Are You Responsive?

August 5, 2023 General Insights No Comments

‘Responsive’: same concept – different appearances. Delving into nature’s ways, one can see it everywhere. Thus, it can be a natural way of life ― including for you.

In design and more

The term ‘responsive’ is used, for instance, in the design field where recognizable elements show in different media (computer screen, smartphone, watch, 3-D objects). This is different from mechanical reuse.

In a good design, the diverse appearances are all esthetically pleasing. On top of that, recognizability gives the viewer/user an experience of home and harmony. Everything ‘fits.’ The entirety feels alive because, in a sense, it is.

Good design captures this aliveness that is, of course, about much more.

Trying to capture this in some conceptual theory annex methodology only detracts. Unfortunately, this is done way too much.

Growth, no change in-depth

To be responsive, there needs to be something durable ― less changeable. Therefore, at the core of responsiveness lies not the quest for diversity but precisely unity. This unity should be so strong that it adapts to circumstances while remaining itself.

For instance, a good design can survive the advent of a new medium and still be harmoniously recognizable.

Also, in a group of people, the main appeal of diversity may lie in underlying unity and how this makes the diverse group grow toward each other and toward the formation of a robust team. No member is coerced to change in-depth.

No chaos, no clinging

In other words, flexible. Bamboo is a nice natural metaphor. With a minimum of material, nature has found in bamboo a maximum of strength and flexibility. In a way, this makes bamboo optimally ‘responsive’ to many circumstances.

Thus, bamboo can also be used by humans in many ways.

We can learn from bamboo and its uses. A ‘responsive person’ doesn’t readily end in chaos but is also not sclerosed. He doesn’t cling to one specific environment but adapts, combines, and enhances. At the same time, this person stays recognizably himself. He is authentic ― not surprisingly, also one of the basic features of Open Leadership.

Modularity ― toward intelligence

Responsiveness turns up as crucial in many fields, even somewhat surprisingly perhaps.

One of these is intelligence — including as in (real) Artificial Intelligence. Responsiveness in this shows, for instance, in how modules can interact in new ways and with new pragmatic possibilities. The modules are inter-responsive (even more so if also modular at the intermodular interface level), and so is the overall intelligence toward different circumstances with different challenges. Note that this captures part of the way toward Artificial General Intelligence.

Responsiveness also makes intelligence responsive to unforeseen elements or domains of ‘intelligence overhang’ ― for instance, at present, the availability of an immense amount of internet data.

The view of the soul

With responsiveness, it’s as if one can provide a view of what lies deeper than any specific surface layers ― as if one gives a direct insight into the ‘soul’ of the matter. This soul stays the same irrespective of how it shows itself. For instance, the designer develops his design as a window while capturing the soul and showing it head-on to the viewer.

This is art, of course. Also, it goes to the essence of beauty. May this be why we frequently find nature (not strictly being ‘art’ by itself) so beautiful?

Responsiveness additionally invites the viewer to not stop at the surface. By getting different views upon the same (soul), it’s easier for the viewer to discern it while keeping his freedom of interpretation.

I hope this always stays crucial in anything related to AURELIS.

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