AURELIS Quick-Course

April 10, 2020 AURELIS No Comments

This text is for you if you have never heard of AURELIS.

Many blog texts

You can find many blog texts about AURELIS here. The present text is stand-alone.

Mental patterns

Look at a painting. What do you see? One can say ‘a Madonna with child.’ Another one can say ‘many paint molecules that are organized in specific ways.’ The subject of the painting and the ‘specific ways’ are both patterns. The former describes a mental pattern; the latter a physical one. But it’s the same pattern. Likewise, in the mind, mental and physical (neuronal and more) patterns are the same. Thus, there is no influence of mind on body. It’s the same.

In the last few years, substantial progress has been made in visualizing these neuronal patterns (also called ‘assemblies’), as well as in understanding how they are realized within the brain.

Non-conscious processing

A person is not conscious of what happens at the neuronal level. In the painting image, one cannot see the Madonna and each individual molecule at the same time. To the normal viewer, the Madonna is at the conscious level, but not the molecules of paint. Within the brain, a lot of meaningful stuff happens at the level below that of ‘the Madonna.’ Part of this is conceptual (can be clearly described); part of it is subconceptual (cannot be clearly described). The lower subconceptual levels – of neurons and assemblies of neurons – can again be clearly described but only at their own level.


So we have swiftly passed beyond two Western scientific puzzles: body-mind unity, and the existence of ‘the non-conscious.’ Thus, we have attained a view on the human being that is fundamentally different from the one upon which is based almost any Western cultural development, such as healthcare, education, religion, the juridical, diplomacy, politics. Everything needs to be revised. It should have happened already. Crisis after crisis is showing so and doesn’t get resolved. Soon, an additional and probably the worst crisis will come with A.I.

New view on human being

This is direly needed and will be realized. It will probably turn out positively, but there is no certainty in this. Moreover, it is needed today, not tomorrow.

AURELIS is an attempt to progress in very humane ways, fully taking into account rationality and human depth. Moreover, an ethical way of dealing with this is mandatory. This needs to be adjusted to the human reality as it emerges from the new view. For instance, ‘guilt’ needs to be entirely revised and supplanted by a broadened sense of ‘responsibility.’ If you think they are still quite the same, you see within yourself the work that needs to be done.

From mere-ego to total-self

When saying ‘I’, people think this ‘I’ is undeniably clear. Yet there is a huge difference between conceptual and subconceptual level, or better: between the merely-conceptual and the total human being. Not making the difference, one can live in a merely-conceptual illusion. Especially due to an overabundance of modern technology, this is an extremely dangerous illusion. It creates a lot of stress, anxiety, aggression, and also a lot of possible manipulation, whether or not on purpose.

As to mental and bodily health, the results of this illusion are detrimental without precedence. In many cases, the old-school remedy heightens the illusion, be it by way of pills or psychotherapy. This can engender a vicious circle: more problem -> more remedy -> more problem.

The future will be one of transgressing this illusion. The path towards that future may be very stressful, in addition to what we are seeing now: burnout, depression, chronic pain, addictions, etc.

So, here you have the aim of AURELIS: to bring that future to the present in ways that are efficient, beautiful and meaningful.

Is it a utopia? Then let’s go there.

Some further reading

If you want to know more about AURELIS, please find the first 2 free e-books on The first one is an introduction of basic concepts in 12 pages. The second is a set of 12 metaphors about the basic ideas. Both together: a conceptual and subconceptual explanation of what AURELIS is about.

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