Compassionate Approach to Guilt

We all encounter feelings of guilt at some point, that nagging discomfort arising from something we’ve said, done, or failed to do. Yet, it can also carry meaning and even hold a purpose. Nevertheless, it is responsibility – not guilt – that leads to actual growth. By embracing responsibility without guilt, we open the door Read the full article…

Mind on Heart Infarction

Throughout history, many cultures have viewed the heart not merely as an organ but as the center of emotions and a symbol of inner strength. So, how does modern science view this age-old association? Modern science increasingly validates this connection. Many studies demonstrate how stress, anxiety, and emotions such as anger or grief can profoundly Read the full article…

Why Use Metaphors?

Metaphors are an important tool in AURELIS, extensively utilized in both AurelisOnLine and within Lisa’s coaching framework. Etymology: meta – pheró (ancient Greek): to trans – fer. Metaphors transfer meaning between conceptual and subconceptual realms, serving not merely as communication tools but as profound invitations for individuals to engage intimately with their inner processes in Read the full article…

Mental Growth Beyond A.I.: Our Human Edge

This may become increasingly important in the future when super-A.I. can, in principle, do almost anything humans do nowadays. Of course, the issue is already crucial and has always been. Mental growth is intimately connected to meaningfulness and Compassion. This highlights the AURELIS commitment to growth, not as an optional luxury but as a fundamental Read the full article…

How Lisa Prevents LLM Hallucinations

Hallucinations (better-called confabulations) in the context of large language models (LLMs) occur when these models generate information that isn’t factually accurate. Lisa can mitigate these from the insight of why they happen, namely: LLM confabulations happen because these systems don’t have a proper understanding of the world but generate text based on patterns learned from Read the full article…

Compassionate Awareness

Artificial Consciousness (A.C.) is emerging as a significant topic in the field of A.I. In a world of non-Compassionate A.I., A.C. poses significant dangers. However, in a world where Compassion drives A.I., A.C. becomes crucial for humanity’s well-being. This text is mainly generated by Lisa after an extended dialogue between Lisa and me. The term Read the full article…

Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Anxiety

Here are ten original tips for anxiety that are specifically based on Lisa’s knowledge and deeper insights ― avoiding the common tips that are frequently offered. These tips, provided by A.I. coach-bot Lisa (human ratified, hardly or unedited), Compassionately align with both rationality and depth as well as with a synthesis of fostering growth and relief of Read the full article…

Societal Inner Dissociation: What’s in it for Society?

Societal Inner Dissociation (SID) can offer societies short-term advantages, especially in times of crisis or when pursuing ambitious collective goals. However, this comes at a steep long-term cost, undermining the very fabric of societal health and stability. ―This blog explores the seductive allure of SID in promoting societal unity, control, and progress while also delving Read the full article…

Societal Inner Dissociation and the Challenge of Super-A.I.

The rise of artificial intelligence, particularly super-A.I., intersects with Societal Inner Dissociation (SID), presenting significant challenges and potential opportunities. This blog is an exploration of the complex relationship between SID and super-A.I. (A.I. beyond human capabilities), examining how this might exacerbate or mitigate societal dissociation. This is part of the *SID* series. Please read the Read the full article…

‘Being Certain’ (or Not) in Mind-Related Medicine

Physicians, including me during years of practice, experience many moments of ‘feeling sure’ about a diagnosis or the underlying cause of a disease. But how sure should we be when we feel certain? Especially in mind-related medicine, the answer may surprise us. The overconfidence trap Overconfidence is not unique to medicine. It is a cognitive Read the full article…

Lisa, Multi-Layered and Dynamic

A multi-layered, dynamic system is an approach where conceptual representations are built in a way that reflects both the complexity of reality and the need for adaptability across different layers of understanding. The goal is to ensure that concepts are not rigid, static entities but fluid constructs that can adjust to new information, context, and Read the full article…

The Way Out of Societal Inner Dissociation

Strategies for addressing and healing Societal Inner Dissociation (SID) need to be explored at both the cultural and individual levels, offering a path toward greater integration and cohesion in society. This blog explores how positive changes at the cultural and individual levels can reinforce each other. This is part of the *SID* series exploring SID Read the full article…

Zen: Moving Beyond Western Mindfulness

In the Zen tradition, meditation goes beyond the realm of conceptual observation and awareness into something deeper and more profound. Zen teaches us to let go of the need to control, moving into the non-conceptual layers of the mind. Please first read Beyond Mindfulness: The Deeper Layers of Meditation. The present blog explores how Zen Read the full article…

Societal Inner Dissociation in a World of Marketing and Adverts

Marketing and advertising, by promoting superficial values and constant consumption, exacerbate Societal Inner Dissociation (SID) through external pressures to conform to consumerist ideals. The present blog explores how they often contribute to dissociative tendencies within individuals and society at large and how a more conscious and ethical approach to marketing could help reduce SID. This Read the full article…

Beyond Mindfulness: The Deeper Layers of Meditation

Mindfulness has gained widespread popularity, especially in the West, as a powerful tool for managing stress and cultivating awareness and presence. However, while mindfulness is an essential first step, it’s important to recognize that it’s not the end goal of meditation. This blog explores how mindfulness can be a stepping stone toward something deeper and Read the full article…

Issues of Internal Representation in A.I.

This is likely the most challenging aspect of developing the conceptual layer for any super-A.I. system, especially considering the complexity of reality and the fluid nature of concepts. Representing conceptual information requires an approach that honors cognitive flexibility, contextual awareness, and adaptability. The model should allow for representational fluidity while maintaining enough structure to be Read the full article…

Lisa’s Standards: What Won’t Fly

As a general principle, what is not acceptable in a human conversation is not acceptable in a conversation with coach-bot Lisa. Based on the AURELIS ethics and philosophy, conversations with Lisa should embody openness, depth, respect, freedom, and trustworthiness ― ensuring that interactions remain ethical, constructive, and centered on genuine human growth​​. This implies that Read the full article…

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