AURELIS: the Straight Line

Straight to the goal: a synthesis of warm rationality and serious depth. Prospects: all sentient beings.
At the same time: a long and winding road.
The ‘straight line’ is meant to be as straight as possible. Then, life comes along with any number of constraints and (im)possibilities. One can do one’s best. That is not necessarily THE best, due to personal insufficiencies and environmental factors.
In the case of AURELIS, all kinds of things have happened until now. Still, as you notice, the development hasn’t finished. With some help, it will not end soon. Maybe never.
Who knows.
Straight line: up-stream if needed.
AURELIS is daring. I hope it will always be. Even in difficult situations, the line has hardly been bent for convenience sake until now. This is a fundamental choice. One might posit that the way towards success is paved by possibilities to enhance the cause.
That’s true.
However, if one bends, then the cause may be bent also. It may become… a different cause, which is not the intention. The cause of AURELIS has been distilled over the years [see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’]. It is quite clear. Also, there is a clear need for this. The choice to pursue it is fundamental.
The strength of the straight line
is dependent on people who, as a group, are ready to ‘go for it’. Daring to be bold.
The strength also lies in clear-cut communication: this is what we are. This is where we want to go. This is what we stand for and want to take risks for.
Choosing for this in a whole-hearted manner also gives strength. There is no turning back, the only way is forward. The energy points forward. It’s the only viable option.
So what are we waiting for?
This is human being, as a whole.
No nice talking for the talking. AURELIS is meant to ‘go for the complete human being’. An upgraded humanism, one might say. One that takes into account all we know about the complete human being [see: “Why Humanism Needs AURELIS”].
Proceeding on this specific road, any other road may even seem increasingly absurd.
An invitation to you, dear reader
It is on this line that we want to take people along. Anybody can be certain that we keep walking on this line.
Choosing to support AURELIS (and yourself) is choosing for this line.
We hope you come along.