Don’t Think Too Fast: “I Do Know It”

June 7, 2018 AURELIS, General Insights No Comments

AURELIS, or more generally the deeper self, is not easy to grasp. That is clear. Less obvious perhaps is that it is VASTLY not easy to grasp.

According to me, the greatest difficulty is an ego that is standing in the way.

Is it really necessary to thoroughly ‘grasp’ it? According to me, the greatest difficulty is an ego that is standing in the way.

Yes and no. For an AURELIS user it is of course not necessary to grasp a lot of it. He/she can just work on good faith. But as one takes a closer look at it, it is indeed important to acquire a correct understanding. It may seem a bit paradoxical, but

as you know more about it, it is important to (still) know more about it.

Because there is the risk of misunderstanding. And then it may be very wrong.

This may be a first reason why people used (e.g. 2000 years ago, at the time of the great mystery religions) to speak about ‘secret knowledge’. A second reason was probably that ‘secret’ has a kind of attraction of the type ‘exclusive’: so something which makes that someone is getting something that another does not have – by which he/she can distinguish from others – so which also makes him/her interesting (attractive) for others. It is human. Fun to use. Less fun in abuse.

A very wrong understanding: then I think about the distinction <purely-ego> versus <deeper self>.

“A hair’s breadth difference and you’re as far away from it as the sky from the earth.” (Buddhist proverb)

Think for example of ‘I can’ or ‘I want’ or ‘I did it’ and then replace ‘I’ with purely-ego or with deeper self … or with something that actually means one but is being interpreted as the other … In the latter case, one can take unfortunate decisions. The word ‘subtle’ is appropriate here, in the sense that a small difference of meaning can readily make a big difference in what this meaning means.

And then there is of course the mystery itself, not to stand out but to be fascinated through. The mystery of the source of one’s own self which we always can be attracted to. The mystery of the mystic who sees. The mystery of the child that does what it does just because it’s fun. It continues to fascinate.

Is it still interesting in itself to try to understand it all?

I believe so. As human beings and as humanity we are always on the road towards a future that is also determined by understanding and rationality in our decisions. Thinking and feeling, or in this case: rationality and mystery should not be enemies. On the contrary. However, if you do the understanding itself from purely-ego then it may become boring. That’s all you need! You think you know it and at the same time you realize that there really is not much to know.

Another time, place, culture: thunder and lightning were the work of the god ‘Wotan’. Nowadays our rationality talks about electricity. And so the mystery is gone…

Is this so? Why is it possible that I can still watch with fascination a lightning bolt that brings me in contact with a force-much-greater-than myself? At the time ‘Wotan’ probably made the fascination easier, but I don’t think that it was deeper.

It’s not what happens or does not happen or should happen, that makes the mystery. It is the extent to which you really deeply ‘open yourself up’ to it.

Inviting. If it comes, then it’s fantastic. If it does not come, then it is good as well. Quickly thinking ‘I get it’ includes a closing of the doors. And gone is the mystery. Gone is the repeated grasping of things related with the deeper self. This is not even an intellectual ‘already knowing it’. It is much more a doing than a knowing. In the Jewish tradition it is called ‘Das Lernen’. This is about ‘making something one’s own’ at a much deeper level.

This is nothing but a spur to see from within and to grow from within.

Time and time again.


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