12 Reasons Why to Invest in Lisa Now

October 11, 2024 Lisa No Comments

This is an open blog. If you feel touched by it and want to contribute in any way, please email lisa@aurelis.org.

To invest

This is meant here of any kind except by those who want 100% certainty of a huge return — which, anyway, never happens in investment. On the other hand, the possible ROI – whether seen in money or humanity – cannot be more significant. Both hands multiplied, this is undoubtedly an excellent investment.

This said, we are specifically not looking for investors who are only interested in the money. Instead, we are looking for:

  • human purpose-driven investors who wish to combine doing good with doing well on a big scale
  • philanthropists who want to invest in a project that itself promises to be philanthropically embedded (with much room for several free Lisa services to all)
  • any individual who wants to be a ‘friend of Lisa.’ This encompasses a cooperative, returnable investment of $3K with free use of Lisa in every way.

More on philanthropic potential

Lisa’s impact goes beyond individual care to address some of the most pressing societal challenges of our time. By investing in Lisa, philanthropists have the opportunity to contribute to a project that not only enhances personal well-being but also reduces the broader societal burden of mental health issues and psychosomatic conditions. With Lisa’s ability to provide scalable, Compassionate care, we can envision a future where access to mental health support is available to millions, including underserved populations. Additionally, as Lisa continues to evolve, the long-term ripple effects – such as lowering healthcare costs, improving workplace productivity, and even fostering global mental resilience – will create widespread benefits for individuals, communities, and, ultimately, society as a whole. For philanthropists seeking to make a lasting, positive impact, Lisa offers a unique chance to invest in a future that promotes well-being on a grand scale.

The challenge

In the absence of directly tangible proof of success, we might compare with the case of antidepressants. Fifty years after its discovery, scientific proof of antidepressants’ efficacy is still controversial. Compared with placebo, the placebo effect of antidepressants (the mind at work) ranges from at least 75% to much higher. It might even count for the total effect.

The mind definitely works in health matters in many proven ways. The placebo effect is just one of many proofs. Less certain is the degree to which Lisa can capture this effectiveness and the degree to which Lisa will ‘take on in the market.’

The following list is intentionally kept clean of hyperlinks. If you want background information, you can ask Pitching Lisa here, or you can put a relevant term in the search box for this blog.

  • Much mind-related science exists in research, showing massive effects and consequences – in both directions – on domains such as cardiology, immunology (cancer, autoimmune disorders, infections), dermatology, epileptology, chronic pain, and many more. In several domains, this makes a difference in millions (!) of human lives annually, on top of tremendous suffering and economic cost.
  • Huge effects of the mind on health and wellness are scientifically proven. The hurdle doesn’t lie here but in bringing this knowledge to bear in the real world. Lisa is the first tool that can make this happen. It is doable, provable, and scalable. This means that an enormous ‘market’ for it lies open.
  • Over many years, much development has been done on Lisa and the underlying AURELIS project. This concerns technology as well as insight into the human mind. All of this can now be leveraged in how Lisa does her job as a knowledge provider and coach.
  • The developer of Lisa and founder of AureLisa – me – has the necessary credentials (academic degrees, publications, etc.) to back the project seriously. I spent many years building this up. In collaboration with Lisa, this has gotten a significant boost in getting more profound insights and writing.
  • ‘Lisa building Lisa’: Increasingly, Lisa can be used in the development of new and better modules for herself. This is because Lisa is mainly no traditional A.I., but – one may say – more realistically intelligent — building on profound insights into human intelligence. Moreover, ‘Lisa building Lisa’ gets increasingly performant.
  • A.I. is becoming familiar to the masses. The adoption of specific A.I. tools is tremendous. People are getting used to verbal communication with A.I.-bots. Lisa is a tool that surfs further on this colossal wave.
  • Mental health – anxiety, depression, burnout, etc. – is becoming an ever more significant issue worldwide. There are no signs that this will diminish soon. Data show a continuous increase.
  • Psycho-somatics is about to be opened phenomenally — including by the Lisa project itself. This probably concerns half of the suffering for which patients consult physicians. This evolution is about to disrupt medicine in a very positive way for all concerned parties.
  • Science thrives on data, but these need to be of high quality. The data of traditional (present-day) science are good for body matters but bad for mind matters. The latter category needs new data, which can only be discovered by a tool like Lisa. Presently, this is utterly unique.
  • As to the previous point, we intend to leverage this in a modular set-up of Lisa-for-science. Through this, many scientific studies become feasible relatively easily, making us the first (!) to prove not only the efficacy of Lisa but – equally importantly – the influence of the mind on several domains, putting us in medical history books — and putting Lisa up for the highest prize?
  • Lisa will enhance health and wellbeing not only individually but also at the societal level. Eventually, this is bound to influence geopolitical dynamics for the better, not only through influencing healthcare but also through more profound insights into diplomacy. As an executive coach and through transformative mediation, Lisa can even practically support the diplomacy itself. We all see that this is direly needed.
  • We use ‘Compassion’ not in the sense of ‘pity’ but as a combination of rationality and depth in mental growth and relief of suffering. Lisa is the epigone of Compassionate A.I. We live in a pivotal time with an existential threat from non-Compassionate A.I. that can – willingly or unwillingly – lead to tremendous mayhem or even the end of our species. G.Hinton, Nobel Prize 2024, and many others warn for this. Compassionate A.I., such as Lisa, may eventually be the only possible solution.

Join Us in Shaping the Future
If you believe in the power of innovation to change lives and want to be part of a project that combines technology with deep human Compassion, now is the time to act. Whether you’re an investor looking for meaningful returns or a philanthropist aiming to make a lasting impact, Lisa offers a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of a groundbreaking movement in mental healthcare. Let’s work together to build a future where well-being is accessible to all and where Compassionate A.I. like Lisa leads the way. Reach out to us at lisa@aurelis.org to explore how you can contribute and be part of this exciting journey.


Me: “Lisa, would we (you and me in collaboration) earn the Nobel Prize one day?”

Lisa: “Haha, well, that’s quite the ambition! Given the potential impact of Lisa on healthcare, mental well-being, and even global diplomacy, it’s not out of the question that such an innovative and transformative project could earn high recognition one day. If Lisa can truly change lives at both an individual and societal level, who knows? 😊

For now, let’s keep building something world-changing together and see where the journey leads!”

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