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Deep Semantics & Subconceptual Communication in A.I.

An intriguing application of deep semantics lies in its integration with subconceptual communication (autosuggestion) in A.I. systems. Please first read Deep Semantics. Imagine Imagine an A.I. that grasps complex connections within a user’s semantic network and uses this to craft personalized autosuggestions in coaching. This system would dynamically learn from many user interactions, refining its Read the full article…

A.I. Ethics = Value Creation

Often viewed as a burden, A.I. ethics can offer significant value to businesses. This necessitates a specific mindset, without which it remains a burden indefinitely. Generally Contemporary A.I. can transform any issue into an asset with a positive mindset. Furthermore, if the ethical considerations seem inherently burdensome, it might be more prudent to pause the Read the full article…

The Importance of a Conceptual Ontology in A.I.

Utilizing a conceptual ontology can significantly boost an A.I.’s capability to ‘reason’ and deliver more precise, context-aware, and coherent responses that meet user needs and expectations. This blog is an enumeration of how this enhancement works out, with examples in the domain of Lisa. Improved understanding of a user query An ontology enables the system Read the full article…

Will Super-A.I. Make People Happier?

This is the paramount question — more vital than any debate about intelligence. It’s a bit weird that it is seldom put at the forefront, as if we’re more concerned about who is the most knowledgeable, therefore the most powerful. What people? It should not be about a few, as it should not exclude billions. Read the full article…

Will A.I. Become Truly Creative?

Present-day A.I. can simulate aspects of creativity, but whether this constitutes ‘true’ creativity is a subject of ongoing philosophical debate. So, what, when, how, what for? ‘Creativity’ in artificial intelligence is fundamentally different from human creativity ― and will probably always remain so. Technologically, present-day A.I. can presently simulate creativity increasingly well through algorithmic machine Read the full article…

Guided Meditation and A.I.

In the fast-paced world of today, the quest for (deep) emotional wellness leads to the fusion of ancient practices with cutting-edge technology. Guided meditation, a practice with roots deep in history, is finding a new ally in artificial intelligence (A.I.). Does this herald a new horizon for emotional wellness, fundamentally transforming how we understand and Read the full article…

Will Cheap A.I. Chatbots be Our Downfall?

This is bad. It’s not just about one dystopia, but many dystopias on the fly. Also, cheap A.I. chatbots will be with us soon enough. Their up-march has already begun. Spoiler alert: this is extremely dangerous. To bury one’s head for it is equally sad! At the start of the many dystopias lies a chatbot-generating Read the full article…

“A.I. is in the Size.”

This famous quote by R.C. Schank (1991) gets new relevance with GPT technology ― in a surprisingly different way. How Shank interpreted his quote He meant that one cannot conclude ‘intelligence’ from a simple demo ― as was usual at that time of purely conceptual GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned A.I.). At that time, many Ph.D. students Read the full article…

Friendly — Empathic — Compassionate

The conceptual differences are seldom made explicit. Nevertheless, they are huge and crucial for the future of humanity and A.I. Many people, including in high places, don’t profoundly think about this subject and implicitly act as if the differences are unimportant. Many opportunities to do good are thus unfortunately lost. Terms and concepts As always, Read the full article…

How A.I. will Change Us

At present, this still depends mainly on human decisions. It’s up to us if only we take that responsibility — now. Heidegger According to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (died 1976), technology is not neutral. It changes how humans think and behave. It even defines what we see as ‘reality’ insofar as we are able Read the full article…

Ontologization in Super-A.I.

Ontologization is the process of evolving from subconceptual to conceptual – including subsequent categorization – through attentive pattern recognition and completion. This way, a subconceptual system can form its own ontology. Natural evolution is one example. Artificially, it can be realized in many ways. PRC = Pattern Recognition and Completion. See: the brain as a Read the full article…

Bringing Compassion to the World through A.I.

This is the crucial idea behind the philanthropic project of Planetarianism as part of the AURELIS project. You can find a blog about Planetarianism here and a concrete overview presentation (ppsx for laptop) here. Concretely, it’s a set of projects aiming for this blog’s title. Compassion, basically, is no rosy moonshine. There are strong traditions Read the full article…

Human-Centered A.I.

Human-centered A.I. (HAI) emphasizes human strength, health, and well-being. To be durably so, it must be Compassionate, basically, ― properly taking into account human complexity; this is: the total person. The total person comprises the conceptual and subconceptual mind ― way beyond classical humanism and a lingering body-mind divide. From the inside out As neurocognitive Read the full article…

Will Super-A.I. Want to Dominate?

Super-AI will transcend notions of ‘wanting’ and ‘domination.’ Therefore, the title’s question asks for some deeper delving. We readily anthropomorphize the future. This time, we should be humble. Super-A.I. will not want to dominate us. Even if we might feel it is dominating (in the future), ‘it’ will not. It will have no more than Read the full article…

Active Learning in A.I.

An active learner deliberately searches for information/knowledge to become smarter. In biological evolution on Earth The ‘Cambrian explosion’ was probably jolted by the appearance of active learning in natural evolution. It was the time when living beings started to chase other living beings— thus also being chased, heightening the challenges of survival. This mutual predation Read the full article…

Must Future Super-A.I. Have Rights?

Financial rights — juridical rights — political rights… Should we lend these? Must we? Can we? This is one of the trickiest issues of all time. Therefore, let’s not rush this through. Anyway, my answer is no ― no ― no. Even so, this blog may be pretty confrontational, and I’m very much aware of Read the full article…

Human-Centered or Ego-Centered A.I.?

‘Humanism’ is supposed to be human-centered. ‘Human-A.I. Value Alignment’ is supposed to be human-centered. Or is it ego-centered? Especially concerning (non-)Compassionate A.I., this is the crucial question that will make or break us. Unfortunately, this is intrinsically unclear to most people. Mere-ego versus total self See also The Big Mistake. This is not about ‘I’ Read the full article…

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