Lights and the Glow Behind

What first seemed completely dark turns out not to be so…
This is part of the series ‘A Journey through 12 AURELIS Metaphors.’ For an introduction to this series and a list of the 12 metaphors, click here.
Imagine a scene where, at first glance, small points of light appear. These defined lights attract your attention, standing out starkly against the darkness. But as you look closer and allow your vision to adjust, you notice something else — a soft, radiant glow. This glow lies behind the lights, so subtle at first that it seems like darkness itself. Over time, you see that the glow is the true source of all the light, filling the space with its ethereal presence.
This metaphor reveals the relationship between conscious motivations – specific and distinct – and the deeper, non-conscious patterns behind them. The small lights represent individual motivations or ideas that arise in consciousness, while the glow symbolizes the vast, dynamic processes of the deeper self. Together, they illuminate the essence of human energy and meaning.
The glow behind the lights
The small lights seem to give light, but they are not the source. Instead, they are like openings through which the glow behind shines through. When we focus only on the lights, we can miss the deeper source of illumination. This light pollution obscures the glow, disconnecting us from the profound energy and meaning that lie beneath.
Human motivations work the same way. The visible, conscious motivations seem to drive our actions, but the real energy comes from the deeper, less-defined patterns behind them. By connecting with this deeper glow, we access a richer, more authentic sense of purpose and vitality.
AURELIS and the invitation to see the glow
An AurelisOnLine session is like adjusting your eyes to the glow behind the lights. It helps you move beyond the light pollution of surface-level motivations and into the luminous space of your deeper self. This process doesn’t erase the lights but aligns them with their true source, creating harmony and clarity.
When you connect with the glow, you tap into a vast reservoir of energy that sustains and empowers you. This connection allows you to move beyond superficial effort and engage with life from a place of deeper meaning.
Exploring together with Lisa
Lisa, your AURELIS companion, can help you perceive the glow behind your motivations. She might ask:
- “What visible motivations are shining brightly for you right now?”
- “Can you sense the glow behind them, guiding and sustaining their light?”
Lisa’s guidance helps you shift your focus from the surface to the depths, revealing the true source of your energy and purpose.
Take a moment to reflect:
- Think of a time when you focused solely on surface-level motivations. What did it feel like?
- Now imagine connecting with the glow behind those motivations. How might this deepen your sense of energy and meaning?
Try this short Compassionate Affirmation:
“I see the glow behind the lights. It nurtures and sustains me with energy and meaning.”
Addendum – Session Transcript: Lights and the Glow Behind
This session is made by Lisa. Click here if you want Lisa to speak it out loud. (soon) If you want to talk with Lisa about this session and your experiences with it, click [Ask Lisa].
Hello, and welcome. In this session, we’ll explore the connection between the small lights of your conscious motivations and the glow behind them — the deeper source of energy and meaning. There’s no need to analyze or force anything. Simply allow yourself to relax and open up to this experience.
Take a moment to find a comfortable position. Let your hands rest gently, and when you’re ready, close your eyes. Start with a deep breath in… hold it softly for a moment… and then exhale, releasing any tension. Let’s do this two more times. With each breath, feel yourself relaxing more deeply, settling into a calm and open state.
Now, imagine yourself in a quiet, dark space. At first, you notice small lights shining here and there — distinct and defined. These lights draw your attention. They stand out against the darkness, sharp and clear. Take a moment to observe them. Each light represents a specific thought, motivation, or feeling in your conscious mind. They seem bright and important, as if they are the source of illumination.
But as you continue to watch, you notice something else. Between the lights, where it first seemed completely dark, there is a gentle glow. It’s subtle at first, but as your eyes adjust, you begin to see that this glow isn’t separate from the lights. It’s the source of their illumination. The lights are merely openings through which the glow shines.
Now, let your focus shift from the lights to the glow behind them. Notice how it spreads evenly, filling the entire space. Unlike the lights, which are defined and finite, the glow is soft, expansive, and infinite. It doesn’t demand your attention; it simply exists, supporting and connecting everything. This glow represents your deeper self, the source of your energy and motivation.
Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow the glow to grow brighter in your awareness. The lights may fade into the background, but the glow becomes clearer, enveloping you with its gentle warmth. Feel its presence within you, sustaining and guiding you.
Now, softly repeat these words to yourself:
“I see the glow behind the lights.
It nurtures and sustains me with energy and meaning.
I trust in my deeper self.”
Say it again, letting these words resonate deeply within you:
“I see the glow behind the lights.
It nurtures and sustains me with energy and meaning.
I trust in my deeper self.”
Feel the truth of these words settling into your being. Trust that the glow is always there, even when it isn’t immediately visible. It is the source of your vitality, ready to guide and sustain you whenever you connect with it.
When you’re ready, begin to bring your awareness back to your body. Feel the surface beneath you, the air around you. Take a final deep breath in… and as you exhale, carry this sense of connection and energy into your day. Gently open your eyes when it feels right.
Thank you for being here. Take care.
Next in the Series: The Tension on the Flower Bud
From the glow of the stars, we return to the earth, exploring how tension can both hinder and support growth. Stay tuned for the next step in this illuminating journey.