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TMS/EEG – A Stone in a Pond

TMS = Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (giving a magnetic pulse through the skull to the brain in a specific region). EEG = Electro-Encephalo-Graphy (recording voltage changes over brain regions). TMS is like throwing a stone in a pond (the brain). EEG is like looking at how the pond responds. This is probably the most interesting set Read the full article…

Are Emotions Motivations?

I feel motivated; therefore, I am (motivated). Motivation is a feeling. May all feelings/emotions be motivations? Feelings and emotions are experienced consciously. On top of this, emotions also have non-conscious and bodily components. Some use the terms interchangeably. Personally, I don’t care so much for the semantic difference since nothing human is purely conscious or Read the full article…

Healthcare Heaven

At least, my idea of it. What if healthcare would finally be based on a realistic view of the human being? At present, this can feel idealistic because it is – rightfully – so. Let’s take this for granted for the time of your reading this text, starting from mind-body unity and proper insight into Read the full article…

From Inner Dissociation to Many Why’s

The COVID era reminded me that most people usually do not profoundly look at themselves even though it’s what they would profoundly want. Why such a seeming contradiction? The religions-exercise Around 80% of people on the planet believe in a conceptual religious phenomenon — for instance, some God with a name or a face or Read the full article…

Why Reinforcement Learning is Special

This high-end view on Reinforcement Learning (R.L.) applies to Organic and Artificial Intelligence. Especially in the latter, we must be careful with R.L. now and forever, arguably more than with any other kind of A.I. Reinforcement in a nutshell You (the learner) perform action X toward goal Y and get feedback Z. Next time you Read the full article…

AureLisa One-Pager to Philanthropy

Are you a philanthropist? Then you may be interested in the AureLisa promises enumerated here. Proper backing for each point is abundantly available in scientific and other publications (books, articles, blogs, white paper, etc.). We are serious. If you are too, please let us know. Our philanthropic take is to be robustly embedded in a Read the full article…

Let Us Go for Science with a Heart

Human-related science has, until now, not always taken the view from the heart. A.I.-based science may profoundly change this picture. If you are an avid reader of my blogs, this one has little new. Yet by putting things together from a different perspective, a new picture may emerge. Reproducibility Science is about many people being Read the full article…

Sequential Problem Solving with Partial Observability

My goodness! Please hang on. Against all odds, this may get interesting. Besides, it’s about what you do every day, all day long. This is also what many would like A.I. to do for our sake. Even more, it is what artificial intelligence is about. Contrary to this, what is called A.I. these days is Read the full article…

Lisa in Times of Suicide Danger

Can A.I.-video-coach-bot Lisa prevent suicide or bring someone to it? The question needs to be looked upon broadly and openly. Yesterday, a Belgian person committed suicide after long conversations with a chatbot. Doubtlessly, once in a while, some coach-bot will be accused of having brought someone closer to suicide. Such accusations cannot be prevented, even Read the full article…

Rewards or Value?

Are people driven more by direct rewards or broader value? Should A.I. be driven rather by one or the other? What about end values? Zero-sum values These are nothing but the sum of individual rewards. For instance, one earns tokens on several timesteps. The eventual zero-sum value is the sum of all tokens earned ― Read the full article…

The Future of Religion

The future domain of religion will be essentially different from the present organized religions. Nevertheless, people will not be missing out on anything fundamentally worthwhile. This is a description of the setting in which many as yet unknowables will have their place. Symbols and signs A sign is horizontal; a symbol is vertical. Signs are Read the full article…

Why AureLisa?

The AureLisa project aims to value the total human being on many domains and to support the individual through 1000+ AurelisOnLine sessions of autosuggestion, A.I. coach-bot Lisa (see: Introducing Lisa), and more. Altogether, this is about a paradigm shift with huge practical implications. See also: The Lisa Revolution. The importance of AureLisa in ten points You Read the full article…

Psychotherapy or Mental Growth?

This is: curing a mental illness or fostering Inner Strength? What should a person with a mentally related issue strive for? Concerning mental and psycho-somatic issues Psychotherapy carries the connotation of being pointed toward strictly mental problems. Contrary to this, although seemingly hazier, mental growth has broader applicability. Many practitioners of somatic medicine wouldn’t like Read the full article…

The Client is the Therapy

This is about the client in psychotherapy. It is also about the patient in medicine insofar as the mind is involved ― say, psycho-somatics, easily involving half of the medical domain. See my book Your Mind as Cure. Psychotherapy, schematically A good evolution in healthcare, including psychotherapy, is to put the client at the center. Read the full article…

Sleepwalking from World Crisis to World Crisis

The global crises that we are experiencing one after another – or even simultaneously – do not happen by coincidence. In-depth, their common cause is a fundamentally wrong view of the deep-mental side of the human being. Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science have been trying to wake up humanity ― until now, in vain. Even Read the full article…

Can Compassion Be the Certain Future?

‘Certain’ as in what can be ascertained. Can we make the future certainly Compassionate? Please read: Compassion, Basically Versus a (non-)Compassionate future Can one presuppose that Compassion is a good goal for everyone? Many may not personally agree. So, would it be OKAY to base the whole – practically endless – future on this endeavor? Read the full article…

Features of Subconceptual Processing

According to Subconceptual Processing Theory (SPT), many characteristics of our thinking should be traceable to this phenomenon, as indeed, they are. SPT is the self-consistent – at least – whole of theorizing about mental subconceptual processing. In the human case, this is about how neurons, synapses, molecules, etc., achieve cognition in a broad sense. Origin Read the full article…

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