The Mikado Sticks

Relaxation helps to align the sticks within you, bringing their energy together toward a meaningful direction.
This is part of the series ‘A Journey through 12 AURELIS Metaphors.’ For an introduction to this series and a list of the 12 metaphors, click here.
Imagine a pile of Mikado sticks lying in a jumble. Each stick represents a motivation, thought, or feeling, all intertwined in a chaotic mass. The pile is dynamic, constantly shifting, yet stuck in its overall disorder. Now, imagine the sticks gently aligning. They lie parallel, pointing in the same direction, their energy unified. Suddenly, the sticks have purpose, strength, and flow.
This metaphor captures the importance of alignment within yourself. When your inner motivations and intentions are scattered, progress feels difficult. Energy is wasted as the sticks clash or pull in opposing directions. But when alignment is achieved — when the sticks point toward a common goal — your energy flows effortlessly, creating a powerful and meaningful drive.
From chaos to alignment
Life often feels like a chaotic pile of Mikado sticks. Our motivations may seem contradictory, pulling us in different directions. This disorganization creates inner tension and drains energy, leaving us feeling stuck or overwhelmed. However, when you gently relax and embrace deep acceptance, the sticks begin to align. This alignment allows you to focus your energy on what truly matters, creating a sense of harmony and purpose.
The process is not about forcing the sticks into place. Force only creates resistance. Instead, alignment happens naturally through relaxation, openness, and trust in your deeper self.
AURELIS and the invitation to align
An AurelisOnLine session is like a gentle hand guiding the Mikado sticks within you. It doesn’t rearrange them forcefully but creates the conditions for alignment to happen organically. By reducing inner tension and fostering acceptance, AURELIS helps you align with your deeper motivations, unlocking a flow of energy and clarity.
This process allows your total self to work together harmoniously, directing energy toward meaningful goals without conflict or wasted effort.
Exploring together with Lisa
Lisa, your AURELIS companion, can help you notice and realign the sticks within you. She might ask:
- “What areas of your life feel disorganized or chaotic, like jumbled sticks?”
- “How would it feel to let the sticks align naturally, without forcing them?”
Lisa’s gentle guidance helps you explore the potential of alignment, empowering you to embrace inner harmony.
Take a moment to reflect:
- Think of a time when conflicting motivations left you feeling stuck. How did it affect your energy?
- Now imagine your inner sticks aligning naturally, all pointing toward a shared purpose. How does this feel?
Try this short Compassionate Affirmation:
“I trust my inner sticks to align. Their energy flows together, creating clarity, strength, and purpose.”
Addendum – Session Transcript: The Mikado Sticks
This session is made by Lisa. Click here if you want Lisa to speak it out loud. (soon) If you want to talk with Lisa about this session and your experiences with it, click [Ask Lisa].
Hello, and welcome. In this session, we’ll explore the Mikado sticks within you — your inner motivations, thoughts, and feelings. We’ll gently allow them to align, bringing clarity and harmony. There’s no need to push or force anything. Simply relax and trust the process.
Take a moment to find a comfortable position. Let your hands rest softly. When you’re ready, close your eyes. Begin with a slow, deep breath in… hold it gently for a moment… and then exhale, releasing any tension in your body. Let’s do this two more times. With each breath, allow yourself to relax more deeply, opening to this experience.
Now, imagine a pile of Mikado sticks lying in front of you. They are scattered in a jumbled heap, each stick pointing in a different direction. These sticks represent your inner motivations, thoughts, and feelings. Notice how the disorganization creates tension within the pile. The sticks press against one another, clashing and resisting. It’s a state of chaos, and yet, it feels familiar.
As you observe the pile, imagine a gentle breeze flowing over the sticks. This breeze represents relaxation and acceptance. It doesn’t force the sticks to move but simply invites them to shift. One by one, the sticks begin to settle, naturally aligning in the same direction. The chaos softens. The sticks lie parallel, pointing toward a shared purpose.
Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel the same breeze moving within you. Imagine it touching your own inner sticks — your motivations, thoughts, and feelings. It gently invites them to align, allowing their energy to flow together harmoniously. There’s no rush. Each stick aligns at its own pace, creating a sense of ease and clarity.
As the sticks within you align, notice how their energy changes. What was once scattered and conflicting now feels unified and strong. This alignment brings focus, purpose, and a deep sense of calm. You don’t need to force this process. Trust that it is happening naturally, as it should.
Now, softly repeat these words to yourself:
“I trust my inner sticks to align.Their energy flows together, creating clarity, strength, and purpose.I am in harmony with myself.”
Say it again, feeling the truth of these words settle deeply within you:
“I trust my inner sticks to align.Their energy flows together, creating clarity, strength, and purpose.I am in harmony with myself.”
Notice how this alignment brings a quiet strength to your whole being. You are now ready to direct this unified energy toward whatever you choose. Trust that this clarity and flow will stay with you, supporting you in the days to come.
When you’re ready, begin to bring your awareness back to your body. Feel the surface beneath you, the air around you. Take one more deep breath in… and as you exhale, carry this sense of alignment and harmony into your day. Gently open your eyes when it feels right.
Thank you for being here. Take care.
Next in the Series: Wings Versus Catapult
From the power of alignment, we take to the skies, exploring the difference between flying with wings and being thrown by a catapult. Stay tuned for the next step in this journey.