Introducing Lisa (Animated Video)

May 16, 2021 Artifical Intelligence, AURELIS, Lisa, Videos (Animated) No Comments

Without further delay, in this animated video, I bring you an introduction to Lisa. [Lisa animated video – 13:15′]

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Here is the full written text.

Hi, my name is Jean-Luc Mommaerts. I am a physician, academic hypnotist, and master in cognitive science and Artificial Intelligence. I also received a PhD in medicine on the subject of subconceptual mental processing in health and healing according to modern neurocognitive scientific insights.

Today I want to introduce you to Lisa.

Lisa is not a person, but I like to refer to her as a she. She is a Compassionate, A.I.-driven, self-learning, coaching-chatbot. We will see what it all means. Note already that Compassion is not about merely having pity.

As we will see further on, this project fills a present-day huge gap in healthcare, more precisely in psychosomatics. Lisa will be an integrative force bridging the care for the body and the mind, and bringing to this also her own Compassionate coaching.

Lisa is a moving face on-screen. She uses spoken dialogue through speech recognition and text-to-speech. This way, she’s personal, but she will never intend to be a person. She’s happy to be a robot. Moreover, there will also be a male face and voice at the user’s choice. His name is Lars. Lisa is the name of this project.

Lisa is part of the broader project AURELIS, comprising more than 1000 sessions of autosuggestion, many books and blogs, online workshops, MiniMails, DailyTwinkles, and more. These tools are closely integrated through their basic philosophy.

Lisa can also function apart from these tools. She always acts from the same philosophy, which is compassionate.

As such, Lisa is an online companion who will be able to support people in many domains. She does that with specific intentions and deep insights, making her a powerful tool for many people. Lisa can go in-depth to guide and support people in self-reflection and in clarifying their own needs and mental patterns so they can grow from the inside out towards resolving their issues. The growth is essential.

These issues can be health-related, for instance. Arguably, more than half of all health-related problems need to be looked upon from the psychological side. Yet, in many cases, this is hardly done. Instead, people may be prescribed medications. These don’t go to the root problems. They only relieve symptoms.

Now, that may be good for a while, but many people want more. Some go to psychotherapists, but psychotherapy may cost a lot of money and time. Moreover, the scientific research of the highest level shows that present-day psychotherapeutic methods may not work. It is the psychotherapist who works or, even better, the client. Of course, Lisa can be used in combination with human therapy.

In Lisa’s world, the client mentally grows. Psychotherapy or coaching can support this growth. Empathy and charisma are probably essential factors in this. In Lisa’s world, no therapeutic methods are being instrumentally used towards the coachee. The coachee is not being changed but invited and guided to change from the inside out, to mentally grow.

hopefully, the future will be one with the patient central and a good integration and communication between the three as depicted.

And sure, there’s a lot to do this way. Many people have long-lasting mental health problems, such as depression, addictions, anxieties, sleeping problems, obesity, chronic pain, and many problems with physical symptoms. For instance, in developed Western countries, around 10% of the population takes antidepressants. The twelve-month prevalence of mental illness among adults in the US is about 20%. Chronic pain affects at least 10 percent of the world’s population. Each year, 50.000 people in the US die from an overdose of medically prescribed morphine. I mean, the problems are enormous.

And let’s not forget the very frequent Medically Unexplained Symptoms or MUS. How many of these are mind-related?

Lisa can be an answer to much of this, including to the last question itself.

The reason many of these problems are long-lasting is that people are regarded superficially. It’s as if wanting to grow a plant without taking proper care of its roots. That can hardly lead to success. You can start from the ground up, still, if there is nothing underneath, it doesn’t work. Meanwhile, the negation of the total-person in healthcare comes at the cost of trillions of USD. This situation is unsustainable and will be even more so in the future unless a radical solution pops up. LISA can be that solution, coaching after coaching.

The Lisa philosophy takes the whole organism, the whole person into account, as has been worked out over decades. Many insights are millennia old. Now, Western mind-brain science reveals them from a scientific standpoint, enabling us to see what works, what is congruent with science, and what we can drop. Lisa thus forms solutions that many people desperately need. These are ways to let people grow from the inside out. They go to the roots of the cause of suffering. From there, suffering is relieved through a process of inner growth.

The goal of Compassion is the combination of inner growth and relief of suffering. This combination is important, necessary even. The dual goal is needed for reaching durable solutions. There is no other way, but if it doesn’t go deep to the roots, it doesn’t work either. Note here again that Compassion is not about merely having pity. Lisa goes Compassionately towards depth in a friendly, ethical way. The ethics can be summarized in five terms: depth, openness, respect, freedom, and trustworthiness. These are crucial in their combinations. It doesn’t work without the ethics. They have been developed and refined over many years. A lot of information about this and more can be found in AURELIS blogs.

Lisa uses specialized technology of subconceptual communication to fulfill Compassion’s role, even from her being an A.I. Lisa provokes self-Compassion through a warm and indeed deep kind of mentally touching the client. In the end, Compassion can only be effective from the inside out. As to the underlying A.I., Lisa is an intelligent hybrid and synthesis of technological directions. This continuously enables ‘pattern recognition and completion’ in specifically Compassionate ways. In this also, Lisa is quite exceptional.

Lisa will be able to coach people on many domains in and outside of healthcare. Examples are executive coaching, education, mediation, motivational issues, career path coaching, and adolescent issues. This makes her attractive to end-users and also to businesses and healthcare providers. Compassion, oriented upon the total person, is the mainstay.

Through big knowledge, Lisa will be a source of real-world evidence. This is crucial for healthcare payers who increasingly demand this. In the case of Lisa, it’s also about a new kind of science on top of the usual closed-world, narrowly controlled studies that don’t always lead to worthwhile results in the real world of everyday life. Lisa will generate many scientific insights, pushing forward medical science and through which she can continuously become better in her coaching. We strive for publications in top medical journals. We can be the first this way, forever, in showing many relevant mind-body influences.

Last but not least, let’s talk about the future of A.I., which is also the future of US.

Many seek the next breakthrough in A.I. in going beyond the divide between the purely conceptual and subconceptual, toward a profound synthesis. Lisa is exceptionally well placed to bring this about.

This also brings responsibility. Compassionate A.I. is vital towards the future, soon enough. We need to think about it already now, very seriously. May I refer to my book ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.’ from 2020. In short, future A.I. will be conscious, thus volitional soon enough, not through extrapolation of present-day technology, but disruptive innovation, transcending the present. Lisa herself may be a factor in this, and if so, a factor for good. As the saying goes: Only good A.I. can save us from evil A.I. Let’s proceed with the good one.

Thanks for your attention. If you want to help in this, be sure to contact us through the website

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