Contemplative Language Learning
Learning a language can be so much more than memorizing words and grammar. It can become a contemplative journey, a transformative process that deepens your connection with yourself and the world. Contemplative language learning invites you to engage organically, intuitively, and meaningfully — a way of learning that resonates deeply with how the human brain Read the full article…

Haphazard or Meaningful?
Life often feels like a choice between two stark options: haphazard or meaningful. Is everything a random series of events, or does it hint at something deeper? Even in a blend of the two, each element is either one or the other. Ultimately, if we bring meaning to something, it’s no longer haphazard. This blog Read the full article…

Why Superficial Ethics isn’t Ethical in A.I.
Imagine an A.I. hiring tool that follows all the rules: no explicit bias, transparent algorithms, and compliance with legal standards. Yet, beneath the surface, it perpetuates systemic inequities, favoring candidates from privileged backgrounds and reinforcing the status quo. This isn’t just an oversight — it’s a failure of ethics. Superficial ethics in A.I., limited to Read the full article…

From Semantics to Robotics
At first glance, semantics and robotics seem worlds apart. Semantics deals with the nature of meaning, while robotics focuses on creating machines that act in the physical world. Yet, they are deeply connected. Without an understanding of meaning, a robot cannot act meaningfully. This blog explores how semantics, with its focus on sense and reference, Read the full article…

The Deeper Meaning of Semantics
What is semantics? On the surface, it’s the study of meaning — how words convey ideas, how symbols connect to reality. But semantics is much more than an intellectual exercise. It’s a gateway to understanding how we interpret the world, engage with life, and navigate the balance between thought, experience, and connection. Semantics invites us Read the full article…

Are People Parrot-Like?
Imagine a parrot repeating phrases, seemingly engaging in conversation but without understanding. It’s a curious image, one that might hit closer to home than we’d like to admit. Are we, too, parrot-like in some ways? Do we mimic without truly comprehending? The answer isn’t simple, but exploring it reveals a lot about who we are Read the full article…

Contemplation vs. Thinking
Thinking and contemplation are two distinct ways of engaging with the world. Thinking is structured and task-oriented, moving from thought to thought with clarity and precision. Contemplation, by contrast, is thoughtless, inviting a deeper connection to the essence of things. While both are essential, contemplation reaches the core of who we truly are, providing insights Read the full article…

Don’t Carry Water to Those Who Only See Stones
Water, symbolizing nourishment, insight, or Compassion, may be offered with the best intentions. Yet, when presented to those who can only see its weight or its inconvenience, the effort becomes futile. This evokes a timeless lesson of discernment, reflected in the words of Jesus: “Do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them Read the full article…

The Deeper-Meaning System
The human body contains several systems we recognize as essential to health and life: immune, nervous, cardiovascular, and others. To these, I propose adding a new one: the deeper-meaning system. Though not yet acknowledged by the mainstream, this system plays a critical role in integrating mind and body into a functional whole. In a time Read the full article…

Awakening to Subconceptual Processing
‘Awakening’ in the sense of this blog is a universal experience — an opening to deeper layers of reality beyond ordinary ‘conceptual’ perception. Although often explored through the teachings of the Buddha (literally, ‘the Awakened’), this is not limited to any specific culture or belief system. It represents a profound shift in how we perceive Read the full article…

Philosophical Modernism’s Self-Destruction
Philosophical modernism, emerging prominently in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, sought to challenge and redefine previous intellectual traditions. While it produced valuable progress in art, literature, and thought, its focus on rationality and surface-level analysis often came at the expense of depth. This imbalance eventually led to its decline and self-destruction. This blog Read the full article…

Parallel Humans ― Serial A.I.
Before diving into this blog, I recommend first reading Coarse Comparison of Brain and Silicon to grasp the foundational distinctions between human and silicon-based processing. This continuation focuses on the profound differences between the parallelism of GPUs and the parallelism of the human brain. Here, we explore what these differences mean for intelligence and its Read the full article…

Coarse Comparison of Brain and Silicon
In an age where artificial intelligence and silicon-based processors are advancing at lightning speed, it’s tempting to compare their capabilities to the human brain. Can silicon ever replicate human cognition? What are the strengths and limitations of each system? This exploration dives into the heart of these questions, revealing fascinating parallels and stark (!) differences Read the full article…

Comfortably (Self-)Destructive
That is how I see many people, swaying to the rhythm of routine and collective comfort, avoiding a deeper exploration of their true selves ― still partially conscious beings, teetering on the edge of untapped self-awareness and unresolved complexities. Comfort acts as a shield against the cold winds of uncertainty. However, this same comfort blinds Read the full article…

Will or Free Will?
Does free will exist, and if so, what does it mean to be free? This question has stirred debates for millennia, yet it often dances around a crucial point: What is supposed to be free, and free from what? In this exploration, we’ll move beyond the surface of this philosophical conundrum, diving into the illusion Read the full article…

Nagarjuna’s Twist
Nagarjuna was an influential Indian Buddhist philosopher and the founder of the Madhyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhism. Renowned for his profound teachings on emptiness (śūnyatā) and interdependence (pratītyasamutpāda), he deeply influenced Buddhist thought and practice. Nāgārjuna’s teachings offer several profound lessons that can deepen our understanding of human complexity, especially when applied to AURELIS principles Read the full article…

Will the Future be Compassionate?
The future is not a distant dream. We are building it now, piece by piece, with every decision we make, especially in the realm of artificial intelligence. The question is no longer just whether humanity will continue to exist but whether the future – shaped in no small part by A.I. – will be Compassionate. Read the full article…