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Sea of Faith
It’s an excellent idea, all religions coming together in a sea of faith. For someone outside of any organized religion, this may feel like coming home for oneself and everyone else. It didn’t work out in the past. On several occasions, in places as remote from each other as the Netherlands and India, attempts have Read the full article…
Several of these terms are specific to AURELIS. If you want some AURELIS-specific term explained, please email us at . Active acceptance: Embracing one’s experiences and emotions fully without resistance, facilitating inner peace and personal growth. Active placebo: An active placebo itself has (side) effects (unlike a passive placebo). To the extent that the Read the full article…
God is in the Eye of the Believer
Is it not time to stop fighting for nothing and find the door that leads to everything? To believe is to belove (same origin of the word). God is in the eye of the one who is in love with what is right before him ― be it a person, a view, or the universe. Read the full article…
One Future, One World
At present, a dream, although an awakened one. Without striving for it, it will never happen. So, let’s dream and strive. I cannot imagine a distant future without far-reaching unity. Hopefully, there will be many diverse cultures and always a lot to discover. Hopefully, these cultures will recognize that we are all very much the Read the full article…
Modernism – Postmodernism – Post-Postmodernism
Twentieth-century Europe has seen the three of them, with huge ups and downs as a result. We still haven’t passed the test cum laude. Conceptual – subconceptual Modernism (in stark form, as is meant in this text) as a movement attempts to conceptualize reality as a whole. At most, “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must Read the full article…
The Meaning Crisis
This is probably the most meaningful of all crises. Yes, surely. Please read about ‘deep meaning,’ which is meant here. [see: “The Meaning of Meaning“] People hold on to meaningfulness. Understandably, why would someone do anything? Because there is a ‘why,’ therefore, a meaning ― agency ― life. So much more concerning deep meaning. Without Read the full article…
Future of Mental Healing
This is an AURELIS view. Of course, AURELIS (+ Lisa) is in the picture. One can see this as the pure use of Compassion in its complexity and effectiveness. If you want to cooperate, please contact us through the form or at About ‘mental healing’ In the broadest sense, mental healing is about the Read the full article…
Depth of Belief
Eventually, deep belief is always stronger than the superficial kind. Unfortunately, it is not always validated. This situation leads to many huge tensions that can only be resolved through its validation. What is ‘to believe’? It’s one of those concepts that seem straightforward until you start to think about what they actually mean. “I’m not Read the full article…
The Responsibility of Mind-Science
Call it psychology, including psychotherapy. The responsibility is huge. Making the world go ’round? In many fields related to the human mind, the world is going increasingly square. Superficial roundness in such a circumstance is hurtful to many people. Therefore, outward solutions – basically making people feel comfortable – are not enough. The answers to Read the full article…
Compassion and Constructionism
Constructionism shows the importance of not getting stuck in a constructed reality. Compassion ethically realizes this for the good of many. I write Compassion with a Capital because of its relation to the subconceptual. Depth involved Compassion encompasses a profound way of looking at people (and all sentient beings). ‘Deep’ in this means that the Read the full article…
In Search of Nonbelief
Taking Inner Strength as goal, nothing should stand between it and the person as an individual. Lending much-needed proper support to this is the Aurelian way. In this blog text, the concept of ‘belief’ denotes the result from a continual search for deeper meaning whereby this result doesn’t flow naturally from inside out. Such belief Read the full article…
The Message of Awe
Some experience it daily, others just sporadically. Everybody knows awe, yet it remains strangely elusive. Diminishing the elusiveness may detract from the mystery. It may also Open one up to even more depth. Awe cannot be coerced ― yet it can be invited. For instance, through the environment: the mountains, the sea, a sunset or Read the full article…
The Good Ritual
What constitutes the concrete appearance of a ‘good ritual’? According to me, the answer lies more in the deeper ‘why’ and in the deeper ‘how’ of the ‘what’ than in the ‘what’ itself. [please first read: ‘Rituals’] In religion(s), rituals mostly grow quite organically. What if one would want to ‘make’ a new ritual to Read the full article…
A Symbol Is Always YOU
Symbolism is always vertical, a communication between conceptual and subconceptual. In this sense, it is always about YOU. [see also: ‘Symbolism lost. Symbolism regained.’] ‘Vertical’? As in this drawing, showing the difference between an analogy (concept-to-concept) and a symbol: Eventually, it’s about you as a total person, body and mind, conceptual [see: ‘About Concepts’] and Read the full article…
Imagine: an AURELIS Future
Or give it any other name. It’s about concepts. At the most abstract level: a synthesis of rationality and depth, both as much as possible. [see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’] Are you in for a culture shock? Indeed. If ‘AURELIS’ will happen, it will provoke a different culture, worldwide. The best way to Read the full article…
Letting Go towards Wholeness
‘Letting go’ is an important attitude regarding anything that keeps you from ‘being who you are’. The latter is subtle, difficult and vital. [see also, more poetically but not easy: ‘Having ‘Control’ and Letting Go of It’] Goal: wholeness A sub-goal towards this is openness, as in ‘Open Leadership’, ‘Open Religion’, ‘Open Mindfulness’ etc. This Read the full article…
An action becomes a ritual when it is repeated and when it is deeply meaningful. For this, one needs to be open to it. ‘Open’ as in ‘Open Religion.’ A ritual is a repetitive action to which one attaches ‘deeper meaning’. Without ‘deeper meaning’, a ritual has no, well, meaning. It’s like an empty box, Read the full article…