to Dr. Li, not because he stood up to Chinese authority but because he stood up. There is hope for humanity as long as there are individuals who are brave Read the full article…

What Has Been, Is, and Will Be

Humanity is in turmoil. Several of the world’s biggest problems are at present happening together because of an underlying process. There is a need for a comprehensive look to see this process thoroughly. It is not so much related to what happens to us, humans, as to what happens from within us, who we are. Read the full article…

Two-Sided Compassion

To relieve suffering and to attain human growth: these two sides form ‘Compassion,’ which one may see as the main aim of humanity. Compassion (with big C) is not something like ‘pity’. To keep the distinction clear, I write Compassion in this text with capital C. A total person (no mere ego) is the modality Read the full article…

Free App to Relieve Stress and Symptoms

A key to your inner strength in any situation of acute stress. A practical instrument to carry with you. A 1′ movie explaining the app in five keys Please look at this before proceeding. Where to find this app You can download it on your android smartphone using this link. The app is also available Read the full article…

Imagine: an AURELIS Future

Or give it any other name. It’s about concepts. At the most abstract level: a synthesis of rationality and depth, both as much as possible. [see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’] Are you in for a culture shock? Indeed. If ‘AURELIS’ will happen, it will provoke a different culture, worldwide. The best way to Read the full article…

28. The Meaning of Meaning

Deep meanings sicken and heal. Nothing has meaning except meaning itself ‘Meaning’ only lives in a signifier (meaning-giver). This text for example, has no meaning for a turtle unless it likes to eat the paper on which the text is printed. More generally: If there is no one to understand this text, then it’s just Read the full article…

11. Psyche and Cancer: No Complete Strangers to Each Other

We know very little. We certainly should not pretend. A rats’ tale In the early seventies, two researchers, R. Ader and N. Cohen, showed very clearly that there is a major role of psychological stress in the evolution of cancer in rats [10]. Others confirmed this research and recently the cellular basis of it is Read the full article…

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