(AURELIS) Autosuggestion Starts where Positive Thinking Ends

May 12, 2024 AURELIS, Autosuggestion No Comments

The term ‘autosuggestion’ is sometimes associated with positive thinking and the use of affirmations. However, AURELIS-autosuggestion is very different in terms of going much further into depth.

AURELIS-autosuggestion – further in this text called ‘autosuggestion’ – is like the whole lake (the human mind) where positive thinking/affirmations only skim the surface.

Thus, on the surface, it may sometimes look the same.

Positive affirmations can even go deep, depending on the mindset — as with any autosuggestion. However, positive thinking/affirmations are frequently used as if they work mechanically-repetitive, as if the non-conscious can simply be re-programmed or parts of it replaced, as if there is no complexity in subconceptual processing. As such, of course, they don’t reach any depth.

Since any real change is a growth process from the inside, such doings can hardly be effective, especially in the long term.

The AURELIS stance is entirely from the inside out.

This is very different from skimming the outside — another universe almost and stemming from an altogether other look upon the human being.

In this sense, there cannot be a more crucial distinction, even though in most talking and writing about positive thinking, this distinction is deemed unimportant.


Depth is an indispensable component of anything Compassion-related. Therefore, autosuggestion – in contrast to mechanical affirmations – is an excellent tool to invite Compassion, basically to flourish in any person.

Moreover, it has a dynamic internal safety valve. If the person isn’t ready for some message, this will spontaneously not lead to change. If the person is ready, then it will lead to the kind of change that accords with his momentary state of mind.

This is the most profound meaning of ‘auto’: the one of completeness.

It is not horizontal but vertical; it is not surface-level but the total person (depth).

It is not me-first, but Me-first, overlapping with other people.

It is not egoism or altruism (losing oneself) but Compassion, which is valuing everyone, including oneself.

At the gates of the subconceptual

AURELIS-autosuggestion precisely transcends traditional affirmations by fostering profound personal growth and emotional healing. It leverages the brain’s plasticity, tapping into subconceptual processes that facilitate profound, lasting changes.

Recent neuroscientific research supports the efficacy of autosuggestion, illustrating how deep, non-conscious/subconceptual processes are reshaped during autosuggestion practices. Insight into autosuggestion, therefore, also needs insight into the subconceptual.

This is where autosuggestion starts and (surface-level) positive thinking/affirmations end.

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