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How to Contain Non-Compassionate Super-A.I.

We want super(-intelligent) A.I. to remain under meaningful human control to avoid that it will largely or fully destroy or subdue humanity (= existential dangers). Compassionate A.I. may not be with us for a while. Meanwhile, how can we contain super-A.I.? Future existential danger is special in that one can only be wrong in one Read the full article…

How can A.I. Become Compassionate?

Since this may be the only possible human-friendly future, it’s good to know how it can be reached, at least principally. Please read Compassion, basically, The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I., and Why A.I. Must Be Compassionate. Two ways and an opposite In principle, A.I. can become Compassionate by itself, or we may guide it toward Read the full article…

Why A.I. Must Be Compassionate

This is bound to become the most critical issue in humankind’s history until now, and probably also from now on ― to be taken seriously. Not thinking about it is like driving blindfolded on a highway. If you have read my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I., you know much of what’s in this text. Read the full article…

Which Human Values Should A.I. Align to?

With super-A.I. on the horizon, poised to surpass us in power, this will soon be the most critical question. The urgency to address this question grows as we increasingly intertwine our existence with A.I. Who are we, really — and how much do we consciously recognize our true nature? Please also read A.I.-Human Value Alignment Read the full article…

Data-Driven vs. Wisdom-Driven A.I.

In a world awash with data, wisdom is becoming the true treasure. Will wisdom-driven A.I. hold the key to a better, more human-centered world? Data may seem more objective or at least objectifiable than wisdom. Yet, data come with their own issues, often substantially arising from a lack of wisdom. For instance, it is wisdom Read the full article…

The A.I. Productivity Paradox

Despite many past promises, A.I. productivity has consistently underperformed at the macro-economic level. Each new development is believed to overcome this paradox. Could Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) be the missing piece? That would make C.A.I. not only the most ethical but also the most productive breakthrough toward a better world in several ways. This might be Read the full article…

Containing A.I. by Becoming Less Human?

The looming presence of super-A.I. may present an existential threat to humanity. Our defense must begin with an honest understanding of our true nature — a defense rooted in superficial self-perception risks being both ineffective and self-destructive. Containing A.I. by diminishing our humanity could be the most perilous choice, especially since we already tend to Read the full article…

Reductionism in A.I.

This is probably the biggest danger in the setting of A.I. Through reductionism, it might strip away the richness of our humanness, potentially impoverishing it immensely. Conversely, it holds the potential to enrich our humanness greatly. The challenge is ours. Reductionism Please read ‘Against Reductionism’ in which I take a heavy standpoint. This is mainly Read the full article…

Why is Compassion Important in the Future of A.I.?

Compassionate A.I. is poised to revolutionize personal well-being across many domains, such as mental health, content curation, and customer service, turning technology into a true partner in emotional and mental growth. I’ve been down with COVID for a few days now, for the first time. Mainly very tired in a weird way. One shouldn’t even Read the full article…

Subconceptual A.I. toward the Future

Every aspect of humanity is, to some extent, subconceptual. This perspective emphasizes the complexity and depth of human nature, which cannot be fully captured by surface-level concepts. Our intelligence stems from effectively navigating the subconceptual domain. This is hugely telling for the future of A.I. This indicates that Compassion will be essential in the future Read the full article…

How to Be Creative (for Humans and A.I.)

Creativity embodies the ability to generate novel and valuable ideas, solutions, and forms of expression. How to generate such ideas may be pivotal to the evolution of any intelligent being. The Sense of Creativity, as a fundamental aspect of cognition, intertwines with problem-solving and adaptation, thriving best when nurtured within an ethical framework — most Read the full article…

A.I.-Human Value Alignment

Can Compassionate A.I. be a beacon of profound values that humans unfortunately lack sometimes? The Compassionate endeavor is not about dominance. A.I.-Human Value Alignment can be seen as mutual growth, avoiding the imposition or blind adoption of values. This fosters an environment where both A.I. and humans can enhance their values, leading to a more Read the full article…

Procedural vs. Declarative Knowledge in A.I.

Declarative memory is the memory of facts (semantic memory) and events (episodic memory). Procedural memory is the memory of how to do things (skills and tasks). Both complement each other and often overlap. The distinction is not the same as between conceptual and non-conceptual knowledge. Though related, these categories describe different aspects of knowledge processing: Read the full article…

Why A.I. is Less and Less about Technology

As A.I. technology advances, the research focus should shift from mere technological advancements to a higher level of development altogether. This blog is not about philosophical implications, but about philosophy as a technological driver ― the philosophy itself becoming the technology. Currently, the possibilities are so vast and diverse that integration can be considered independently Read the full article…

Compassionate Participative Democracy

Lisa can act as a Compassionate co-participant in a public political dialogue with one or more human participants — steering clear of adversarial debate. Questions from the public (in an online group put up for the occasion) can be gathered by Lisa and mingled in the dialogue, making the event more Compassionate and participative. This Read the full article…

Inspiration is Key to A.I. Research

A.I. research should prioritize rationality as well as profound human depth (inspiration). As you may know, this is a perfect Aurelian combination. It’s relevant to much inventive thinking, arguably most of all to A.I. research. The initial phase of research should focus on thinking about the problem. No papers, whiteboards, discussions, or code – just Read the full article…

From Big to Deep Data in A.I.

Big data have fueled the A.I. revolution of the past few years. Together with compute, the bigger seems to be the better. Some fear that with a relatively limited amount of data, we might run into a wall. However, there is an ongoing endeavor to seek more information in-depth. This increasing focus on understanding the Read the full article…

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