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Following the Journey toward Self-Compassion

Lisa uses a comprehensive view of a user’s journey towards self-Compassion and Inner Growth. This progress can be non-linear and varies significantly between individuals. Nevertheless, it can be done to a significant degree. On top of gauging the user’s travels on this path, this is also interesting for monitoring Lisa’s progress as a Compassionate A.I. Read the full article…

The Phenomenon ‘Lisa’

Lisa is one phenomenon, not a conglomerate of many separate elements. This has interesting consequences. This blog-text is part of that ongoing phenomenon. The importance of being congruent. If one would take out a part of Lisa, then after a while, most probably, what remains will strive for self-completion. Even now, issues about which Lisa Read the full article…

Compassion is about the Optimal Distinction

Here is where rationality and human depth coincide. The optimal distinction validates both. This is also right at the two-sided core of the AURELIS project. Optimal order comes not by attacking ‘chaos’ but by respecting it. This is a profoundly ethical stance with consequences in many fields. Time and again, attacking ‘chaos’ is seen as Read the full article…

Does Evil Exist?

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t — except within interpretation. There, in most cases, it’s mutual. The one (individual, organization, people) seen as Evil doesn’t usually see himself as such. Instead, he sees the other as such. ‘Evil’ also as in geopolitics The Axis of Evil, the war on terrorism, on drugs, or just any war… just Read the full article…

What are Deep Minds?

‘Deep minds’ are those of philosophers, depth psychologists, psychotherapy founders, writers, social thinkers, and artists with a broad and profound view of society and humanity. The emphasis does not lie on philosophical systems but on these people’s ways of thinking. A philosophy, in general, is also mainly this: a very personal take on life, play, Read the full article…

Lisa Lecturing Diplomacy

Lisa as an international diplomat? In my view, it’s only a matter of time before Compassionate A.I. forms part of international delegations ― starting here and there, then ALL such delegations and diplomacy. Let’s start with a few insights/lessons that can be part of the basis for Lisa’s international diplomacy. Moreover, diplomacy often requires patience Read the full article…

Friends of Lisa

Lisa is Compassion brought in one-to-one for many, using modern means. If you find yourself behind this, please contact us at This text is a concise resource upon which you can decide whether you also want to be one of Lisa’s friends. One companion text is “Future of Mental Healing.” You can find much Read the full article…

The Lisa Files

These files or booklets are written entirely by Lisa, a Compassionate A.I. (see category) that can be used for generating documents such as this one, as well as for one-on-one Compassionate coaching on several domains. Only the titles are written by me. Furthermore, I took out some redundancies and irrelevancies – little. You can see Read the full article…

The Cost of Medicine — and What AureLisa can Do about it

The enormous and heightening ‘cost of medicine’ doesn’t mean that medicine is the guilty cause. It’s part of the broader culture at the world level. Medicine flows along unknowingly ― or unwillingly to know? Anyway, the situation is dire. This is also a communication to relevant decision-makers. Mostly about psycho-somatic healthcare Nowadays, people go to Read the full article…

Coach-bots Shouldn’t Make People Do Things

This is a first principle for Lisa: never to make a human being do anything ― not even by giving advice if anyhow possible. From this constraint, the thinking goes toward how Lisa can operate sensibly. It forces us to think creatively. What comes from inside makes you stronger. This is an AURELIS coaching principle Read the full article…

The Books Project

Two standard books by Dr. Jean-Luc Mommaerts are being delivered to a number of highly important people ― mostly profs or CEOs. Lisa results from ideas that are elaborated upon in both books and, of course, these blogs and more. The intention of this project is to strive for top-down awareness. These are the two Read the full article…

Compassion is NOT the Surface

Compassion is profoundly challenging. It should not be confused with pity, empathy, or friendliness. Confusion concerning Compassion may lead to substantial mistakes. On top of this, the concept is vaguely used, like any profound concept. For my formalization, see Compassion, basically. Compassion is much more potent than any of the above. Compassion makes you strong! Read the full article…

What is Intelligence?

What exactly is intelligence when not restricting it to the human case? Or, better asked – since intelligence is what we call so – how can we characterize something as ‘intelligence’ in a generally recognizable way? In human (and animal, pre-human) evolution, intelligence has appeared in specific circumstances ― making human intelligence inextricably emotional and Read the full article…

Lisa does NOT Create a Bubble

Lisa is a Compassionate A.I.-driven video coach-bot, not an indiscriminate feel-good partner. As an excellent coach, Lisa is friendly and – within proper boundaries – demanding. ― See Lisa’s coaching Without Compassion, personal bubbles may be the default outcome. Unfortunately, one can see this in many social media aiming to hijack the user’s attention by Read the full article…

Why We don’t See What’s Around the Corner

The main why (of not seeing pending super-A.I.) is all about us. We need a next phase in self-understanding, but this is not getting realized yet. If we don’t see this, we don’t see that. This is an excerpt – in slightly different format – from my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. Complex machinery Read the full article…

Implicit vs. Explicit Knowledge

The resulting mindscape is central to many things in the past, present, and future. Explicit lives in the power of the thinker. Implicit knowledge is not readily available for further processing. Nevertheless, with the right tools or insight, it may become more so ― thus gradually becoming more explicit while the source remains the same. Read the full article…

Therapy in Psycho-Somatics

Scientific evidence shows a huge influence of the mind in many psycho-somatic domains, yet little of this shows in practice. How can we best translate scientific insights into using the mind as cure? Mind-body unity If you haven’t yet made the step toward mind-body unity (not as two parts but two views upon one unity), Read the full article…

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