AureLisa One-Pager to Philanthropy
Are you a philanthropist? Then you may be interested in the AureLisa promises enumerated here. Proper backing for each point is abundantly available in scientific and other publications (books, articles, blogs, white paper, etc.). We are serious. If you are too, please let us know.
Our philanthropic take is to be robustly embedded in a philanthropic ecosystem rather than just asking for a donation. For more blogs about how we see philanthropy, click here.
AureLisa aims to contribute significantly:
- to prove (through real-world evidence) the much stronger than assumed influence of the mind on the body, filling huge gaps in causal understanding of many health conditions. See, for instance, my medical scientific articles.
- to thereby be the first to prove fully quantitatively the influence of the mind on epilepsy, heart infarctions, Alzheimer, some infectious diseases… and enter medical history books. This concerns millions of people’s health, lives, and livelihoods.
- to simultaneously mend such mind-related health problems (including burnout, chronic pain, addictions, overall at least 30% of all health problems) using straightforward-in-use Internet tools: 1200+ AurelisOnLine mental sessions already available for free, a free app for acute issues, A.I.-driven coach-bot Lisa in development, etc.
- to thus pragmatically realize the consequences of basic neurocognitive science that increasingly emphasizes subconceptual (mostly non-conscious) processing, leading to an overdue, human-centered paradigm shift.
- to be fully integrated into scientific medical practice, relieving the professional burden on GPs and many medical specialists.
- to enhance Evidence-Based Medicine toward better medical science relevant to real life.
- to bring more Compassion to many sociocultural issues in a realistic way, based on science as never before, starting from ‘the pain’ and leading to mental growth.
- to bring support for a warm-and-friendly meditative lifestyle to all who strive for such.
- to realize a replicable alternative (not therapy- but growth-oriented) to psychotherapeutic conceptual methodologies which hardly work, if at all ― as robustly proved in tons of replicable science. Lisa is A.I.-driven. At the same time, Lisa is Compassion-based, thereby realizing mental healthcare based on Compassion.
- to democratize mind-related healthcare globally: mental and psychosomatic (= +/- half of present-day medicine).
- to foster the growth of an intercultural community based on Compassionate relations through the judicious use of social media in 40 languages and a website hub (DailyTwinkles).
- to bring good (Compassionate) A.I. to save us from bad A.I. as substantially described in “The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.” This will be needed soon enough, countering an existential danger for humanity. Thus, the time to act is now.
- to bring AureLisa products and services permanently for free to those who cannot afford them, eventually globally.
- to build a robust company through Lisa subscriptions and B2B products and services, embedded in science, with much co-creation, and inviting donations (money, time, energy) ― increasingly: after good personal experiences in health and well-being.
- to divulge AureLisa ideas to the broad public while building a lasting information base through books (see on Amazon), blogs, vlogging, texts on social media, lectures, articles, congresses, etc.
- to realistically promote and support Open (Compassionate) Leadership with a huge top-down impact complementing the bottom-up from many individuals.
- To generally bring Compassion to the world through A.I.
We start with chronic pain and burnout. 1.5 billion people on Earth have chronic pain according to the official definition and despite all pain relief. The AureLisa promise is to be able in due time to bring at least some durable relief at a low cost to most of them and intense relief to many.
Burnout is probably the most urgent mental condition in business worldwide. Here, doing good and doing well can coincide on a big/global scale. The AURELIS goal of ‘Inner Strength’ is exceptionally well positioned to become crucial in preventing burnout ― providing leverage for much more philanthropy.
After these two domains, we go for many other issues.
Interested? Please contact us at